moody's corporate default and recovery rates 2020 pdf
This also followed the issuer's missed $65.6 million principal payment on its 8.375% unsecured notes due on May 10, 2020. On Sept. 21, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered the long-term issuer credit rating on Norway-based oilfield services provider PGS ASA to 'SD' from 'CCC' after it missed a principal repayment. The default rate for all Moody's-rated corporate issuers rose to 5.4% at the end of 2009 from 2.0% at year-end 2008. Historically, nonfinancial defaulters tend to have a much smoother and shorter path to default (see chart 12). On Sept, 24, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Switzerland-based automobiles and components manufacturing company Garrett Motion Inc. to 'D' from 'B' after the issuer filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. On Aug. 26, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Virginia-based travel assistance provider KCIBT Holdings L.P. to 'SD' from 'CCC+' after the issuer deferred a cash interest payment on its second lien-term loan. On July 27, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on New York-based party goods retailer and wholesaler Party City Holdings Inc. to 'SD' from 'CC' after the issuer completed a distressed exchange, at 33.5% of par value for the debt exchanged. *Fallen angels that survived to Jan. 1 of the year after they were downgraded. This report does not constitute a rating action. Earlier, on March 19, 2020, we lowered the issuer credit rating on Libbey to 'CCC' from 'B-' on constrained liquidity and less likelihood of refinancing its term loans. On April 14, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Chicago-based printing and digital media company LSC Communications Inc. to 'D' from 'CC' after the issuer filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. In turn, this can result in a relatively fast descent into default (see chart 11). We deem 'D', 'SD', and 'R' issuer ratings to be defaults for the purposes of this study. On Jan. 13, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on paper manufacturer Lecta S.A. to 'SD' from 'CC' after failing to pay the interest of 3.8 million due November 2019 on its 225 million senior secured floating notes due 2020. In our view, continued supply-demand rebalancing will be necessary to slow wage . As an example, the standard deviation applied to the seven-year weighted average global Gini ratio in table 2 (5.3%) was calculated from the time series of all available seven-year Gini ratios by cohort. Defaults are much less frequent for financial services companies than for nonfinancials, which can allow outliers to bias the averages. With the region moving to promote disintermediation, this share of speculative-grade issuers could continue to grow. On Oct. 30, 2020, S&P Global Ratings raised the issuer credit rating to 'CCC+' from 'SD' following the completion of the distressed exchange. On June 5, 2020, we withdrew our ratings on the issuer. Note: Numbers in parentheses are weighted standard deviations, weighted by the issuer base. Selective defaults accounted for just over half of all defaults in 2020. On Feb. 14, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Kansas-based Pizza Hut restaurants franchise operator NPC International Inc. to 'SD' from 'CCC-' after the company decided not to make interest payments due Jan. 31, 2020. Issuers rated 'AAA' were still rated 'AAA' one year later 87.1% of the time, while issuers rated in the 'CCC'/'C' category retained those ratings just 43.1% of the time. On Sept. 14, 2020, we withdrew the issuer credit ratings on the company at its request. On Dec. 2, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Houston-based oil and gas exploration and production company Callon Petroleum Co. to 'SD' from 'CC' following a distressed exchange wherein it exchanged US$217 million of new 9% second-lien notes due 2025 for US$389 million of its existing unsecured notes. S&Ps opinions, analyses and rating acknowledgment decisions (described below) are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities or to make any investment decisions, and do not address the suitability of any security. The median rating for all recently defaulted entities was solidly in the speculative-grade category in the seven years preceding default, and for all of that period, it was at least one notch below that of the long-term equivalent. Therefore, every update revises results back to the same starting date of Dec. 31, 1980, so as to avoid continuity problems. As has been the case for an extended period, the leisure time and media sector has by far the highest proportion of speculative-grade ratings, with 83.3% of its issuers in this rating category in 2020. Multiyear transitions were also calculated for periods of two up to 20 years. We subsequently withdrew the issuer credit ratings at the issuer's request. On March 3, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Texas-based oilfield services provider Pioneer Energy Services Corp. to 'D' from 'CCC-'. Earlier, on June 9, 2020, we withdrew the issuer credit ratings at the issuer's request. We would include this hypothetical company in the 1987 and 1988 pools with the 'BB' rating, which was the rating on the issuer at the beginning of those years. The transaction was viewed as distressed because lenders got less than they were originally promised. On May 25, 2020, S&P Global Ratings withdrew its credit ratings on the issuer. On June 25, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Houston-based exploration and production (E&P) company W&T Offshore Inc. to 'SD' from 'CCC+' following the company's announcement that it repurchased about $72.5 million of its second-lien notes due 2023, about 10% of its total year-end 2019 long-term debt, for roughly $23.9 million, or an average 33% of par value. On July 1, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on California-based oil and gas exploration and production company California Resources Corp. to 'D' from 'CC'. On Dec. 2, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on U.K.