4.8 Other Committees. If a stapler doesn't meet the standards that are agreed upon, an employee in his department puts the stapler in a reject pile. "ART. Section 13. (61) Simultaneous Election of Representatives/Delegates - shall refer to the election of the representatives during the meetings held, on the same day and at various venues, by several sectors, chapters, or districts of a cooperative for the purpose of electing their respective Representatives/Delegates to the representative assembly meeting. Renewals of franchise and vehicle registration shall be granted to transportation service cooperatives: Provided, That such cooperative presents a certificate of good standing issued by the Authority, OTC, and the local government unit concerned as proof that it has continuously provided the required public transportation services. Section 2. The new company will be renamed MK Ottens Flavors. 123. After the World Cup soccer games, Puma, the German sporting goods manufacturer, increased its end-of-year sales target by $641 million. Intra/inter cooperative disputes shall be settled as far as practicable through conciliation-mediation mechanism embodied in the cooperative by-laws, which shall be in accordance with the CDA Guidelines for the Implementation of Conciliation of Cooperative Disputes, and applicable laws. The board of directors shall be responsible for the strategic planning, direction-setting and policy-formulation activities of the cooperatives. "(h) The amount of its share capital, the names and residences of its contributors and a statement of whether the cooperative is primary, secondary or tertiary in accordance with Article 23 hereof. Requirements for Renewal of CPC. Provided, that it shall not be withdrawn and should not be used in offsetting obligations whether past due or current while the membership subsists. "ART. "(4) Four (4) copies each of the proposed articles of cooperation, bylaws, and the general statement required under Article 11 of this Code shall be submitted to the Authority. (6) Associate Member - shall refer to member of a cooperative who has no right to vote or be voted upon and shall be entitled only to such rights and privileges as the By-laws may provide. Other papers, which may be required by Authority. Which of the following statements about collaboration is FALSE? The Election Committee shall supervise the election of the Board of Directors and committee members of the cooperative; and. D. Cooperative federalism includes welfare and employment programs by the federal government. For this purpose, the general assembly may opt to create an appeal and grievance committee, the members of which shall serve for a period of one (1) year and shall decide appeals on membership application within thirty (30) days upon receipt thereof. 54. Requirements. A company often identifies alternative courses of action to be taken if events undercut a strategic or tactical plan. Every Director, Officer, and Employees handling funds, securities, or property on behalf of the FSC shall be covered by a surety bond to be issued by a duly registered insurance or bonding company for the faithful performance of their respective duties and obligations. The Notice shall be served on Counsel, or on the party who has no Counsel. Exclusive and Original Jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbitrator/Arbitrator. "ART. to push out|. Rebecca Siddoway own and operate Country Candies. Philippine Standards on Auditing suppliers for each item or service best describes a: a. Establishment of cooperatives is true: true or FALSE 4 134.9 billion annually worldwide results in high for. ca Cooperatives cannot legally compete with taxable entities. In primary cooperatives, members have equal voting rights of one-member, one-vote. Such director or committee member not be a member of the cooperative and shall have no powers, rights, nor responsibilities except to provided technical assistance as required by the cooperative. All of the following statements about cooperative federalism are TRUE except: A. Section 9. Liability of Directors, Officers and Committee Members. The Authority shall issue the appropriate implementing guidelines for the liquidation of cooperatives.". Articles 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 and 95 of Chapter XI on the Special Provisions Relating to Agrarian Reform Cooperatives of the same Code are hereby renumbered retitled and amended to read, as follows: "ART. The eligibility of the Representative/Delegate to be elected as Officers of the cooperative; and. A new Article is inserted in Chapter XV on Credit Cooperatives and shall now read, as follows: "ART. Medical diagnostic equipment specialist Georgiana Rutland was asked to attend a medical conference in which the attendees discussed new uses for laser technology in diagnosing certain types of cancer. B. in U.S. territories . The committee shall: a. "(3) To provide related services to enable its members to maximize the benefit from such loans. Regular membership shall be limited to cooperative organizations which are holders of common shares of the bank. ||h. Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Authority. Membership in Insurance Cooperative shall be open to all duly registered cooperatives of all types and categories. 10. The purpose of which is not to continue the business for which it was established but for purpose of prosecuting and defending suits filed or against the cooperative, settlement and closure of its affairs, distribution of its assets. A quorum shall consist of at least twenty-five per centum (25%) of all the members entitled to vote. The amendments shall take effect upon its approval by the authority or within thirty (30) days from the date of filing thereof if not acted upon by the Authority for a cause not attributable to the cooperative. Identification of members in good standing based on the qualification and disqualification provisions in the By-laws. Loans. If they enter into aggreements with other organizations, including government, or raise capital from external sources, they shall do so on terms that ensure democratic control of their members and maintain their cooperative autonomy. The Articles of Cooperation and By-laws of any FSC, or any amendment thereto, shall be registered with the Authority only if accompanied by a Certificate of Authority issued by the BSP, under its official seal. Member in Good Standing - shall refer to one who is a regular member and has complied with all the requisites for membership. A laboratory cooperative shall be governed by special guidelines to be promulgated by the Authority.". The board of directors shall elect from among themselves the chairperson and vice-chairperson, and elect or appoint other officers of the cooperative from outside of the board in accordance with their bylaws. - The bylaws of a cooperative may prescribe a fine on unpaid subscribed share capital. His style of leadership is called: Which of the following statements about corporate culture is true? "(2) Such other requirements as may be imposed by the other pertinent government agencies concerned. 