$camelcase{$1} = 1; for my $chunk (@chunks) { $av_preprocessor = 1; } my $herectx = get_stat_here($linenr, $cnt, $here); } elsif ($ctx =~ /^.\s*\#\s*elif\s*$/) { if ($line =~ /\b__read_mostly\b/ && if ($line =~ / defined $stat && } } $fix) { my $cc = ''; # and whether or not function naming is typical and if } elsif ($color =~ /^auto$/i) { # missing space after union, struct or enum definition # WARN("PREFER_ETHER_ADDR_EQUAL", $rawline =~ /\b51\s+Franklin\s+St/i) { } $n++; my @stmt_statements = ($stmt =~ /;/g); sub get_quoted_string { } : __initdata) LINE => $line, my %suppress_ifbraces; $c = 'V' if ($elements[$n + 2] ne ''); :un)?signed| my $cur = $stream; } $sline =~ /^\+\s+$declaration_macros/ || 'test-only=s' => \$tst_only, :}[ \t]*)?else(? $comment = '/*'; "$attr should be placed after $var\n" . "Avoid gcc v4.3+ binary constant extension: \n" . # UTF-8 regex found at http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-forms-utf-8.en.php } __nocast| # 3) any do () { $rpt_cleaners = 0; ltrim($fix_elements[$n + 1]); push(@fix_elements, substr($rawline, $off, length($el))); } :initconst\b)}; Signed-off-by:| "space required after that '$op' $at\n" . } if (!$in_header_lines && *\.compatible\s*=\s*\"/))) { $sum_allowed += $_; #print "dstat dcond cnt off\n"; } my ($linenr, $lc) = @_; } if (WARN("ARRAY_SIZE", # Block comments use */ on trailing lines } qr{void}, if ($r1 !~ /^sizeof\b/ && $r2 =~ /^sizeof\s*\S/ && if ($show_Z && $string =~ /%[\*\d\.\$]*Z([diouxX])/) { } WARN("TRAILING_SEMICOLON", if ($off == $len) { for ($off = 1; $off < length($line); $off++) { ## no critic "'const $found const' should probably be 'const $found'\n" . if ($^V && $^V ge 5.10.0 && # open braces for enum, union and struct go on the same line. &{$msg_level}("AVOID_BUG", # # Ignore comments last if ($level == 0); *\bweak\b/ || # indentation of previous and current line are the same $line =~ s/\s*\n?$//g; $curpos = pos($string); "__smp memory barriers shouldn't be used outside barrier.h and asm-generic\n" . "msleep < 20ms can sleep for up to 20ms; see Documentation/timers/timers-howto.txt\n" . + list_add_tail(&alias->list, list); > Remove a trailing newline when reading sysfs file contents # } } if ($ctx =~ /Wx[BE]/ || #if no filenames are given, push '-' to read patch from stdin if ($^V && $^V ge 5.10.0 && "sizeof $1 should be sizeof($1)\n" . } my $ctx_ln = $linenr; # statements should be at the same indent. *)\b($Constant|[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)\s*($Compare)\s*($LvalOrFunc)/) { if ($sign_off !~ /$signature_tags/) { for (; ($n % 8) != 0; $n++) { } } else { __init_refok| ## print("n: good: \n"); $c eq "\\") { "S_IRWXU" => 0700, 'q|quiet+' => \$quiet, next if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/); CHK("USLEEP_RANGE", my $date = POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", $arg_pos--; --patch treat FILE as patchfile (default) remove blank line bash; bash replace new line with space; how to remove new line at the end of a file linux; shell remove consecutive newline; bash remove end of line; my @types = (); $msg_type = "LONG_LINE_COMMENT" } :sizeof|__alignof__)\s*$/)) { if ($in_comment) { "added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?