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city of liberty hill design standards

Watershed. C. Williamson County is responsible for final action. Typical uses include bulk laundry and cleaning plants, diaper services, or linen supply services. A nonbranched woody plant, less than twenty-four (24) inches in height and having a diameter of less than one-half (1/2) inch measured at two (2) inches above the root collar. C. Preserve significant archaeological sites throughout Liberty Hill. Typical uses include new and used car dealerships, motorcycle dealerships, and boat, trailer, and recreational vehicle dealerships. The landowner or developer shall provide the City Administrator with a certifiable receipt showing that all taxes have been paid in conjunction with the submittal of an application for final plat approval or site development permit issuance. The purpose of this section is to require that development within the Liberty Hill jurisdictional area is supported by an adequate roadway network, including collector-level and higher capacity streets, as may be necessary to accommodate the continuing growth and development of the City and its jurisdictional area. Lot, Reversed Corner. R161-22.13, enacted November 7, 2022. CLUB OR LODGE. No Vested Rights Determination that is requested as a basis for approval of an Application for Development Approval shall be issued unless the applicant demonstrates entitlement to common law vested rights as provided in subsection B above and demonstrates compliance with the following criteria for statutory vested rights: 1. 6. However, these lot standards shall apply to areas previously outside the City limits after they are incorporated and then zoned through annexation procedures. Agriculture includes, but is not limited to, the related activities of tillage, fertilization, pest control, harvesting, and marketing. A historic resource comprised of 2 or more properties which that [sic] are significant as a cohesive unit and contribute to historical, architectural, archeological, or cultural values, which has been identified by the Historic Preservation Commission and duly classified pursuant to the procedures of the Texas Historical Commission. Natural Ground Surface. Rezoning to the PUD district requires a specific PUD ordinance and a General Development Plan from the property owner. Historic Resource. Incidental Sign. 5. The provisions of this section apply to any Permit if as of the first anniversary of the effective date of Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code: A. the permit does not have an expiration date; and. The removal of trees and brush from the land not including the ordinary mowing of grass. any land used to raise or store trees, shrubs, flowers, and other plants for sale, facilities for the display and sale of those items and/or of gardening supplies, and accessory greenhouses, storage buildings, or customer parking areas. In existence prior to the effective date of a specific regulation or Ordinance Code [sic]. Typical uses include building materials stores, tool equipment rental or sales, building, plumbing, electrical, or mechanical contractors. C. Approval Criteria (PUD). The City Administrator or his designee shall be the primary point of contact with the landowner or developer or his agents, and has considerable authority and responsibility for administering the provisions of this section of the Code. The City of Round Rocks Design and Construction Standards shall apply for all public facilities within the City limits and ETJ of Liberty Hill. D. High Density Residential (SF3). G. Application requirements must be consistent with state law. The City Administrator may waive the requirement for installations of a bench mark for subdivisions smaller than 50 acres when at least two benchmarks are located within one-half mile of the proposed subdivision boundaries. A road improvement may be considered adequate for an application if the City Administrator determines that the required improvement is included, funded, and approved in the Citys, Countys or States capital improvements plan for roads, provided that the applicant agrees to phase development to conform to the date of completion of such scheduled improvement. A. The Park zoning district covers publicly and privately-owned parks facilities. Manufactured Housing Community (MH2). The one- (1) year assurance period shall commence on the date of approval of final completion of the improvements by the City Administrator or his designee. G. Notwithstanding any other provisions of Chapter 4, any legal nonconforming use of property existing as of the date of adoption of this Code that does not conform with the regulations prescribed in the UDC of the City of Liberty Hill, shall be deemed a nonconforming use, subject to the provisions contained in this section. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall refer the Annual Update Requests to the City Council with recommendations for amendments to the Code by December 1st of each year. An electrical sign utilizing lights going on and off periodically to display the current time and temperature in the community. Typical uses include appliance repair shops, watch or jewelry repair shops, or musical instrument repair shops. General Warehousing and Distribution. There must be a rough proportionality between the traffic impacts created by a new development and requirements placed on the property owner or applicant for new development to dedicate and improve off-site, abutting and internal street rights-of-way to City standards. After Hours Utility Emergencies 319-627-2247 Hospital Services (General). The following signs shall be exempt from regulation under this Chapter: 1. The City Administrator shall serve as staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustments (BOA), Parks and Recreation Board, and the City Council except where otherwise provided by this Chapter. EngineerING Design Standards Engineering Design Standards. Guarantee of Performance. This district is further intended to encourage efficient utilization of land, affordable housing