Upu faifai. The pigeon of the early morning. Thanks for reading this post on the best Samoan quotes about family, famous Samoan sayings and fascinating Samoan proverbs and their meanings. The explanation given by Pratt to seek an occasion to quarrel is incorrect. Sinasegi, the daughter of the Tuiaana Fa'apilipili and his wife Sinalaua, went fishing one night on the reef of Falelima. Explore. 'Ae'ae, the bird has entered (the cage). O le a sosopo le manu vale i le fogatia. Its In order to settle a dispute, it is necessary to be clear about its causes. ", "All things grow with time, except grief", "Live your own life, for you will die your own death. 68. The god gave him a fetish (tupua) which the man hung up in an aoa tree (banyan). When one party has, with much trouble, conquered another and established a government, it has to watch lest its newly acquired power be wrested from it. Samoan Let each do his share of the work. Samoan and English are official languages. Plant the giant taro to prevent the weeds from spreading. This Samoan idiom literally means why do you not steer out of the way?. 135. 83. It means the palolo was gone by the time the people reached the reef. The pigeon that was detached from the rest of the flock. According to Pratt: Applied by one of himself when speaking before great chiefs., 97. Samoan The person with burned fingers asks for tongs. Sometimes a touch or simply looking the grieving spouse or family member in the eye is all that is needed to provide comfort. The trade wind blows mostly during the cool season and brings fine weather for sea travel. He is like the plate of the drill. Mocking words referring to common people who begin to eat before the high chiefs, and to similar cases. Ua solo le falute. Upu fa'aalualu: Do the most difficult things first. Polata, however, is not very durable and the ribbon tore time and again. Upu faalumaluma. 69. In the days of yore Tuiuea (the king of Uea or Wallis) came to this village. Thus say the hunters when they have returned home from their expedition and hung up the nets, etc. 20. Every culture has its own set of rules in which everyone is to follow so that there is order and peace in the community. 1. (Compare No. 166. ", "Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names. 132. 196. At the time when the Samoans had only stone tools, much strength and skill were required to cut this notch. When lying in the sand, they can easily hurt one another. Ua fa'amea tapena i ua. Prayers From Prison. 7. In Aana the expression refers to an aitu incorporated in a white tropic bird that lived on Mount Tafua. 173. When the middle post is broken, the side posts cannot withstand (the weight of the roof). Ua le sau i le afu, le sau i le tutupu; ua sau i le lalau. 134. The space between the huts at the ve'a hunt. 18. This figure of speech presupposes that a single pigeon was spied by a hunting party and that it was artfully enticed and caught in presence of all the hunters. When the saying is applied to girls (o le i'a vai tama'ita'i), it is used as a faianaga (jest). 3. 128. E gase le pa'a i lona vae. The pigeon flew away, just skimming over the water near the place where Pepe was hidden. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ", The death of an elderly man is like a burning library. Utu is the bamboo receptacle in which the hooks are kept. ", "The whole world is a dream, and death the interpreter. A fishing expedition may have no success, but a suspicion usually has some ground for it. Upu fa'afiti, fa'amaulalo: ou te le toe si'itia le matalalaga. All the tulavae made by a section of the village are joined into a fata. The importance of mats harkens back to when they served as the currency of the Samoan people. When the wild manutagi has entered the cage of the decoy bird, the hunter, crying 'ae'ae, jumps out of his shelter and covers the cage. Fa'alagamaea is a figure of speech for a trial trip during which the sails and the rigging will be wetted. To drill holes that do not meet. Ua se u ta'afale. For the community hunt a tia (cleared space in the bush for hunting) was prepared and shelters or hiding places erected for the individual hunters. The bundle of mats has fallen into disarray. Both are well protected by the law of the land. Ua se aga e tasi. Fatu'ulu. Upu faanoanoa or alofa referring to a person who has come to harm through anothers fault. Fa'afanauga a laumei. Finding no blossoms it will set on the leaves. With people it is different. For the chase it offers only feathered game. A big fish net is made in parts (tulavae) by individual persons. 162. doi:10.21037/apm.2018.s016. When it tries to climb over rocks and tree trunks, it frequently tumbles down. On the coast near Asu the shark crept into a submarine cave. Do An exhortation not to allow one-self to be downcast by a single failure. Conversely, when relatives from the homeland, specifically from Western Samoa, attend a funeral in the migrants place of residence, they bring mats and money, and the migrants repay them with airfare and exceptional hospitality during their visit. Ua sanisani fa'amanuao. Upu fa'amaulalo signifying that a person is unwilling to vouch for the correctness of his report or the unalter-ableness of his opinion. Most of the material, however, I obtained directly from the Samoans themselves, about thirty of whom gave me their generous and unselfish assistance. When the girls grumbled because the anticipated tit-bits failed to appear, Pili soothed them with the words: O le upega e tautau, 'ae fagota. In every generation there are some outstanding chiefs. Gather the breadfruit from the farthest branches first. Look at those stars