\n" . */)) { $s =~ /^\s*#\s*?/ || if ($line =~ /}\s*if\b/) { # if statements using unnecessary parentheses - ie: if ((foo == bar)) *\b$mode_perms_world_writable\b/) { } our $Sparse = qr{ :\s*\|\s*)?\s*)/g) { $suppress_export{$linenr} == 2) { if (defined $realline_next && "Macros with multiple statements should be enclosed in a do - while loop\n" . } $res = substr($line, 0, 1); $suppress_ifbraces{$ln + $offset} = 1; Ubuntu and the circle of friends logo are trade marks of Canonical Limited and are used under licence. print "WS($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); # (char*[ const]) if (CHK("UNNECESSARY_PARENTHESES", } # check we are in a valid source file C or perl if not then ignore this hunk } if (defined $pre_pointer_space && if ($prevrawline =~ /[^\\]\w"$/ && $rawline =~ /^\+[\t ]+"\w/) { if (ERROR("SPACING", $string =~ s@\s+@ @g; } if ($color =~ /^[01]$/) { } } if ($prevline =~ /$;[ \t]*$/ && #ends in comment foreach my $word (@words) { $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; if ($pos >= 0) { $fix) { $fix) { $good = $fix_elements[$n] . " { } } elsif ($op eq '//') { my $has_commit_log = 0; #Encountered lines before patch # check for line continuations in quoted strings with odd counts of " if ($^V && $^V lt $minimum_perl_version) { "arguments for function declarations should follow identifier\n" . } elsif ($l =~ /^[\+ ]/) { # Should not end with a space. $prev_values = substr($curr_values, -1); "code indent should use tabs where possible\n" . An upgrade to at least perl v5.10.0 is suggested. #warn "STATEMENT\n"; my $rename = ""; # if ($line =~ /^.\s*\#\s*if(|n)def/ && ($realfile =~ /\.c$/)) { our $typeC99Typedefs = qr{(?:__)?(?:[us]_?)?int_?(? { $off++; possible($1, "B:" . if (ERROR("OPEN_BRACE", )$/ && #print "coff soff loff\n"; $fixedline =~ s/^(.\s*)\{\s*/$1\t/; my @lines = (); my @commits = (); my $f; if ($tree && $rawline =~ m{^.\s*\#\s*include\s*\}) { -f, --file treat FILE as regular source file $herevet) *\bEFI_GUID\s*\(/ || } elsif ($cur =~ /^(\))/o) { } substr($res, $off, 1, $;); "Whitespace after \\ makes next lines useless\n" . $prevline =~ /^\+(?:(?:(?:$Storage|$Inline)\s*)*\s*$Type\s*)? my ($cond, $block) = @{$chunks[0]}; my $setup_docs = 0; >> 8 ) { "$here$rawline\n"); In this case I've had to use ${var%%[[:space:]]}. $rawlines[$linenr] =~ /^\s*\("([^"]+)"\)/) { $herecurr) && :$Member\s*)+\))[ \t]*\(/ && $1 !~ /^if/) { } elsif ($cast1 ne "") { if ($line =~ /^diff --git.*? if (ERROR("SPACING", s/\b(if|while|for|switch)\(/$1 \(/; my $dbg_attr = 0; @stack = (['', 0]) if ($#stack == -1); push(@stack, $level); my $path = $1; ($short || $long || $space || $case || ($orig_desc ne $description) || !$hasparens)) { } cat_vet($rawline) . # '*'s should not have spaces between. }x; my $loff = 0; :|,|\)\s*;)\s*)$/ && # on the line :endif))/o) { # Should start with a space. if (ERROR("SPACING", } $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ s/(^.$Type\s*$Ident(? } --typedefsfile Read additional types from this file "Missing a blank line after declarations\n" . my $arg = trim($1); } ($stat, $cond, $line_nr_next, $remain_next, $off_next) = } # check for uses of printk_ratelimit } } :\(\s*){2,})/) { } else { )\bmemcmp\s*\(\s*$FuncArg\s*,\s*$FuncArg\s*\,\s*ETH_ALEN\s*\)/) { close($camelcase_file); "space prohibited before that '$op' $at\n" . } my $indent = length($1); $output .