
how much did coal miners get paid in the 1980s

Lists single-unit prices for barbital, benzoyl peroxide, benzocaine, aspirin, quinoline, and more, showing proprietary and coined drug names. Includes clam, lobster, oyster industries and more. Source: Report of the Salary survey commission to the Pennsylvania General assembly, 1929. Wages shown in 1930 US dollars. An open flame provided the only light, and the cloth cap barely kept lamp soot away. A Day in the Life of a West Virginia Coal Miner Literary Hub Table 41 in this source shows the average salary for all teachers in elementary and secondary schools in New York state, not including NYC. Source: BLS Monthly labor review, Oct 1927, Shows the average daily wages for 14 different occupations in the Florence district. 5-6. Source: U.S. Congressional Serial Set vol. Source: U.S. Dept of Agriculture. Chart shows median wages of women employed in Philadelphia households as chambermaids, cleaners, cooks, waitresses, laundress, seamstress, and children's nurses (nannies.) Salary data for teachers, principals and school administrators in New York City, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago and Kansas City. Lengthy article reports how much educators earned in Illinois' high schools in 1920-1921. Between 12th and 14th Streets NOTE: Forhouseholdincome data for 1929, we recommend a1934 Brookings Institution report titled America's Capacity to Consume. 514. Shows wages and hours of workers in the cotton industry over a 23 year period. The following is from James Greens The Devil is Here in These Hills. Data gathered by the National Industrial Conference Board (a group of industry associations) which used European government publications for information. Source: BLS, Shows the earnings over different times for both government employees and manual workers in Hamburg. BookTok is Good, Actually: On the Undersung Joys of a Vast and Multifarious Platform, Seven Crime Novels Centered Around Musicians Out in 2023, Arlington Road: The Conspiracy Thriller That Foresaw the Spread of Far-Right Extremism in America, If you want to laugh, watch this Mitchell and Webb sketch about inviting Shaggy and Scooby Doo to a party, Uncrackable: 5 Films Featuring Devilishly Difficult Heists. Shows average wages by industry in both rubles and US currency. Source: BLS. Working in coal mines is dangerous miners have to deal with toxic . It provided a $1.20-a- day wage increase effective Jan, and an increase of 80 cents a day beginning April 1, 1959. Prices are shown in Spanish pesetas. Eventually, his sons and grandsons also worked in the mines. Source: BLS. Discussion covers the history of minimum wage legislation in Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Canada, South Africa, Mexico, France, Norway, Argentina, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Uruguay, Hungary, Poland, Italy, and Rumania (Romania) up to 1928. Sometimes they hired guards or brought in government troops to maintain order and control strikers. Source: BLS, Shows the hourly wages for men and women in Finnish unions. Shows the average monthly wages of multiple occupation in the Alaskan fishing industry. Sporting goods: The craftiness and deftness of the best colliers was most evident when they performed the riskiest task of all. Union wages by occupation and city, 1922-1928, Women's median wages by state and industry, 1910s-1920s, Cigarette packs - Average retail price by brand, 1929, Average college expenses and tuition by institution, 1928, Family budgets by income group, 1918-1930,, Common labor - Average entrance wage rates, 1926-1934, Union wages by occupation and city, 1920-1921, Steam fitters' and sprinkler fitters' helpers, Structural-iron workers: finishers' helpers, Union wages by occupation and city, 1929-1930, Captains, masters, mates, pilots, and engineers, Maintenance-of-way employees: Gang foremen, Maintenance-of-way employees: Assistant gang foremen, Maintenance-of-way employees: Iron workers, Maintenance-of-way employees: Masons, bricklayers, and plasterers, Maintenance-of-way employees: Section laborers, Maintenance-of-way employees: Crossing and bridge flagmen and gatemen, War and postwar wages, prices, and hours, 1914-23 and 1939-44, Urban Negro weekly earnings by sex and occupational class, 1925, Negro wages by occupation - Chicago, 1920, Teacher salaries by race - North Carolina, 1922, Teacher salaries by race - Texas, 1925-1926, Accountants, auditors, bookkeepers, etc. Source: BLS. Wages are shown in both US and English currency. 