that are waving on it: This is the symbol of Jesus, who died on it for Samoa. The top and the bottom are turned back and forth. It also refers to elderly or sick people whose days are numbered, but in this case it may not be used in the presence of the person to whom it is applied. Through the back entrance she received the food which had to be offered to her as tribute. Upu fa'amafanafana: comforting, consolatory expressions. E le aia puga i le masi O le pa ua sala i le maga. 78. To prick one another like a school of 'apoa. 123). When fishing for anae (mullet) the fishermen post themselves around the big net. The stranger then replies with the muagagana No. Matala'oa was a bush village in Falealili, inland of Poutasi. According to the communistic system of the Samoans, a travelling party is allowed to beg fish-hooks at the houses where they call. The saying is used by a speaker as an apology for having, in the heat of the discussion, offended one of his listeners or for having unintentionally omitted one of the set forms of speech required by Samoan etiquette. 74. 34. After the harvest the pole will be laid aside or thrown away. It is often planted on the edges of a taro patch, so that with its big leaves and tall stalks it may keep away the weeds. Only seen in the mouths of the fish. Someone who comes to grief as a result of their own actions. One night two women planned to go fishing with torches on the reef. Upu vivi'i: A figure of speech for speed.. When the hook is badly bound, the fish will not take it. When a ti plantation has been abandoned, the plants are not choked by the weeds but will grow up again as soon as the weeds are removed. A net that is beyond repair. An incautious person will be surprised by his enemy. Saying "hello" is as simple as ml in an informal setting. 79. Directly applied to a long meeting and indirectly, to any other performance that takes a long time. Thus the whole village perished. Change). Ua se ta'ata'a a le ala. Like the grass on the wayside. Foga'afa is idiomatic for faga'afa. To catch the first pigeon of the day is considered a special achievement. Samoan Sign Language is used by at least some of the deaf population.Apia is the capital and the largest city of Samoa. 73. The neck of land is now called Tiapepe. The church funeral services are mostly western style with emphasis on music and prayer. The alamea is a spiny sea star. E tele a ululau. Two persons, families or villages related to each other but unequal in strength, means, number, etc. Upu fa'anoanoa. This proverb is also used to describe the troublesome condition explained in No. A petitioner uses it to indicate he realizes the negative answer he gets is only an evasion. Upu fa'aalualu. Like a pigeon sitting behind the hunter's hut. The chief Amituana'i came along and abducted them. Below Ive listed the most famous Samoan proverbs and their meanings as well as some common Samoan sayings. Samoan A decision made at night may be changed in the morning. Apia, 1906. A few examples include: " Ku'ia Kahele aka na'au ha'aha'a :" "A humble person walks carefully so as not to hurt others." Proverbs offering support include: Some cultures view death as a very part of life on a larger continuum. 8. The string (to which the decoy pigeon is tied) is entangled. A Samoan proverb about patiently enduring an injustice. Your will is as the flight of an old pigeon. If the saying is to refer to incestuous brothers and sisters, it may be used only as an obscene jest, but never in the presence of relatives. When the members of a family are fishing with their net another person will, perhaps, put to sea and join them in the hope that he will get his share of the catch after having assisted them. Upu fa'aulaula addressed to a person who appears unexpectedly. Refers to the introductory ceremonies to any function, such as the ceremonial greetings introducing a speech, grace before meals, etc. Apia is the only city in Samoa and falls within the political district of Tuamasaga. The captured birds will be killed; the decoy birds will be given rest. O le sala a tautai e totogi. Upu faifai referring to a person who feigns love and affection. They appeared not in Saua; they appeared not at the drying of the rigging. A hunter who catches many pigeons rejoices in his shelter. Give water to the black birds. 98. At the building of the double canoe it is necessary that an ample supply of sinnet be available, lest the tying of the planks and the completion of the boat be retarded. A characteristic saying with which a speaker probes the opinion of the leaders of the fono (ta'ita'i fono). When the wooing has presented particular difficulties, as through the lack of connections between the families of the bride and the bridegroom, then the young wife and her child are referred to as. Because of its small size the igaga was not invited to the meeting. The lou is a long pole with a crook at the end, used in gathering breadfruit. However, it presupposes that only one person is engaged in an undertaking, or, if there is more than one, none of them meets with success. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. He has two mouths like the sea cucumber. Used by someone whose opinion has not been sought. One day her brother went out to noose sharks and stayed away a long time. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. v. Buelow and Kraemer give the following explanation: The one dances about and wastes his time with useless things, whilst the other by persevering efforts goes straight towards his goal. A couple of white pearl shell fish-hooks. At lauloa fishing some men must mind the net lest it become entangled and tear in the stones and coral slabs, while the others are dragging it. The fish fugausi secretes a whitish substance in which it hides itself and feels secure from its enemies. Applied to a thing done so hurriedly that order and care suffer; for instance, a hurried journey in which things are forgotten. Samoa, arise and raise your flag, your crown! 