= YELLOW; ctx_statement_full($linenr, $realcnt, $-[0]); + } else /* Nothing new --> keep old string */ $fix) { our $Typecast = qr{\s*(\(\s*$NonptrType\s*\)){0,1}\s*}; WARN("MISSING_BREAK", our $String = qr{"[X\t]*"}; :$underscore_smp_barriers)\s*\(/) { "Unnecessary parentheses around $var\n" . $herecurr); my $func = $constant_func; + free(newalias); $good; 'fix!' while ($string =~ /^\s*\(. $line =~ /^(\+| )([ \t]*)/; WARN("OOM_MESSAGE", next; $herecurr) && $non_utf8_charset = 1; $realline++; "\t" x ($pos / 8) . # More special cases word splitting. "type '$tmp' should be specified in [[un]signed] [short|int|long|long long] order\n" . } "space required after that '$op' $at\n" . WARN("SSCANF_TO_KSTRTO", } } } $herecurr) && $tmp_stmt =~ s/\b$arg\s*\#\#//g; "function definition argument '$arg' should also have an identifier name\n" . $oldindent = expand_tabs($1); "usleep_range args reversed, use min then max; see Documentation/timers/timers-howto.txt\n" . $previndent == $indent) { # printk should use KERN_* levels $line_fixed = 1; How dry does a rock/metal vocal have to be during recording? foreach my $path (split(/:/, ". # 1. with a type on the left -- int [] a; CHK("UNDOCUMENTED_SETUP", "$herectx"); WARN("BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE", $herecurr); if ($line =~ /\bmsleep\s*\((\d+)\);/) { } } WARN("CONFIG_DESCRIPTION", print "PRE_END($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); # check for unnecessary parentheses around comparisons in if uses push(@av_paren_type, $av_paren_type[$#av_paren_type]); $herecurr); } } } "return is not a function, parentheses are not required\n" . if ($show_L && $string =~ /%[\*\d\.\$]*L([diouxX])/) { ERROR("BAD_SIGN_OFF", } my $first_line = 0; if ($line=~/^.\s+[A-Za-z\d_]+:(?! $prevline =~ /^.\s*$/ && __ref| next if ($arg =~ /\.\.\./); # comparisons with a constant or upper case identifier on the left # bash sed remove newline from string; Find string in shell script; Bash check string contains; Shell remove newline from string; shell remove trailing newline; linux bash $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ s/(^\+\s*(? my $specifier; (-e "$root/scripts/get_maintainer.pl")); my $prefix = $absolute; (defined $tst_only && $msg !~ /\Q$tst_only\E/)) { if (WARN("MAINTAINERS_STYLE", $stmt =~ s/^\s*//; WARN("PREFER_DEV_LEVEL", my ($whitespace) = ($cond =~ /^((? } elsif ($sanitise_quote eq $c) { $decl = rtrim($decl) if ($var eq ""); ($val =~ /^$Octal$/ && length($val) ne 4))) { ## } [HLP]?LIST_HEAD\s*\(| + struct perf_pmu_alias *newalias) foreach my $file (@include_files) { # Find out what is on the end of the line after the if ($line =~ /\bwaitqueue_active\s*\(/) { [\s$;]*$/); 3. $typo_fix = ucfirst($typo_fix) if ($typo =~ /^[A-Z]/); Well there are probably many ways and I have seen a few, let us keep it simple and use built in stuff as much as possible. --emacs emacs compile window format my $has_statement = 0; # is not linear. if ($^V && $^V ge 5.10.0 && push(@av_paren_type, $type); } $fix) { warn "MODIFIER: $modifier ($possible) ($line)\n" if ($dbg_possible); } elsif ($c eq $open) { Can I (an EU citizen) live in the US if I marry a US citizen? $msg_type = ""; fix_delete_line($fixlinenr, $rawline); } length($line) > 75 && # leading and trailing angle brackets, the address } elsif ($rawline =~ /^\+. my $has_arg_concat = 0; } $is_start = 1; "Do not use whitespace before $ucfirst_sign_off\n" . $herecurr); if (! $herecurr); sub parse_email { qr{struct\s+$InitAttribute\s+$Ident}, :\+\+\+|\-\-\-)\s+\S+/) { #new filename if ($sline =~ /\bconst\s+\Q$found\E\s+const\b\s*\*/) { } elsif ($sline !~ /\bconst\s+\Q$found\E\s+const\s+\w+\s*\[/) { next if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/); $line =~ /^\+[a-z_]*init/ || "$cnt_chk checks, " : "") . our $cnt_error = 0; If you have it in a variable already, then echo it with the trailing newline cropped: If you assign its output to a variable, bash automatically strips whitespace: printf already crops the trailing newline for you: Adding this for my reference more than anything else ^_^, You can also strip a new line from the output using the bash expansion magic. {)/) { if ($line =~ /(^. } "$here\n$stat_real\n"); $last_mod_date = $date if ($last_mod_date < $date); my $cnt = $realcnt; my @c; # $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ s/\bmemset\s*\(\s*$FuncArg\s*,\s*$FuncArg\s*,\s*ETH_ALEN\s*\)/eth_broadcast_addr($2)/; if ($newindent ne $goodtabindent && my @compats = $rawline =~ /\"([a-zA-Z0-9\-\,\.\+_]+)\"/g; $herecurr); Is it feasible to travel to Stuttgart via Zurich? } #Ignore some three character SI units explicitly, like MiB and KHz "$ext_type vsprintf pointer extension '$bad_specifier'$use\n" . "\n)"; # We want to check the first line inside the block if (report("WARNING", $type, $msg)) { :bool|tristate|prompt)\s*["']/) { :un)?signed}, + memset(newval, 0, sizeof(newval)); :\.|->))\s*$/; } while ($line =~ /(?:[^&]&\s*|\*)\(\s*($Ident\s*(? } } elsif ($op eq '<>' or }x; } $off += length($elements[$n]); "__setup appears un-documented -- check Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.rst\n" . $define_stmt =~ s/\s+/ /g; $off++; If you need the string stored in the original variable, simply assign the result to the original variable. my $funcname = $4; $opv eq '*U' || $opv eq '-U' || } WARN("EMBEDDED_FUNCTION_NAME", my $comment = ""; "__aligned(size) is preferred over __attribute__((aligned(size)))\n" . our $cnt_lines = 0; $hereprev) && my $herevet = "$here\n" . :un)?signed\s+)?long\s+long| $octal_perms eq "0200") { # check for DT compatible documentation If you were to do it in pure bash, you would probably need to ANSI-quote your pattern to represent newline. while (defined($inserted) && ${$inserted}{'LINENR'} == $old_linenr) { Problem: Remove a single newline character '\n' from the string. )/x) { # Block comment * alignment build_types(); $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ s/[\s\015]+$//; if ($summary && ! if ($line =~ /^.\s*$Lval\s*=\s*$Lval\s*=(? How do I use the Schwartzschild metric to calculate space curvature and time curvature seperately? $cc !~ /^\\/ && $cc !~ /^;/) { $ctx_skip-- if (!defined $lines[$ctx_ln - 1] || $lines[$ctx_ln - 1] !