-based payroll software provider Zellis Holdings Ltd. to 'SD' from 'CCC+'. On July 20, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its issuer credit rating to 'D' from 'SD' after the company filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. On Aug. 17, 2020, we withdrew the rating on the company at its request. Nearly 88% of sovereign ratings were unchanged in 2021, and this was the . On Oct. 9, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Brazil-based telecom operator Oi S.A. to 'SD' from 'CC' after the issuer announced that the judicial court ratified the amendment to the company's judicial reorganization plan, which was approved by the majority of its creditholders on Sept. 8, 2020. On June 24, 2020, we raised the credit ratings on the issuer to 'CCC+' from 'SD' after it extended the maturities on all its loans to 2021 and 2022, which helps CSM maintain liquidity for its operation over the next 12 months. On June 20, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Cary, N.C.-based information technology and business skills learning solutions provider GK Holdings Inc. to 'D' from 'CC' as the company did not make the interest payments due March 31, 2020, on its revolver and first- and second-lien term loans. The key model inputs Moody's uses in its analysis, such as par, rating factor, and the recovery rate assumptions, are based on its published methodology and could differ from the trustee's reported numbers. S&P Global Ratings does not require all issuers with rated debt to have an issuer credit rating. The issuer reached an agreement with 78% of its intellectual property notes lender and 71% of its term loan lenders to exchange around US$1.65 billion of debt for equity. On Jan. 22, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Spanish olive oil bottler Deoleo S.A. to 'SD' from 'CC' after a majority of shareholders agreed for restructuring of its syndicated debt. Data provided in table 13 also differ from default rates in table 24 owing to the use of the static pool methodology. It is expected to reduce debt by US$500 million. On Dec. 7, 2020, S&P Global Ratings raised the issuer credit rating to 'B-' from 'SD' on improved liquidity with constraints from high leverage. Default activity in 2020 did increase, but to a lesser extent than recent recessions (see chart 1 and table 1). Sources: S&P Global Ratings Research and S&P Global Market Intelligence's CreditPro. Default, Transition, and Recovery: 2020 Annual Global Corporate Default And Rating Transition Study, China's Local Governments Are Shedding Their Ties To Struggling SOEs, Instant Insights: Key Takeaways From Our Research, Research Update: Dexus Wholesale Property Fund Outlook Revised To Stable From Positive On Merger Completion; 'A' Ratings Affirmed, Scenario Analysis: Higher Rates Threaten The Credit Quality Of 13 EMEA Retail And Restaurant Companies. Each static pool is followed from that point forward. Investment-grade ratings are proportionately more prevalent among financial services companies as well (relative to nonfinancials). The proposed reorganization involves the company eliminating more than half of its debt and transferring up to 97% of its equity to lenders. Export PDF Export CSV Email . On Dec. 22, 2020, S&P Global Ratings raised its issuer credit rating to 'CCC+' from 'SD'. Globally, speculative-grade issuers constituted 50.3% of rated corporate issuers at the end of 2020, whereas at the end of 2019, speculative-grade ratings represented 49.9% of global ratings (see chart 22). Crew Group Inc. to 'D' from 'CCC-' following the company's announced petitions filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. On Nov. 9, 2020, we withdrew the issuer credit ratings on the company at its request. Default, Transition, and Recovery: Growing Strains Could Push The U.S. Speculative-Grade Corporate Default Rate To 4% By December 2023. The issuer is still under high execution risk after its Chapter 11 filing in 2019. On Dec. 8, 2020, S&P Global Ratings raised the issuer credit rating to 'CCC+' following debt repurchases. Earlier, on March 21, 2020, we lowered our issuer credit rating on GNC to 'CC' from 'CCC+' and placed all ratings on CreditWatch with negative implications as the company announced that it did not expect to have sufficient cash flow from operations to repay its convertible senior notes and tranche B-2 term loan due. The company issued new money debt of about US$155 million and released another US$492 million of preferred stock to lenders who contributed new money. The eligible holders of second-lien notes received 97.5 cents on the dollar of the principal amount, whereas first-lien notes holders received 90 cents on the dollar of the principal amount. On Oct. 7, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Massachusetts-based foodservice equipment and supplies distributes TMK Hawk Parent Corp. to 'SD' from 'CCC' after the issuer completed a recapitalization transaction and issued a new US$120 million super-priority first out term loan, which was provided by a majority of its first-lien lenders. The majority (94%) began the year rated in the 'B' or 'CCC'/'C' category (57% 'CCC'/'C' and 37% 'B'). On June 18, 2020, we raised the issuer credit rating on Forum to 'CCC-' from 'SD', reflecting our forward-looking opinion on its creditworthiness.
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