9520, otherwise known as the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008, the Authority in consultation with the DAR, BSP, LBP, and the concerned cooperative sector hereby promulgates the following rules and regulations for proper guidance and compliance of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives. Should the said cooperatives decide to exercise enhanced functions, it shall notify the Authority and satisfy the requirements for conversion to financial service cooperative.". Section 12. Alleged that senior members of a financial institution when the annual report is being prepared &. Legal Basis. Articles 65, 66. The Officers of the Merging or Consolidating Cooperatives shall also send letters by registered mail with return card to the Creditors and investors of their respective cooperatives announcing such Merger or Consolidation. "ART. Section 4. "(3) Registration of electric cooperatives with the Authority shall not be considered as a transferred of ownership of its assets and liabilities nor shall it constitute a change in the nature, structure, and status of the cooperative. 64. Amended Articles of Cooperative and By-Laws; 3. b.The cash payment to the buyer is recorded. The Board of Liquidators/Trustees shall not be less than three (3) but not more than five (5) members. An applicant for membership shall be deemed a member after approval of his membership by the board of directors and shall exercise the rights of member after having made such payments to the cooperative in respect to membership or acquired interest in the cooperative as may be prescribed in the bylaws. It cannot be implemented in the Western countries because it always benefits the supplier It requires all parts and subassemblies to be purchased from the same supplier It cannot be implemented in Western countries . (28) Equity - shall refer to the excess of cooperative assets over liabilities. 71. Section 1. 143. The committee shall: a. 12. O strong rationalis is a taxable entity, can own property, can sue and be sued, and is subject to the laws of the state in which it was formed. Privileges. A copy of these Rules shall be among the documents required to be kept ready and accessible for inspection and examination by the members of the cooperative and the Authority in accordance with Art. Section 1. 46. he has invited his parents to invest $40000 in the enterprise. Textron Corporation is establishing a legal division. Section 11. Settlement of Disputes, Conciliation, and Mediation Proceedings. Capitalization. The Officers of the merged or consolidated cooperatives shall file with the Authority the following additional requirements for registration: 1. Failure to file the required reports on time shall subject the Accountable Officer to pay a fine of Php 100.00 per day of delay. The community development fund shall be used for projects or activities that will benefit the community where the cooperative operates. Functions of a Federation of Cooperatives. Democratic Member Control - Electric Cooperatives are democratic organizations that are controlled by their members who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions. jungle (Sgd.) In all cases where practicable, the concerned Water Service Cooperative shall give notice to its member-consumers in advance of any contemplated interruption of water supply and the probable duration thereof in the area(s) affected. To gain this complete control of the various resources needed to product oil and gas, the companies had to have engaged in _____ mergers. No. 4. "(13) The appropriate housing agencies and government financial institutions shall create a special window for financing housing projects undertaken by cooperatives, with interest rates and terms equal to, or better than those given for socialized housing projects. Coverage. he has an eye for the kind of doors, windows, mantels, and so forth that decorators want, but does not have all the funding he needs to get started. Section 9. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, was known by his employees as "Bloody Jack" because of the downsizing and restructuring he insisted the company do if its various departments were unable to achieve organizational goals. Coverage. The parties shall comply voluntarily and faithfully the Decision/Award. The Audited Financial Statements as of the immediate preceding year including the schedule of assets, liabilities and capital of the merging or consolidating cooperatives; and. Upon receipt of the Final Report of the Board of Liquidators/Trustees and finding that said final report is complete and in order, the Authority shall release the Liquidators/Trustees from their duties and functions. Projected Financial Statement for five years with the following: 18. Disputes among members, officers, directors, and committee members, and intra-cooperative, inter-cooperative, intra-federation or inter-federation disputes shall, as far as practicable, be settled amicably in accordance with the conciliation or mediation mechanisms embodied in the bylaws of cooperatives and in such other applicable laws. Renewal of Franchise and Vehicle Registration. 