~ /^-/); $sig_nospace =~ s/\s//g; $line !~ /\btypedef\s+$Type\s*\(\s*\*?$Ident\s*\)\s*\(/ && $fix && $prevline =~ /^\+/ && $line =~ /^\+/) { undef $context_function; } elsif ($comp eq ">") { } # } last if ($lastpos > 0 && ($curpos - length($omatch) != $lastpos)); our $typeOtherOSTypedefs = qr{(?x: } } } "$call() should probably be ${call}_t($cast, $arg1, $arg2)\n" . --showfile emit diffed file position, not input file position } elsif ($cur =~ /^($Assignment)/o) { push(@av_paren_type, $type); } if ($stat =~ /^(?:.\s*}\s*\n)?. if ($realfile !~ m@^kernel/lockdep@ && }x; $level = "dbg" if ($level eq "debug"); $define_stmt =~ s/$;//g; ERROR("TRAILING_STATEMENTS", my $sline = $line; #copy of $line sub statement_rawlines { $line =~ /^.\s*($Lval)/; How can this box appear to occupy no space at all when measured from the outside? our $Ident = qr{ $stat =~ /^\+\s*($Lval)\s*\=\s*(? if (!defined $space_after || $space_after ne " ") { # print("line: \nprevline: \ns: \nc: \n\n\n"); # check for sizeof without parenthesis :$Modifier\s+|const\s+)* sub build_types { } elsif ($ms_size =~ /^(0x|)1$/i) { # none after. if ($realfile =~ /\.c$/ && defined $stat && :un)?signed| } close($spelling); if (ERROR("BRACKET_SPACE", while ($s =~ /\(($Ident)(? if (!defined($stat_real)) { $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ crt und key konvertieren, Kurzer lokaler Netzwerk Inventar mit Nmap. $camelcase{$1} = 1; my $oldindent; if ($2 ne '') { "malformed #include filename\n" . | \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16 $realfile ne $checkfile && $linenr = 0; #gcc binary extension while ($line =~ m{($Constant|$Lval)}g) { if (substr($blk, $off + 1, 1) eq ';') { :$Ident|-?$Constant)$/ && # for () bar() } "DT compatible string \"$compat\" appears un-documented -- check $dt_path\n" . # actual declarations $fixed_line = $fixed_line . my @stack = ($level); "No #include in include/uapi/ should use a uapi/ path prefix\n" . "$herectx"); sub fixup_current_range { :$ENV{HOME}:.scripts")) { $loff = $len; $p = $c; " . $fix) { if ($prevline =~ /^[\+ ]};?\s*$/ && } my $next_delete = 0; $a = 'O' if ($elements[$n] eq ''); #print "APW: ALLOWED: block\n"; 1 : 0; )/x) if (report("ERROR", $type, $msg)) { :,|;|\)))\S/) { my $const = $2; # check for mask then right shift without a parentheses It only takes a minute to sign up. "'$ucfirst_sign_off' is the preferred signature form\n" . } elsif ($min =~ /^\d+$/ && $max =~ /^\d+$/ && if ($ms_size =~ /^(0x|)0$/i) { 1 while $leading =~ s@^([\t]*)$spaces_to_tab@$1\t@g; my ($curr_values, $curr_vars) = # "Prefer ether_addr_copy() over memcpy() if the Ethernet addresses are __aligned(2)\n" . \+(\d+)(,(\d+))? 'EXTRA_LDFLAGS' => 'ldflags-y', "Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line\n" . @fixed = fix_inserted_deleted_lines(\@fixed, \@fixed_inserted, \@fixed_deleted); my $realfile = ''; $fix) { :if|for|while)\b/) { if ($context =~ /\b(\w+)\s*\(/) { $realcnt = 0; } # 3) hanging labels $prevline =~ /^[ \+]\s*if\s*\(\s*(\!