172. Shall I become your working girdle? At last her brother returned, but he had caught nothing. Upu fa'aalualu referring to the frequency of the Samoan civil wars. 41. Upu fiafia: expressions of joy and contentment. They are proverbial expressions, mostly in elliptically mutilated form, taken from the mythology, the history and the everyday lives of the natives and serve to illustrate their opinions and utterances. According to Kraemer the hunters climb the rock and kill the sleeping birds or seize them with their hands. They are shouting together as at the tern hunt. Upu fa'aaloalo used to introduce some complimentary remarks about the previous speaker, if the latter was a high chief or an orator of rank. He will say to the tautai: Fa'amolomole, o lo'u va'a o le va'a si'i vale, au ou sau lava i lo'u fia fagota, i.e., I beg your pardon; I have launched my canoe without a good excuse; I have come to help you. Watch. 21. Applied to a family, village or district which, through dissension, is divided into two equally strong parties. When wearing the mat, it is folded in two and the coarser half is worn underneath. The fish, too, lie in wait for it. Once upon a time a mago and a pa'itele had a fight. The club fight took place on the three malae in Falafa. Death, in Samoan tradition, is considered Gods Will. It has traditionally been believed that Samoans should die at home. Sign in to get trip updates and message other travelers.. Samoa ; Hotels ; Things to do ; Restaurants ; Flights ; Vacation Rentals ; Vacation Packages When a number of matai turn out for a common fishing expedition (alafaga), each canoe must keep its place and be steered properly, lest the fishing lines get tangled. It is an upu vivi'i, commending a person for his retentive memory. Blessed is the moon; it goes but it comes back again. Even European building material is rarely used in the construction of native houses. Like the young of the turtle. 144. When a flock of pigeons came down, Lefao caught a great number of them before the other was even ready to swing his net. - 152 The front entrance was used by those who came with a request. The matai orders his men to build a small hunting hut and carry it with the rest of the hunting implements to the swamp which is the bird's usual habitat. From various other sources I had the following: Two men undertake a job. Shower later." 4. Hidden like a tattoo design. Funerals are flooded with gifts for the family. Interpreter. Applied to someone who succumbs to a high chief or an orator, also to a taupou (village virgin) who elopes with a man of rank. 78): E le'i mitimiti papata. The deck-planks of a large war canoe were laid simultaneously from either side. 3. He neither searches the holes nor does he dig away the mud. One single deck. Ua fa'atagito'a. One of the best Samoan sayings about family meaning, in the face of adversity, only family will truly be there for us. The hunter watching in his hut lays three arrows in front of him. O le lamaga ua fa'atau aitu. 102. E tasi, 'ae afe. 6. Upu fa'alumaluma referring to a matai who has no vote in the village or family council and who yet insists on giving instructions and advice which everyone will ignore. The 28th of December 1929 is now known as Samoas Black Saturday. Upu faifai. At low tide two girls were fishing in the lagoon of Sale'imoa. When a matai tauta (landlubber) who owns fishing tackle but understands nothing about fishing, wants some fish, he will give the tackle and a present to a tautai and ask him to go fishing for him. They also decided that the Fijian method of fishing being so unsatisfactory, should no longer be taught to others. O lenei lava le ufiufi manu gase. To this refers the popular song: A'e i le Pola ne'i gaseNe'i sosola o manu e. Climb the Pola Rock noiselessly lest the birds fly away. Like a breadfruit plucked on stony ground, (i.e., plucked off a tree growing on stony ground, so that the fruit will be crushed and no longer usable). 7. Samoan Blessed is the moon; it goes but it comes back again. Like things carried out of the rain. To lend aid in the undertaking. E fa'apupuati le gase. Delight in the hunter's hut. A new boat was smoothed with pieces of coral, each workman being assigned to a particular part of the boat. There the instruments remain together, one knowing the other. Hence the fish appear first at an insignificant little village while the politically important towns have to wait. 172). The busybody's pretended wisdom, therefore, will be of no avail. In the war between the birds and the fishes (No. You love them because together, you bring out the best in each other.. 126. A canoe is steered in the wrong direction while a swarm of little fishes arises. At the termination of the war the birds held a fono and drank kava. What Can You Expect During End Stage Lung Cancer, Inspiring Poems About Death, Grief, and Loss, How Anticipatory Grief Differs From Grief After Death, What Loved Ones Should Know About the End of Life, How to Write a Condolence Letter or Sympathy Note, Addressing the cultural, spiritual and religious perspectives of palliative care, "Say not in grief he is no more, but live in thankfulness that he was. In which things are forgotten holes nor does he dig away the mud are well by... 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