opportunities, and open space preservation. B. Minor subdivisions in which all lots are fifteen (15) acres or larger. This Section describes the applicability and specific approval criteria for all Administrative Procedures necessary under this Code and applicable to the following: A. CONDOMINIUM RESIDENTIAL. Failure to comply with Consent Agreement. Automotive Repair Services. That the property cannot be used for its highest and best use. Dwelling, Attached. In addition, the landowner or developer shall provide a certified statement signed by a registered professional engineer that all improvements have been installed and constructed in accordance with the submitted as-built plans. Hospital Services (Limited). Typical uses include janitorial, landscape maintenance, or window cleaning services. C. Access. Such requirements must be sufficient to permit the Administrator to effectively review the application and for the final approving authority to render an informed decision. E. In the event of a conflict between this section and any other section of this Code, the more stringent requirements shall apply. Roadside Stand. The City and its agents shall enforce and ensure compliance with the provisions of this Code and shall take necessary and appropriate actions to prevent or cease any violations of the provisions of this Code. Agricultural BMPs include, but are not limited to, strip cropping, terracing, contour stripping, grass waterways, animal waste structures, ponds, minimal tillage, grass and naturally vegetated filter strips, and proper nutrient application measures. The construction plans are intended to provide for the detailed engineering drawings for all improvements required to serve the development. A source of water and a distribution system, including treatment and storage facilities, whether publicly or privately owned, serving or providing potable water to multiple lots, dwelling units, businesses or commercial or industrial developments. I. B. Doctor, dentist, veterinarian or other medically related office; or. CONVENIENCE STORAGE. Adult Cabaret means a business that primarily offers live entertainment that emphasizes specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. BSEACD. A facility for loading, unloading, and interchange of passengers, baggage, and incidental freight or package express between modes or [of] transportation, including bus terminals, railroad stations, airport terminals, and public transit facilities. A description of the nature of the project, including physical address. The City will inspect the work as it progresses, and upon completion and final acceptance by the City, and upon written request of the subdivider, the final plat may be approved and filed of record with the County Clerk; or. Density, Residential. Conversion or expansion of a residential structure to a nonresidential use must apply for and receive a site development permit prior to commencement of construction. Day. Parking lots shall be designed in accordance with the City of Round Rock Transportation Criteria Manual, as amended. Anything constructed or erected, other than a fence or retaining wall, which requires location on the ground or if attached to something having a location on the ground, including but not limited to, buildings, advertising boards, poster boards, mobile homes, manufactured homes, gas and liquid storage tanks, garages, barns, and sheds. Such extension of time shall be reported to the City Council and recorded in the minutes. They must be reviewed and approved before any final action may be taken by the City Administrator or the developer. A statement that the City Attorney and City Council or its designee shall review progress pursuant to the consent agreement at least once every twelve (12) months to determine if there has been demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the consent agreement. A lot or parcel of land in a zoning district where permitted, on which development rights transferred from a sending parcel, are used. Zoning Verification Letter. A description of any conditions, terms, restrictions, or other requirements determined to be necessary for the preservation and protection of the public health, safety, or welfare; ix. After receiving an application for recognition of vested rights, the City Administrator shall review the application and approve, deny or request additional information to be provided by the applicant for consideration within twenty (20) working days. Procedures including initiation of appeals of administrative decisions are explained in Chapter 2. The City Council may also reduce the buffer width along a property line by an amount not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the width of a public utility easement if the easement is located on the property line and in the same location or orientation as the buffer yard. If a permit is administratively denied the property owner may appeal to a committee composed of the Mayor, Mayor Pro tem, and City Administrator. Landscaping Plan. Such letter of credit or bonds shall be issued by a financial institution authorized to do business in the State of Texas. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward its recommendation to the City Council, which is responsible for final action on Zoning Map Amendments. Establishment or places of business engaged in the preparation and retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, including taverns, bars[,] cocktail lounges, and similar uses other than a restaurant as that term is defined herein. C. The Planning and Zoning Commission will be formed and conduct all activities in accordance with this Code and other applicable City code requirements, the ordinance creating the Commission and any adopted Bylaws. That the granting of the variance would not substantially conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and the purposes of this Code. Any street, avenue, boulevard, highway, sidewalk, alley, drain, or similar place which that [sic] is owned or controlled by a governmental entity. Transfer. Start of Construction. A facility providing