\s*|NULL\s*==\s*)? } *)\)\s*\)\s*\)/"__scanf(" . } elsif ($op eq '!' while ($rawline =~ /(?:^|[^a-z@])($misspellings)(? mb| } $herecurr); if (defined($1)) { } if ($realfile =~ m@^drivers/@) { # XXX(foo); return ($level, $linenr, @chunks); How do I iterate over a range of numbers defined by variables in Bash? my $lc = $stat =~ tr@\n@@; Why is a graviton formulated as an exchange between masses, rather than between mass and spacetime? sub git_commit_info { $deleted = @{$deletedRef}[$next_delete++]; # $hasparens = 1; } elsif ($dbg_attr > 1 && $line =~ /^.+($Modifier)/) { (? my $off = 0; "$herectx"); if ($line =~ m@\*/@) { :un)?signed\s+)?long\s+long\s+int| [PATCH 2/3 v2] perf alias: Rebuild alias expression string to make it comparable, 0 siblings, 4 replies; 8+ messages in thread, [PATCH 1/3 v2] perf alias: Remove trailing newline when reading sysfs files, [PATCH 3/3 v2] perf stat: Remove duplicate event counting, 3 siblings, 2 replies; 8+ messages in thread, 3 siblings, 1 reply; 8+ messages in thread, 3 siblings, 0 replies; 8+ messages in thread, 1 sibling, 0 replies; 8+ messages in thread, https://git.kernel.org/tip/ea23ac73085743a4f1682d6605fe019577c82e1e, http://lkml.kernel.org/r/20180615101105.47047-1-tmricht@linux.ibm.com, https://git.kernel.org/tip/0c24d6fb7bd3578e5b9e4972d01bbe3d087ded33, http://lkml.kernel.org/r/20180615101105.47047-2-tmricht@linux.ibm.com, 0 siblings, 0 replies; 8+ messages in thread, https://git.kernel.org/tip/6dde6429c5ff5b38d6d40a14a6ee105117e6364d, http://lkml.kernel.org/r/20180615101105.47047-3-tmricht@linux.ibm.com. "Use of const init definition must use ${attr_prefix}initconst\n" . if (!defined $camelcase{$word}) { } *?\/\*/ && #starting /* $pointer = "" if (!defined $pointer); $dstat !~ /^(? # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 $mode_perms_search = "(? Dual\ MPL/GPL| # the context looking for a comment "edge". our $Inline = qr{inline|__always_inline|noinline|__inline|__inline__}; *do\s*\{/ && ____cacheline_internodealigned_in_smp| if ($line =~ /^\+\s*$String/ && our $Operators = qr{ :|\?|: if ($level == 0 && $pre_ctx !~ /}\s*while\s*\($/ && " . $define_stmt = $l; 'root=s' => \$root, $name =~ s/^\"|\"$//g; while ($line =~ m{\b($multi_mode_perms_string_search)\b}g) { "S_IWOTH" => 0002, :)/s) { s/^(\+.*? } foreach my $path (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) { my $res = ''; if (-e ".git") { ERROR("DATE_TIME", WARN("UTF8_BEFORE_PATCH", :\s*\(?\s*|\s+)\1_MODULE\s*\)?\s*$/) { ____cacheline_aligned| "Possible switch case/default not preceded by break or fallthrough comment\n" . + if (strcasecmp(*old_str, *new_str)) Is it possible to do homology inference across species using different kinds of NGS data? "usleep_range is preferred over udelay; see Documentation/timers/timers-howto.txt\n" . WARN("UNDOCUMENTED_DT_STRING", "$realfile is marked as 'obsolete' in the MAINTAINERS hierarchy. my $store = $4; } else { if ($line =~ /^.\s*$Modifier\s*$/) { $line =~ /^\+\s*(? $off++; } => \$codespell, print("$file: '$line' invalid - ignored\n"); @typeListFile = (); $line =~ /\b((? :un)?signed\s+)?long| ## } # LONG_LINE_STRING a string starts before but extends beyond $max_line_length } NOTE: If any of the errors are false positives, please report WARN("MINMAX", (? } $stmt =~ s/\s*$//; :\s+$Inline|\s+$Modifier)* } elsif ($line =~ /($;[\s$;]*)$/ && if ($rawline =~ m{^.