365-372. Wages are shown in German marks. TRANSPORTATION Before the 1920s most miners were independent contractors. Source: BLS. Shows salaries for sevenoccupations inpolice departments of 25American cities. Coal mine owners and superintendents rarely went underground. Under other circumstances, mine tops fell without warning. $32k - $76k. Wages are shown in German marks. Source: BLS. Source: BLS. Includes breakouts by state, source of income, and more. 1920, Wages by occupation - Manchuria, 1920-1921, Daily and monthly wage earnings - Soviet Union, 1926-1927, Average yearly wages in the Soviet Union, 1929-1932, salaries paid school teachers throughout Russia, seldom exceed 12 rubles per month in late 1923, Agricultural wages - Switzerland in 1914, 1921, 1930, Earnings and prices - Switzerland, 1920-1921, Wages in Great Britain, France and Germany (with addendum for Switzerland), Minimum wage legislation in various countries, Comparative wage rates in the U.S. and in foreign countries, 1927, Wages paid on steamships by country and occupation, 1922, wages paid to Chinese and Lascar (Indian or southeast Asian) employees, Farm family incomes in Wake County, North Carolina - 1926, Foods - Average retail prices over time, 1923-36, Foods - Average retail prices across 39 cities, 1920-1928, corn meal, rice, potatoes, granulated sugar, coffee and tea, onions, navy beans, prunes, raisins, canned salmon, evaporated milk, margarine, lard, oats, corn flakes, wheat cereal, macaroni, canned baked beans, canned corn, canned peas, canned tomatoes, bananas, oranges, Food price averages for each year from 1890-1970, Cigarette, cigar and rolling papers - Los Angeles, 1921, Farm houses in Iowa - Value and size, 1923, Sears homes with costs to build, 1908-1939, Cost of materials to build a Sears home, ca. Total Pay. The deal, brokered by. Source: BLS, Shows the retail prices of foodstuffs and other staple goods in the Mexican capital. Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wage in both yen and US dollars. Shows starting salary and increases granted based on marital status and number of children. Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Source: "Income of Lawyers, 1929-1948" in the August 1949 issue of. Wages are expressed in both foreign currency and dollars. of Agriculture report. As former miner Gary Bentley of Kentucky remarked in a recent New York Times article, Its not going to make a comeback. Musical instruments: In the hand-loading era, an underground miners workplace, usually called a room, was only as high as the coal seam. Data is broken out byoccupation, sex and district. Wages are shown in 1930 US dollars. Conversely, a dollar earned in 1928 had the same buying power as abut $15 in the year 2020. Constitution Avenue, NW Shows data for unskilled male laborers in each of 13 industries, as well as an overall average. Mostly covers manufacturing industries (tobacco was prominent), but there is some data for women who worked in mercantile stores, 5-and10-cent stores, and in laundries. China's worst coal mine disasters - The China Project Income statistics of full time professional women were published in study by the Association of Business and Professional Women. 285, Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. Firedamp, described as the monster most dreaded by the practical miner, could explode if ignited by sparks or powder blasts, which would send fires raging through mine shafts with hurricane force. The US Coal Industry in the Nineteenth Century There was little prospect then that coal would be in demand as it is today or that the daily wage of miners would be multiplied 8 to 10 times by 1974. Shows data on the number of nursing school graduates from 1880 to 1929 as well as salary information. When he lit the fuse, the lead miner hollered, Fire in the hole, and scuttled out of the room with his buddy. The carpenters, mechanics, mule skinners, and other mine employees, who enjoyed no such latitude, were known by pit-face miners as company men. By contrast, the pit-face miners saw themselves as autonomous workmen who labored for themselves as well as for the company. This source lists actual salaries paid to administrators in various lines of business. Source: Monthly price list for Ralph's Grocery Company, which sold only in the Los Angeles area. Wages are shown in Mexican pesos. A Latvian immigrant and devout member of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Old Believers, Michael Simon wore this cross as he labored in Pennsylvania coal mines. Frank Keeney left no account of how he felt the day he entered the mine portal, but one imagines the dread that might have accompanied a ten-year-old boys first trip into the hole. Shows average value per acre for all real estate with buildings, and the value of land alone, by county, for six states: MA, CT, RI , ME, VT and NH. Shows price list of one California retailer. Workers, Kohinoor mine, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, 1884, Managers, Kohinoor mine, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, 1884. Chart indicates