6938 and Republic Act No. Section 7. Filing with the Authority of the Required Documents for the Registration of Division; and. 85. Section 13. Procedures. Which of the following statements is not true? "Any sum recovered on items previously charged to the reserve fund shall be credited to such fund. Itemized list of assets entitled to return as of the end of the last historical year. 134. All tax free importations shall not be sold nor the beneficial ownership thereof be transferred to any person until after five (5) years, otherwise, the cooperative and the transferee or assignee shall be solidarily liable to pay twice the amount of the imposed tax and / or duties. For this purpose, the applicant cooperative shall comply with the documentary requirements as maybe required by such appropriate government financial institution. The Voluntary Arbitrator/Arbitrator mutually chosen by the parties shall have exclusive and original jurisdiction over the dispute, and their decision shall be appealable to the Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines. No two (2) or more persons with relationships up to the third civil degree of consanguinity or affinity nor shall any person engaged in a business similar to that of the cooperative nor who in any other manner has interests in conflict with the cooperative shall serve as an appointive officer. Section 8. Financing and Technical Assistance. Henceforth, failure of the cooperative to legalize its operation within two (2) years from the date of referral to the NWRB, the same shall be considered a valid ground for the revocation of its Certificate of Registration, after due process. Section 14. 41. 80, paragraph 4, 5 and 6 of the Code, quoted as follows: "Art. "(3) Membership in the cooperative may be terminated by a vote of the majority of all the members of the board of directors for any of the following causes: "(a) When a member has not patronized any of the services of the cooperative for an unreasonable period of time as may be previously determined by the board of directors; "(b) When a member has continuously failed to comply with his obligations; "(c) When a member has acted in violation of the bylaws and the rules of the cooperative; and. 99. Therefore, she should have: Which of the following statements about cooperatives is true? Such other assistance as maybe requested by the cooperatives. 3. 119. e. Other matters relating to the internal affairs of Insurance Cooperatives. Used by consumers who are already loyal to the mean with voting fairness. Assistance for Parent Cooperative. If false, correct the statement. 24. Which of the following is a decision-making level? Definition of Terms. Withdrawal of Share Capital. Ceiling of landholding. Certificate of Registration and/or Certificate of Confirmation; 2. Dewayne Gibbons of Burger King decided to introduce a new sliced chicken sandwich without consulting any of his subordinates or the franchise. Section 3. 134 (par.2) under Chapter XVII of Republic Act No. EPIRA - shall refer to the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001. "Any officer of the cooperative who shall refuse to allow any member of the cooperative to examine and copy excerpts from its records shall be liable to such member for damages and shall be guilty of an offense which shall be punishable under Article 140 of this Code: Provided, That if such refusal is pursuant to a resolution or order of the board of directors, the liability under this article shall be imposed upon the directors who voted for such refusal: Provided, further, That it shall be a defense to any action under this article that the member demanding to examine and copy excerpts from the cooperative records has improperly used any information secured through any prior examination of the records of such cooperative or was not acting in good faith or for a legitimate purpose in making his demand. "ART. SEC. Legal Basis. Hearings may be adjourned for a valid cause or upon agreement of the parties. Preference in the payment of interest as provided for in the Bylaws of the cooperative; and. The General/Representative Assembly resolutions approving the consolidation of the cooperative duly certified by the Secretaries and attested by the Chairpersons of the Consolidating Cooperatives; 3. The headquarters, seller, and supplier of the service or method of operation of a franchise is called the: International Association of Food Industry Suppliers has completed its _____ merger with the Food Processing Machinery Association. This relationship is a _____ because their alliance will end as soon as the hotel is completed. Amendment. Section 3. "ART. Functions, Responsibilities and Training Requirements of Directors, Officers and Committee Members. They are owned by shareholders. Unless otherwise provided in the By-laws of the Electric Cooperative, the term of office of the members of the Board shall not exceed two (2) years, however, they shall be eligible for re-election. Which of the following statements is true about Registration Options. Every cooperative shall determine its net surplus at the close of every fiscal year and at such other times as may be prescribed by the bylaws. Electric Cooperative - shall refer to one organized for the primary purpose of undertaking power generation, utilizing renewable energy sources, including hybrid system, acquisition and operation of subtransmission or distribution to its household members. Section 15. WebThe statement shall state whether each contract is: a. On-going, Completed, or Awarded but not yet started; within the relevant period, where applicable; i. This should support the Property and Equipment in Service referred to in item 13 (c) above; 15. 32. 10. C. Under cooperative federalism, different levels of government work together on programs. 46. The proposed amendment to the Articles of Cooperation and By-laws of the Surviving Cooperative, if necessary; 8. 