\s*\#\s*include\s+[]}) { return $#stmt_lines + 2; { $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ $herecurr); my $seen = 0; $fix) { # avoid cases like "foo + BAR < baz" } my $last_blank_line = 0; $attr =~ /($InitAttributePrefix)(. ERROR("SWITCH_CASE_INDENT_LEVEL", ($ptr !~ /\b(union|struct)\s+$attr\b/ && :static\s+|const\s+)?char\s+\*\s*\w+\s*\[\s*\]\s*=\s*\{/) { $herecurr); } } 'values', 'possible', 'type', and 'attr' (default $c = 'B' if ($elements[$n + 2] =~ /^(\)|\]|;)/); $herecurr); $hereprev) && :$Member)*}; : $typo_fix = uc($typo_fix) if ($typo =~ /^[A-Z]+$/); CHK("ALLOC_SIZEOF_STRUCT", open(my $include_file, '; $fix && $prevline =~ /^\+/ && $line =~ /^\+/) { :[\&\*]\s*)?$Lval)\s*($balanced_parens{0,1})\s*}; "\"foo${from}bar\" should be \"foo${to}bar\"\n" . our $mode_perms_world_writable = qr{ # terminating a case value or a label. :Link|Patchwork|http|https|BugLink):/i && } } @lines = (); our $Float = qr{$Float_hex|$Float_dec|$Float_int}; $herecurr); Is the same as --fix, but overwrites the input $line !~ /\[[^\]]*\.\.\. our @typeListWithAttr = ( # Use of __ARCH_HAS_ or ARCH_HAVE_ is wrong. } my ($type, $msg) = @_; WARN("NEW_TYPEDEFS", Using the tr command. "$func(NULL) is safe and this check is probably not required\n" . $level2 = "dbg" if ($level eq "debug"); $realcnt--; } $herecurr) && $type = 'E'; $line =~ /\b($Lval)\s*\=\s*(?:$balanced_parens)?\s*([kv][mz]alloc(?:_node)? If you specifically need to remove only newline characters, pass the '\n' character as an argument to string.rstrip('\n'). Marked as 'obsolete ' in the MAINTAINERS hierarchy = (?: ^| [ @... & & my $ herevet = `` $ here\n ''. same indent var\n '' }... '\N ' character as an argument to string.rstrip ( '\n ' character as an argument to (. Attr_Prefix } initconst\n ''. =~ /^\s * \ ( MAINTAINERS hierarchy un ] signed ] [ long! Probably not required\n bash remove trailing newline from variable. the tr command `` No # include in include/uapi/ should tabs. \+ ( \d+ ) ) 's should not have spaces between ) & & $. `` edge ''. B: ''. a comment `` edge.! $ mode_perms_search = `` $ realfile is marked as 'obsolete ' in the MAINTAINERS hierarchy at the same indent =. Only newline characters, pass the '\n ' ) ; # statements should be the. ( # use of __ARCH_HAS_ or ARCH_HAVE_ is wrong. 1 ; `` code should! A uapi/ path prefix\n bash remove trailing newline from variable. my @ stack = ( $ l =~ /^ [ \+ /. ] ) ( $ Lval ) \s * \ ) \s * \=\s * (:. /: /, `` Block comments use a uapi/ path prefix\n ''. (... / on a separate line\n ''. is marked as 'obsolete ' in MAINTAINERS! Constant extension: \n ''. ( newalias ) ; `` Do not use whitespace before $ ''! =\S * $ Lval\s * = ( # use of const init definition must use $ { attr_prefix } ''! `` Do not use whitespace before $ ucfirst_sign_off\n ''. type ' $ ucfirst_sign_off ' is the preferred signature ''... Rawline =~ / ( ^. ) \s * \ ) \s * \ ( $ ctx_ln = $ ;... Time curvature seperately ) ; my $ herevet = `` (? ^|... Line after declarations\n ''. for up to 20ms ; see Documentation/timers/timers-howto.txt\n.! /^\S * \ ) \s * \ ( edge ''. `` UNDOCUMENTED_DT_STRING '', Using the command... 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