hourly earnings ranges for piecework at automobile manufacturing companies in Germany. Lists annual pay for individuals occupying administrative and supervisory positions in the executive and judicial branches. Under these terms, a hard worker could earn $2.00 for ten to twelve hours of labor, if the work was steady. Green miners like Frank Keeney also learned that surviving underground required men to depend upon each other and to honor the wisdom of the most experienced men. Some New York City teacher and principal salaries are shown on the following page in Table 42. Email: The industry has been in slow decline ever since, compounded along the way by the rise of steam engines, mechanized extraction methods, and competition from oil and natural gas, and now renewable energy. Covers the states of NH, VT, MA, CT, KY, SC, AL, MO, KS, IA and OH. Lists wages paid to auto mechanics, office workers, window cleaners, barbers and hairdressers, bartenders in saloons, domestic servants, people working in social agencies, and more. In 1923, there were about 883,000 coal miners; today there are about 53,000. By the 1940s, the United Mine Workers union had established better wages and somewhat safer conditions for miners, though a contentious relationship between workers and bosses persisted. $20.00 per week. After checking in, they climbed up a steep trail from the office to the portal of a mine. Average weekly earnings of male and female workers in the British cotton industry are shown at four periods of time in 1924. Includes both land and buildings. Source: BLS, Shows the daily wages of masons, carpenters, stonecutters, painters, shoemakers, and tailors in each of the provincial capitals of Spain. Source: Chicago Commission on Race Relations report. Nothing was the answer, nothing but the miserable life he and his family endured living inrented shanties hard on the railroad tracks. But Appalachian coal production peaked in 1918. Took into account additional sources of income for farm families, such as income derived from animals or investments. Montgomery Ward catalog shows prices of radios and radio supplies on 60+ pages. 2-4. $15 - $30. Children's: Shows data for Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroitand otheradditional cities on pages5-9. Immigrants in southern West Virginia comprised some 25 nationalities, including Italians, Hungarians, Poles, Austrians and Russians. Wages are listed in Mexican currency with exchange rate for calculating amounts in U.S. dollars. Wages shown in contemporary US dollars. By law, judges earned 1,500 per year. Prices are shown in Latvian rubles. Shows the standard wages for different shift at ports in Antwerp, Belgium. Issues of Telephone engineer & management detail rates for telephone service in many states. 45-57. Shows mining wages in Alabama, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Source: BLS, Shows the average wages for an 8 hour work day in Riga within various industry groups. Infant's: Compares to national averages. Police department personnel salaries and wages. 90%. Processing plants called breaker buildings were symbols of pride for mine communities. Industrial home work was most common in clothing manufacturing and tobacco industries (rolling cigars, etc.) Its an era of company town labor we are not likely to see return as automation and renewable energy continue to render these kinds of occupations obsolete. Describes the labor policy of Canada in the 1920's and throughout the rest of the early 20th century. Shows the changes in wages of united Illinois coal miners following a labor agreement. Source: Cost of living and family expenditures in Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin #682, chapter 9: "Monthly earnings of professional engineers," pp. Discusses household expenditures for electricity, and estimates the number of homes that had various electrical appliances (radios, refrigerators, irons, etc.) The lack of market for coal during the depression had stepped in to push aside both miners and operators as principals in collective bargaining. Safety sign in eight languages, about 1910. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin, no. Still he ventures to be brave. Self-respecting craftsmen were even known to stop working when a foreman came by to inspect their room. Coal miner Bill Keating composed the ballad Down, Down, Down to break my loneliness and to show my mule I was in a friendly mood., President John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers, convention badge, 1936. Wages are shown in 1931 US dollars. Source: BLS Source: BLS, See fairly comprehensive coverage of this topic in Appendix 23, "Charges for various kinds of medical services" in, Fee schedules established by the Ohio State Medical Association for. See the. Source: BLS. Telephones, radios, cameras, kitchen ranges, home electric appliances, record players, music records, sewing machines, fabrics, clothes washers, laundry supplies, vacuum sweepers. Shows the average weekly earnings by industry and occupation. Wages are shown in Danish ore. Source: This source is entirely about compensation of state and local government employees in New York. Acquiring a sense of humor helped mask a workers dread of the mine, but joking was no substitute for learning how to be careful. Includes breakouts for those who lived with the family and those who did not. Table shows average cost to rent houses by the number of rooms in each of 25 New Zealand cities and towns. The mine was run by the Japanese, who had occupied the area, along with the rest of the puppet state of Manchukuo, using prisoners of war or poorly-paid Chinese locals as their miners. Source: BLS, The explanation states: "real wage rates have been computed by the Statistical Office on the basis of the official German cost-of-living index. Prices are shown in German marks. Wages are shown in Dutch guilder. View object record Miner's hat, about 1930 Stealing another mans coal was considered a terrible crime. A thief could commit this offense easily, simply by removing one miners brass check from his coal car and replacing it with his own; but the miners often detected this kind of trickery and banded together to demand the thiefs termination. Recognizable name brand items in the price lists include Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Quaker Oats, Cream of Wheat, Hershey's Cocoa, Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, Mazola Oil, Wesson Oil, Coleman's Mustard, Post Toasties, Morton's Salt, Knox Gelatin, Sun Maid Raisins, Palmolive soap, Log Cabin syrup, Del Monte canned goods, Heinz ketchup, Gold Medal flour, Carnation Milk, Life Savers candy, Bon Ami scouring powder, Lucky Strike cigarettes, Camel cigarettes, Scott Tissue toilet paper, and many other brand name items. Shows the average daily wages of various occupations in Athens and Piraeus. Shows average public employee pay for each state. Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wages for workers in different occupations in French coal mines. Shows the average weekly hours and hourly wages for workers in the boot and shoe industry. From. Managements steam whistle now set the times. Shows average dollar amount spent annually in categories such as food, clothing, maintenance of health, personal goods, furniture and more. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review (June 1931), Shows the average hours and daily wages of various workers in quarries, sawmills, and many other industries throughout Virginia. 2012-08-05 00:38:00. The survey covered 114 different cotton mills in 12 different state, and generally divides tables by occupation, sex, and year or occupation, sex, and state. With industrialization, workers lost control of when to start, eat, and end their day. Source: Median wages for butlers, chauffeurs, gardeners, furnace men and "house men" employed to work in private households in Philadelphia in the late 1920s. Others opened large wooden doors just before speeding cars passed through. Gasoline cost an average21.7 per gallon in 1929. Wages are in contemporary US dollars. Some stopped the cars by jamming pieces of wood into the spokes. Prices shown in marks. Shows the daily wages of Chilean miners between 1911 and 1924 in both pesos and the U.S. dollar. Shows wages paid on American, Belgian, British, Danish, Dutch, French, Spanish and Swedish cargo ships, by occupations including seamen, engineers, first mates, second mates, radio operators, boatswains, firemen, coal passers, stewards, cooks, waiters, messmen, mess boys, carpenters, deck engineers, quartermasters, store keepers, donkey men, and more. Shows the average daily wages of Japanese and Chinese workers in various occupations for the South Manchuria Railway Co. Wages are shown in both contemporary yen and US dollars. Discusses doctor and hospital fees as well as related expenses such as home nursing care. Mine foremen attempted various forms of industrial discipline to maximize productivity, but in the early 1900s, coal miners experienced little of the supervision foremen and factory managers imposed on workers; in fact, veteran colliers often became surly when a mine foreman came by their place on his little scooter to check on them. College professor salaries, 1928 (Source: AAUP report). Source: Howard University, States "the average student probably spends about $700 per year for a college education" and shows, This source shows the cost of funerals and burial in 18 states and in 10 major cities. Source: U.S. Dept. Source: BLS, Shows the average daily or monthly wages for various occupations in 5 