where is jeff varner now my husband left me because he was unhappy

my husband left me because he was unhappy

You will probably find things thaT you might enjoy to do that you could not do before. They will never know how grateful I am. it said she was on her way to England and she was never coming back to United States and that she wanted a divorce.just totally out of the blue, everything was normal all the way up to the day she left.she kept everything a secret and well hidden.I was totally devastated by this. When I first left the security of my nuclear family, my house, and my marriage the world initially seemed so shaky and unstable. Then at the same time, he says if I just shut up and leave him alone, he will just do his own thing and I can do mine. Shocked that Your Spouse Left? Here's How to Recover It is so hard I know.. but Im living proof that you can and will trust again if you allow yourself to believe. I know we fought and that wasnt good for the kids but how can you just cut some one out of your life like shes done to me. Come to find out, there have been several items packed and taken from the home. They then make efforts to reel you in again ! She has of course admitted adultery yet refuses to accept this in the papers and has filled against me. And some families have one parent. 3 grown daughters. Most likely you fell out of love because you decided to stop loving your partner or you decided that you loved someone or something else even more. My wife told me we had to go to artiste counseling. He wont talk to me about his feelings all he said was that he love me but he is not in love with me anymore. I feel used and devastated this is one of the toughest time in my life. These tips may help you let go of the past, including someone who hurt you. absolutely the truth you cant endure such a tremendous heart ache without the love of Jesus and fully relying on his help to know Christ is the greatest gift on this earth in spite of all of our heartaches and trials and tribulations my husband left me in October of 2014 without of word took all of our money the car is everything personal belongings everything I came home to nothing and I dont care about the the world of goods my heart ached so terriblyworse than a death (my son died) pure disasterunable to withstand the pain in my heart although I was saved I guess I wasnt fully trusting the Lord at that moment I went outside of my secluded house in the middle of cornfields to hang myself and I took pills a lot (prescription) and I drank a bottle of whiskey in one drink I should have clearly died but did not! He worked through the anger already. This was like reading my exact situation of 3 years with a narrsastic man! Mind you although we have split up things have been amazing in the last 2 years compared to how things were before hand. My wife left me after 7.5 years. What he really needs now is your understanding and support. Im so confused, I dont know where to turn. I see him on occasion for months have passed since we actually exchanged any communication, recently exchange some emails regarding my children who are now a senior in high school and a sophomore in college. There is no shame in seeking professional support from a counselor or therapist if you need or want it; help is available. And if its not normalized that this happens to lots of people, then they will wind up meeting and marrying someone else, and experience this same issue down the road. Im surprised falling out of love is listed as one of the reasons. Love hurts. I have been with my love for 18 years and married him by church back on 9-10-11, 10 days ago left me for his high school sweetheart. I am still here. It sounds like the only way this will work is if you tell her what you want and deserve and if she cannot do that then get busy. He insisted he had never acted on it, but that it turned him on. I feel bad for those who do, because I dont even understand it. Next Monday comes and she again asks me to be there every night after work to do all the work and begins to belittle me when I start to question whats going on, she would often tell me I didnt care about the children if I didnt want to be there but by now its getting hard, real hard. And I knew that deep down inside my pysche I had unresolved issues or aftereffects of the early abuse, and the damage to my self that had never been repaired, let alone looked at. She returns for a few days. She has been seeing someone for depression, but therapist seemed geared more towards providing affirmation to affluent clients than identifying and treating the more important clinical issues. its been a rough go since 2013. I Cheated On My Husband & The Experience Changed Me Forever - Bolde She told me she is falling for another man. You might want to file a complaint against her to freeze your money before you get that back. You will meet someone who treats you right and then you will forget all about him. The problem isn't your job. This wasnt the fist time I had wanted to leave, but thankfully this time I felt more convinced that this relationship was not going anywhere. Im just a hopeless Romantic i guess that loved my wife unconditionally. Now I am during inside without her and it doesnt seem to be bothering her at all, I dont know why she really did this but y am I hurting and told her Im willing to do anything to make it better. My ex knew the lawyers and judges, actually they knew me too, which makes it even more egregious. I only found out because I found an email n so I emailed her. Love yourself first before you love others. Unfortunately these pieces need to meet the reader where he or she is, so there will definitely be different perspectives based on the context of each individuals situation. My name is