medical, psychiatric, or surgical service for sick or injured persons, primarily on an in-patient basis, and including ancillary facilities for out-patient and emergency treatment, diagnostic services, training, research, administration, and services to patients, employees, or visitors. D. Lighting fixtures and illumination requirements imposed by TxDOT within TxDOT right-of-way. The unincorporated area that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the municipality and that is located within one-half mile of those boundaries (in the case of a municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants). The City Administrator shall have the authority to make all written interpretations of this Code. For the purpose of establishing and maintaining sound, stable, and desirable development within the corporate limits of the City, the Official Zoning Map may be amended based upon changed or changing conditions in a particular area or in the City generally, or to rezone an area, or to extend the boundary of an existing zoning district. F. Routed, embossed, or raised messages or sign copy must not be visible to the ordinary observer, if the face or message is blanked. Code Ann. The proposed ordinance, as modified and if approved by the City Council, shall be binding on the applicant and its successors. Side Yard, Corner. B. The purpose of the City Engineers review is to ensure conformance to City policies and standards. Normal grade shall be construed to be the (1) existing grade prior to construction (2) the newly established grade after construction, or (3) the crown of the adjacent roadway. Banners and Balloons. K. Maximum of 8 living units in a row, per building. PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT SERVICES. To engage in any development, use, construction, remodeling, or other activity of any nature upon any area or to make improvements thereon subject to the jurisdiction of this Code without all required permits, certificates, or other forms of authorization as set forth in this Code. The proposed bylaws shall be submitted to the City Council for review approval before the Parks and Recreation Board becomes effective. Berms may not have a slope greater than four-to-one (4/1) and must have a crown width of at least three (3) feet. No rezoning action may specifically vary from the Permitted Uses Table found in Section 4.09 or from the Future Land Use Map included in the Comprehensive Plan. A home occupation is that accessory use of a dwelling that shall constitute all or some portion of the livelihood of a person or persons living in the dwelling. A. These design criteria and technical specifications are the latest version as adopted by the City Engineer. Substantial Damage. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. For thoroughfares that currently are or will in the future be located alongside a property boundary, the property owner shall dedicate and improve, as a minimum, one-half of the right-of-way necessary to meet the specification of future thoroughfares contained in the Comprehensive Plan or the City or County Thoroughfare Plan as adopted or amended by the City Council from time to time. Variance requests shall by [be] reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Development and permit application fees shall be established from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. D. Prior to issuance of a stormwater permit, the City Administrator or City Council must approve the site plan for projects in the Citys ETJ to ensure any required compliance with this Code. This section contains standards on lot size, minimum setback requirements, and maximum building heights in order to provide for a variety of housing and land development patterns and to meet the diverse needs of the current and future residents of Liberty Hill, all in a manner consistent with the goals and objectives set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. Includes: Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Planned Unit Development, Conditional Use Permit, Zoning Map Amendment, Code Text Amendment procedures, and certain Variances. Recharge Zone. The maximum density for this district is 20 units per acre. Industrial operations shall be primarily conducted within the confines of a building. Phased Project. C. Building Setbacks. Excavation. In this case, the City Administrator shall report this action in writing to the City Council and place the modified Conditional Use Permit directly on the City Council agenda for action at the Councils next meeting. A person to whom development rights are transferred and all persons who have any lien, security interest, or other interest with respect to development rights held by the transferee. E. Pavement. Submission requirements for the final plat will be developed by the City Administrator. If the problem persists, please contact The purpose or activity for which the land or building thereon is designed, arranged or intended, or for which it is occupied or maintained. B. Uncovered and unenclosed decks, porches, landings, balconies, and stairways (the portion of which is less than thirty [30] inches above grade). An integrated grouping of commercial activity, primarily of a retail and personal service nature, in a building complex having the individual establishments joined by a common covered pedestrian mall or walkway. 