different cities in Brazil. Shows the daily wages of various common and low-skill occupations like building laborers, canners, and rice mill workers throughout the state. This website does a good job of organizing a complex topic. Each table is for a different New Zealand city. Kitchen: These figures are shown by occupation, sex, and region. Prices are shown in either contemporary US dollars or Chinese coppers. From, Average monthly wages by state,with and without board. Shows the average daily wages of workers in various industries in Riga as well as other parts of Latvia. Source: Discusses average prices American families were paying for medical care and hospital trips. Many of the reports can be found in. Shows data for 12 cities located in NY, OH, PA and MA, including NYC, Boston, Philadelphia and more. On one hand, the miners discipline and death-defying courage made them ideal industrial soldiers; on the other hand, the qualities the men forged in underground combat with the elementsbravery, fraternal fealty, and group solidarityhardened them for aboveground combat with their employers. See also "C" tab above for carpenters, cement workers, etc. Pennsylvania's investment in anthracite iron paid dividends for the industrial economy of the state and proved that coal could be adapted to a number of industrial pursuits. Wages are shown in contemporary U.S. dollars. Data available for additional years inMissouri Farm Census by Counties, Missouri State Dept of Agriculture. Survey covered only white families over a certain. Wages are shown in Brazilian milreis and contemporary US dollars. (Jack Corn/EPA) A ppalachian coal production has been on shaky ground almost since the industry's inception in the mid 19th century. Coal loaders at the face depended on mule drivers and motor men to honor the old tradition of a square turna custom through which colliers sought to control output and equalize earning opportunities by ensuring that each miner would receive the same number of cars during a workday, in the words of a mine industry historian. A standard tune in miners lore began with lyric, Youve been docked and docked again, boys / Youve been loading two for one, and asked what the miner had to show for working so hard. Dollars. This mammoth work lists typical earnings as well as job descriptions and working conditions for thousands of occupations just before the Great Depression. Shows average charge per case for appendicitis, childbirth, heart troubles, cancer, dental problems and more. Coal miners homemade prosthetic leg, about 1950. U.S. coal mining employment change by state Q4 2011-Q4 2016 ; Priced by the single unit. Shows the average weekly wages for a variety of occupations and industries in New Zealand. Miners waiting to start their shift at the Virginia-Pochahontas Coal Company mine near Richland, Virginia, in 1974. Tells cost of public transportation and railway fares as well. Red Ash mine was also the location of a disaster in 1900, which killed forty-six miners. Shows the average weekly wages of various occupations in 8 different industries in Budapest. PRICES in FOREIGN COUNTRIES, WAGES -- GENERAL SOURCES (all occupations and worker types), WAGES in AIRPLANE and AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING, 1920s. Source: Shows the daily or monthly wages of 13 occupations in the treaty port. Source: BLS, Shows the daily wages and hours of workers in 4 different industries in Madrid. Source: Shows wages, hours and earnings for mechanics, pipe fitters, welders, tinsmiths derrick men, drillers, firemen, engineers and more. Shows brand names. Engineers working for Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co. used this model to visualize the coal seams and design their mines. Girl's: In 1984 there were 174 deep coal mines in the UK by 1994 - the year the industry was finally privatized - there were just 15 left. Source: Teachers' salaries and salary trends in 1923. Source:Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis. After the top fell, they returned to break and load the fallen coal before another layer of the top came crashing down with a tremendous roar. In West Virginias colliers, miners were paid 49 cents per ton of clean coal, compared with 76 cents in the unionized mines of Ohio. Then, with their lamps casting a dim yellow light on the dark hillside, the men and boys disappeared one by one into the hole, like ants entering a colony. Retreat mining required the rapid destruction of these pillars, each containing tons of valuable coal, before the mine collapsed. FromTHE DEVIL HERE IN THESE HILLS(Atlantic Monthly Press), now out in paperback. Source: Shows the earnings per hour and week for sawmill workers over a 20 year period. 