Jon,and a few weeks ago when my wife and i were celebrating our birthdays in Chicago,she told me that she was leaving me and moving to California to live with some guy she met on the internet.My wife sufers from Fibromyalgia,depression. !my son and my daughter in law found me twist the rope around my neck and around the tree but it was broke, I lay lifeless and I know that is divine intervention with my Holy Father anyway my point is is that I would not be able to endure what my husband did to me, without Jesus I mean I begged him on my hands and knees and help me with the pain cuz I couldnt handle anymore and one day he took it from me I no longer have it like I did Im confused now but my husband so I dont know what to do if he were to come back into my life but I would do it because God wanted me to and marriage is sacred to God and I dont want to go against my father I promise you thats the only way youll endure the suffering , and be assured that with every one of my trials and tribulations I have found the blessing the blessings outweigh any thing that we have suffered and we also have to keep in mind look at Jobe what he went through look what Jesus went through for usits only through this Christ that you will find true peace. Set up a lot of reasons why and decided that for insurance purposes, it would be best to wait until my youngest turned 18. Put my foot down and told her if she ditches us again that weekend I would be done. I am confused. I have not moved for 2 days I cant stop thinking is she better then me? I asked if you need a brae thats fine but can we still be a couple she said no, she took her name off the lease fast and I noticed at night I could see she was on messenger most of the night. I dont know how youre not happy when Ive given you everything in the world I dont think youll ever realize what kind of devastation caused our family. Im truly heartbroken. I think thats why Im just waiting for him to call or come back, like he will realize he made a mistake. Take care Don. And moved in with one of our daughters (the mother of our grand babies) he stayed six weeks before her husband couldnt take it any more. All rights reserved. They gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship, including practical advice on how to overcome the issues I was facing. Help is available, and we wish you the best of luck in your search. You still see her when you see your children, so you can still try. That over the life of our marriage, the effects of my early traumas (that were left un-touched and that went unnoticed by even myself) caused the very values that attracted her to me or me to her had changed so much and that she must have been in so much pain herself, that she did what she did to herself, and to me. Part of me wants him to come Home and tell me you made a big mistake. Your partner wasnt in love with you anymore. You worry about getting your head right, and moving on. And I want you to know that its not impossible. Its so sad that 6 minths after he one-sidedly decided that OUR marriage was over, we are already divorced. I dont get how someone can break up their family without trying to work on the marriage. Im not sure what exactly he was looking for, perhaps just being very emotionally transparent on an every day basis? My youngest is only five. Its very sad but I want her happy. How do You recover or get over something like this??? During this time my Family saw the truth, because my ex husband and his girlfriend did so many cruel things. we just chose our own path & wonder why 2 sinners cant make it together. This is making me absolutely sick. Depression is difficult to combat and resolve alone. I feel abandoned by this country! You can keep your self-esteem high by working on yourself and becoming more confident. New Inside Mental Health Podcast Episode, Working moms cant have it all, but fitness expert and TV host Brooke Burke shares how they can have more on this episode of the Inside Mental Health. After finally loosing respect for him I no longer feel the pain. He had just told be we were good and he loved me shortly before. Well one thing youve not mentioned is being with an alcoholic. It aint that easy. Do Saturday comes and she calls me. Sometimes youve got to just let it go. She says she wants to live by herself with her 3 kids cause they are better off without me. My husband had a very bad anger issue as well actually. Its a love that looks right., She asked us, Did you know he has Down syndrome? I was a little shocked. We didnt argue, had some physical relations which I thought meant she was bisexual. She said she was done and was forcing herself to love me. Im lost Im hurt and Ive cried all day. I did everything I could and I was under the impression that things were improving as the passion from her appeared to return. My grandmother raised 3 girls on her own as a widower at just 42. Suffering from Depressing and other sickness as gotten worse for me. Since he can just drop us like taking out the garbage. But I am steadily going forward. Had a six month affair with my real estate agent next door. And how did you and her cope with that? Even though I dont know you, I want you to know that I am praying for you. You may have your theories as to why he's gone, or he may have given you a reason already, but it all comes down to one core . He simply needs to find his happiness, he just wants to be happy. I feel horrible for all of us. Is Your Relationship Making You Sick? - Mental Help His father, a minister, married us. Top 10 Ways Men Destroy Their Marriage - PairedLife We talked and decided to give it another try things were great at first l felt like a queen. I love all your comments. Even if your spouse returns, the relationship as you know it may