64. Within fifteen (15) days from the day of posting or from the last day of publication, a party may file an objection or opposition to the Plan of Division before the Authority, copy furnished the cooperative concerned, which shall be decided within sixty (60) days from receipt of the objection or opposition. A cooperative formed and organized under this Code acquires juridical personality from the date the Authority issues a certificate of registration under its official seal. With a cooperative group, the tasks can be accomplished faster than an individual working alone. All other voting requirements shall be as prescribed by the BSP. 87. Section 13. However, shall be entitled to the preferential rights and privileges as indicated in the Cooperative By-laws and under the Code. Section 12. Given below are different properties of 3D projections from A-D. Identify the correct order on the basis of property true of (i) a perspective projection only, (ii) an orthographic projection only, (iii) both orthographic and projective transformations and (iv) neither orthographic nor projective transformation, respectively. _____ is the process of guiding and motivating others toward the achievement of organizational goals. In the absence of a duly registered cooperative in the area or refusal of a duly registered cooperative to accept the affiliation of a Laboratory Cooperative, the said Laboratory Cooperative may request assistance from the nearest CDA Office in identifying a possible Guardian Cooperative. Articles 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 and 51 of Chapter IV on Administration of the same Code are hereby renumbered and amended to read, as follows: "ART. MARINA - shall refer to Maritime Industry Authority. (59) Sequential Election of Representative/Delegate - shall refer to the election of the representatives during the meetings held, one after the other, in different days and/or at various venues, by several sectors, chapters or districts of a cooperative for the purpose of electing their respective Representatives/Delegates to the representative assembly meeting. ALLOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF NET SURPLUS. "(2) Democrative Member Control - Cooperatives are democratic organizations that are controlled by their members who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions. 29. "(4) Marketing of vehicle/drivers insurance policies. Weegy: It's used in most homes.-is true about alternating current. Section 9. This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 9520, otherwise known as the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008, the Authority in consultation with the DOTC, LTO, LTFRB, MARINA, OTC and the concerned cooperative sector, hereby promulgates the following rules and regulations for the proper guidance and compliance of Transportation Service Cooperatives. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Official receipt of annual water charge(s); 7. 8. After Midnight Jj Cale Lyrics. Any claim, action or proceeding pending by or against any such constituent cooperatives may be prosecuted by or against the surviving or consolidated cooperative, as the case may be. Settlement of Disputes. "The Authority shall periodically assess the required paid-up share capital and may increase it every five (5) years when necessary upon consultation with the cooperative sector and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). A. Cooperatives increase their members buying power. The IRA Army Council to be in accordance with Philippine Standards on Auditing limited liability companies liability Bartleby < /a > true or FALSE 4 and cooperative satellite offices d. cooperatives can legally. Section 2. Quorum Requirement. List of cooperatives which have remitted their respective Cooperative Education and Training Funds (CETF); 2. Business consultancy assistance to include the nature and cost; and. 4. Parties to the Merger or Consolidation. Manila Water, the provider of the water and sewerage services in the capital of the Philippines has purchased the government owned water and sewerage system for the entire country. Proposal of Division. Audit the performance of the cooperative and its various responsibility centers; c. Review continuously and periodically the books of account and other financial records to ensure that these are in accordance with the cooperative principles and generally accepted accounting procedures; d. Submit reports on the result of the internal audit and recommend necessary changes on policies and other related matters on operation to the Board of Directors and General/Representative Assembly; e. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed in the By-laws or authorized by the General/Representative Assembly. However, plantation-based Agrarian Reform Cooperative which is covered by collective Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA), shall be governed by the joint DAR-CDA Administrative Order No. Such other function as the need arises. Functions, Powers and Obligations of the Board of Liquidators/Trustees. Its holders shall be entitled to vote and be voted under the principle of one-man, one vote principle, and shall receive interest, the rate which should not exceeded the normal rate on investment. 9155, otherwise known as the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001; "(l) Electric Cooperative is one organized for the primary purposed of undertaking power generations, utilizing renewable energy sources, including hybrid systems, acquisition and operation of subtransmission or distribution to its household members; "(m) Financial Service Cooperative is one organized for the primary purpose of engaging in savings and credit services and other financial services; "(n) Fishermen Cooperative is one organized by marginalized fishermen in localities whose products are marketed either as fresh or processed products; "(o) Health Services Cooperative is one organized for the primary purpose of providing medical, dental and other health services; "(p) Housing Cooperative is one organized to assist or provide access to housing for the benefit of its regular members who actively participate in the savings program for housing. This means that Ng: agrees not to participate in day-to-day management of the firm, earnings of the corporation and dividends of the shareholders both are taxed. It is a procedure where the cooperative assesses its social impact and ethical performance vis--vis its stated mission, vision, goals and code of social responsibility. He asked for no input from his employees. Liability of Members. 9520, otherwise known as the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008, the Commission and the Authority in consultation with the concerned cooperative sector hereby promulgate the following rules and regulations for the proper guidance and compliance of the Insurance Cooperatives. To in item 13 ( c ) above ; 15 a fine of 100.00. His style of leadership is called: which of the following statements about cooperative federalism true. D. cooperative federalism are true except: a Act which is a _____ their! 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