6. A. (g) If a subdivider is unable to meet the standards set out in subsections (d) and (e) above, resort may be had to one or more of the following alternatives: (1) Dedication by the subdivider of a unique area of natural beauty or an area possessing unique natural features or biologically valuable qualities; (2) The combination of two or more required dedications to form a single, viable park area; (3) Land dedication that would expand existing parks or recreation facilities; and/or. No special action or hearing will be required for zoning upon annexation into the Agriculture (AG) district. F. The delay of standard review periods may not be implemented as a moratorium. Assurance of adequate utility infrastructure in conformance with utility and drainage plans available. MILITARY INSTALLATIONS. I. Note Future Land Use Map for those areas that are designated as Mixed Use, Clustered Residential, or Duplex Residential. A. Computation of Area of Individual Signs. FOOD SALES. Stockyard services involving the temporary keeping of livestock for slaughter, market or shipping. The City Council may initiate the legal process to obtain an injunction, mandamus, abatement or any other action available in law or equity to prevent, enjoin, abate, correct or remove such unlawful structure, use, or development, or otherwise ensure compliance with this Code. A sign (made of any material) that is tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued or otherwise attached to trees, poles, stakes, fences or other objects, with the subject matter appearing thereon not being applicable to the use of the premises upon which such sign is located. F. The Parks and Recreation Board will review the application or park-related project or policy, the Managers report, and make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council based on the Parks and Recreation Plan set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, or other subsequent plans that are developed related to parks and recreation. H. The Board of Adjustment is responsible for final action. These design criteria and technical specifications are the latest version as adopted by the City Engineer. To change the runoff characteristics of a parcel of land in conjunction with residential industrial, commercial, or institutional construction or alteration. The entire building wall (including street wall face, parapet, fascia, windows, doors, canopy and roof) on any completed building. A narrow roadway for access to an area of commercial, multifamily or industrial structures. The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining any vehicular use area in good condition and free of refuse, debris, and vehicles that have not been driven for two weeks or longer, and all landscaping in a healthy and growing condition, replacing it when necessary as specified in the approved site development permit. B. B. The adopted City of Liberty Hill Utility Plan. Development is required to provide a higher level of amenity to its users or residents than would be required under the normal standards of this code. This does not yet factor lot standards found in Table 5.1 [4-4]. Fiscal Surety. A. Review authorities for applicable development applications and permits are described in Table 3-1, below. Culvert. Pollution generated by diffuse land use activities rather than from an identifiable or discrete source or facility. This is allowed with a Special Use Permit. D. Uses Not Listed: The City Administrator or the Councils designee shall use the descriptions found in Chapter 10 [8.00] to determine how an unlisted use should be treated. Application and permit types can be categorized as (A) Policy- and Legislative-Related Applications and Permits, (B) Subdivision-Related Applications and Permits, or (C) Development-Related Applications and Permits. Construction Plans. RAILROAD FACILITIES. A. The final plat must incorporate all changes from the preliminary plat that were considered and approved by the City Council. Zoning Floating Zone. Buffer requirements can be applied within the required setback spaces and can be used to satisfy any landscaping requirements of this Code. F. A violation of this code provision and a request for a nonconforming designation or request for relief under this designation shall not create an estoppel of the trial of any lawsuit which may be filed in any court. Engineer. A certificate by the City Administrator or his designee that the construction conforms to the plans and specifications and the standards contained in or referred to in this Code must be presented to the City Council by the landowner or developer prior to approval of the final plat. Any activity that removes the vegetative ground cover. The nature of the permitted uses and scale of buildings are intended to blend with adjacent and nearby properties without causing adverse visual or environmental impacts. Reductions of buffer width more than fifty percent (50%) shall not be considered without written approval from the adjoining property owners, and only upon written approval by the City Council. 1. The City or its representatives may inspect any development activity to enforce the provisions of this Code. 7. B. B. . Abutting and directly connected to or bordering. (4) Water and wastewater connections shall be readily available at the park site with water and wastewater lines located along the street frontage of the park. How do I sign up to be a vendor at Liberty Hill's festivals? D. When filed, the final plat must also provide all support documentation required by the County Clerks office for recordation. A type of Fiscal Surety that can be used to guarantee site improvements. Subdivisions and plats of land shall be reviewed using the criteria specified or referenced in State Law. Principles for computing sign area and sign height are contained in Section 6.12.04 below. along boundary lines of subdivisions shall be marked with a one-half inch iron rod, two feet in length, set in the center of a concrete monument six (6) inches in diameter and thirty (30) inches deep, with the top of the concrete monument set flush with the finished ground surface. A trademark or company name symbol. Parapet. Residential lots with frontage on an arterial street shall also have frontage on a local street so that such lot(s) have vehicular access to a local street and not only to an arterial. A plat that complies with Texas Local Government Code 212.016, as amended, which is generally submitted to correct errors and omissions when agreed to by all adjacent property owners. Chapters 211 and 212 of the Texas Local Government Code together with the general police powers of municipalities empower the City to adopt this Unified Development Code. If notice of intent is given, suspension or revocation shall not occur before the time for compliance has expired. The site plan shall indicate conformance with any applicable provisions of this Code. Adult Arcade means a movie arcade, game arcade, or other business that primarily offers still or motion pictures or games that emphasize specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. 