have changed, and its OK to express grief: Youre grieving the loss of this relationship, what it meant to you, and the role this person played in your life, says Garcia. Below are the top five reasons for leaving that I hear about while working with divorcing couples in my therapy practice. The next day he told me that he did not want it to continue in a relationship with me. Be greatful for what you have not what you dont. Things have been bad for awhile, but it is still hard to accept that it is over. Part of me suspects my wife is one of the mentioned types who craves new love all the time. No point of taking her back at all cuz if u do she will do it again. It was rephrased that I abandoned the family and since I made good money now I was responsible for paying the x with her new man $2,000/mo. The next day she betrayed me again and left to this other mans bed. Have you thought about maybe having the teacher of your oldest daughter call DYFS? Since than we had a very bad fight only one day after my 40th birthday and l havent heard from him scence. She never calls, answers and doesnt text back at all. I dont even know where to start now. The sadness consumed me like an angry fire I couldnt put out. This I also discovered. For many people, abusive behavior and infidelity are signs that a marriage is beyond repair. Then we were transferred to another state for his job. We are taking things slow but it looks like he has a lot of maturing to do. We now have a new and our 5th counselor. 32 years we have did everything together and it dont feel right being alone. It feels like I have been blind sided, she didnt even give us a try to work it out. How can he just forget about his family? But if you cannot have her sort what you want with the kids and remove yourself from the situation as soon as you can so you can focus on your kids and studies. I worker steady nights for 27 years. Thank you so much. I just dont understand why she would lie to me after all the love weve shared all this time. We have a beautiful son together. My Husband Left Me for Another Woman - Accepting the Reality - Marriage And it would show your wife youre trying still. I did everything for him and the kids. Wow harsh, I could swear that was written for me sheesh. If you have to question them or yourself 9 times out of 10 there is a good reason for this. Are you close with his family? She seemed to be in conflict with herself yet on my level entirely. And, while cleaning up our home computer, I found a file of pics. My friends have brilliant in all this and Im starting to feel like in time I will get over this but the hurt is sometimes unbearable. Health not good. I couldnt believe she would do this to our family. Give yourself the time and space to really reflect on what she has done, try some couples counseling, and then decide how you want to move forward. I searched out an old girl friend from years back, we met several times for walks and just talked. I to feel this pain 2x divorcee. I had a thousand questions, but they all boiled down to "why?" I got his phone and looked for her name. But nope we ship off to my place and to my horror she wont answer the phones all weekend which really catches me off guard, I thought we were doing something here. I am truly sorry to hear that this happened to you. There are many of us going through the same thing and you have a support network of people to reach out to for coffee, chats, friendships, even just to read stories and ask questions or know you are doing a great job. Your partner felt like you became more like a sibling than a partner. Because i was not dressed for it and i am not comfortable with my body. it will come . When A Depressed Partner Falls Out Of Love - Mental Help It takes a brave man to walk out on his wife and kids. Im still not sure how he just left us like that. At the same time, sometimes it is better to know the truth. I dont understand how someone can throw you out of your own house . This is his second time. Once you enter your information, youll be directed to a list of therapists and counselors who meet your criteria. We fell apart in every way possible. We have two children together. As I said I honestly never intended this and I also didnt realize she was hurt as she tends to respond emotionally to most things "My husband left me because he was unhappy" can be a common thought when you're struggling with such abandonment. She tells me her love life with her husband could never reach the level that her and I have. I believe I have behaved exemplary throughout and my heart is broken. And thats not good because he wont want to be with anyone who cant keep her self-respect. This has to be an affair right? We had some issues but always thought we would work them out. Then I cant get in touch,feels weird and horrible. I was the best husband I could be and we have a ten year old son together. The message is so strong and clear when there is infidelity . Every day I feel like Im about to die inside. I do find these are the main reasons for divorce. And I continued living this new lie was a real Jekyll and Hyde until I met my wife who had / has a heart of kindness I had never experienced before. We have been married 2 and a half years, and together for 4. Common I tried police, child services, court all backfired in my face and I lost them all together for 7 months I WILL NOT get anything like that involved again as I have absolutely no faith in it. Could it be me? She never wanted to make it more difficult then it already was for her children. Unbelievable. Then we play/claim victim. And he just does not get it.

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my husband left me because he was unhappy

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