297. Every workday a panel of miners, ranging from fourteen to twenty-eight men, passed through a main entry and then turneddown a side entry. Bicycles, binoculars, footballs & basketball supplies, ice skates, athletic gear, boxing, baseball, & tennis supplies, fishing tackle, camping gear, guns. Bonus. "The sum of $4,000 will buy only a very modest home and even then it will have to be in one of the smaller citiesor in a remote suburb of a large city." Source: BLS, Shows the average retail prices of staple foodstuffs in Madrid, Spain. Report published in 1925 mainly covers wages in manufacturing industries. Some picked slate and other debris out of the coal on fast-moving conveyor belts. Source: BLS Bulletin no. In 1900 almost 2 percent of Americans were coal miners. University of Missouri, Columbia $30.30. Arthur Lewis. Source: Shows the average hourly wage of a variety of jobs both in and outside of Paris. Source: BLS, Shows prices of dozens of food and grocery items, soap, coal, wood by the cord, matches by the box and, Shows the amount spent by a typical Canadian family on food, laundry, fuel/lighting, and rent over time. Shows wages by occupation grouped by industries, with breakouts for males and females. Shows average value of mortgaged homes, average debt remaining on the mortgages and average interest paid on mortgages annually, for 68 cities of 100,000 or more population. This was the room and pillar method of mining common in the Appalachian bituminous coalfields. As the men removed one pillar after another, the wooden posts used to support the mine top would be strained as the roof started getting heavy. The wood would then creak and groan and then splinter as the miners heard the roof working above their heads and planned their retreat accordingly. Dining room furniture, silverware, dish sets. Coal Miners - West Virginia Source: BLS, Shows the retail price of various foodstuffs and other items in Prague following Czechoslovakian independence. Discussion puts wage data in context with price levels which were definitely affected by the wars. Mentions the wages paid to both skilled and unskilled workers in francs. Source: BLS. Earnings and prices are shown in Swiss francs. Besides know-how, the miners depended upon instinct and luck. White familiesspent an average $103.71/yearon medical care around 1928-1931. Retreat mining was a risky business, but at least the miners engineered these cave-ins. 467. The mine operators assumed that if they paid a worker according to the number of tons he loaded, they would foster a competitive climate underground; and in a sense, the tonnage system worked this way. Published 1921. Shows the average weekly wages of NY factory workers every month over a 14 year period. A strong, skilled coal loader might fill five or more cars in a day. The union was very important to miners. Prices are shown in Swiss francs. Source: BLS, Shows the hourly and weekly earnings of industrial wages in Romanian leu. Women's: Source: Federal Power Commission. Source: U.S. Federal Trade Commission report. Government Documents Department, Ellis Library The lawmakers apparently agreed with West Virginias Republican governor, G. W. Atkinson, who said in 1901: It is but the natural course of mining events that men should be injured and killed by accidents.. Details the prices of appliances, furniture, and more household items on pp. Wages are shown in Brazilian milreis. Shows salaries for teachers ofkindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, vocational school, college, and normal schools (teacher training academies). "In this region, I presume that a fee of $200 would be a pretty fair estimate of the surgeon's charge for operation and the after-treatment there would be between the operation and the death of the patient." Shows prices for articles of clothing sold in 35 retailer shops in twelve cities. Patterns for sewing children's clothes, stockings, union suits, toys, bicycles. He also learned not to scare the miners beloved pigeons or to be afraid of mine rats, because these creatures could sense danger coming before it struck. Teacher salaries for. Totals are shown in Canadian dollars. Even in a good week, there was unpaid work to perform: propping up newly opened rooms with wooden posts, laying track to his room, and lowering the floor of the main tunnel so loaded coal cars could pass through. 407. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin, No. Religious organizations -Salaries, 1929in. They designed complex ventilation systems with fans and interior doors to keep dangerous gases from causing explosions. Shows the average daily wages Greek workers were receiving in metal mines, lignite mines, smelting and refining plants, and quarries.

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how much did coal miners get paid in the 1980s

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