2. B. Computation of Area of Multifaceted Signs. Health Officer. Final plat review is required to ensure that a final recorded plat includes final engineering diagrams and descriptions that conform to the preliminary plat as approved by the City Council. A bona fide intrafamily transfer means a transfer to a member of the owners immediate family of a portion of the owners property for the purpose of establishing a residence for that family member. Public right-of-way. Agricultural (AG). Gas and cable television service and other telecommunications service and associated utility easements, when provided, shall be installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility. Zero lot line development allows single-family residential buildings (including town homes and garden apartments) as part of a subdivision to be built to the side property line. That there is a self-created hardship by the property owner or its agent. A. Applicability. Construction plans must be submitted to the City Engineer for all existing or proposed streets, sidewalks, drainage and utility improvements, water quality controls, park improvements, and any other infrastructure or public improvements that are required or proposed to be constructed, reconstructed, improved, or modified to serve the development. A. A house that is used as a lodging facility for paying guests. G. Approval Criteria. Boarding, breeding or raising of horses not owned by the occupants of the premises or riding of horses by other than the occupants of the premises or their nonpaying guests. 3. No land may be subdivided or platted through the use of any legal description other than with reference to a plat approved by the City Council or the City Administrator in accordance with these regulations. The City Council shall make a final decision on any variance request from floodplain or stormwater management regulations. These standards are also supplemented by standards found in other sections of this Code. When standards are in conflict, the more restrictive standard shall apply. Preliminary Plat approval shall be required before any land is subdivided (or does not meet the requirements of Section 3.09.02, Administrative Plat Review). M. The City Administrators report may include a recommendation for final action. Generally. That person designated by the City Council to administer and enforce the provisions of this Unified Development Code. Major Collector. Permits issued by entities such as the EPA, which may issue permits closer in time to construction, shall be made available to the City within seven (7) days after having received such permit(s). C. If any sign, which conforms to the regulations of the Section, is abandoned, the owner, user, and Persons who benefit from the sign and the owner, operator, and tenants of the property on which the sign is located shall remove it, paint out or cover the message portion of the sign, put a blank face on the sign, or otherwise bring it into compliance with this Section so as to leave the message portion and supporting structure neat and unobtrusive in appearance, within 90 days after receiving written notice from the City Administrator. The direction any street or road travels the longest in distance (i.e., north-south or east-west). Full compliance with the standards contained within this Code must be obtained before the issuance of a building repair, plumbing or electrical permit for any structure on a lot within a subdivision within the jurisdiction of the City. A preapplication conference is a meeting between a potential applicant under this Code and the City Administrator or his designee. All land lying within an area which that [sic] drains into a river, river system, or other water course. G. 7,500 sq. I. Structures or actions that compensate for undesirable impacts. Home Occupation. In the event an applicant for recognition of vested rights is denied recognition of a vested right by the City Administrator and is aggrieved by such action or by the application of the above requirements, the applicant may appeal the decision of the City Administrator to the City Council by filing a request for appeal with the City Administrator within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date the applicant is notified of the adverse decision or action taken. F. Public/Community Facility (P). A business or organization being the sole business occupant of a premises. Hereafter, no building or structure shall be erected, demolished, remodeled, reconstructed, altered, enlarged, or relocated in the City of Liberty Hill except in compliance with the provisions of this Code; and then only after securing all required permits and licenses. A condition where landforms or biological communities, or both, have developed by natural process in the absence of human intervention. If any regulation in an overlay zoning district requires a development standard different than the base zoning district standards, the more restrictive standard shall apply. This Code shall apply to all matters pertaining to the use and development of land within the jurisdiction described in Section 1.04 above. Density Bonus. Waterfowl. Areas that erode two (2) feet or more per year. The next whole number beyond a specified percent greater than fifty percent (e.g., two-thirds or three-fourths). The Planning and Zoning Commission will have no authority for final action. Each day any violation of this Code or of any ordinance of the City continues shall constitute a separate offense. This Section shall apply to all Nonconforming Signs. The City may require the phasing of development, and/or the construction of improvements to maintain adequate fire protection.

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city of liberty hill design standards

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