Discord Server | This card seems like the exact kind of party I want to invite all of my friends to. 1x Into the Roil. For this we will need to have milled an [[anger]] and have a mountain in play. Guljin EDH. DMCA requests | You can't just activate Mirror-Mad Phantasm's ability and then send Mairsil to the command zone. Mairsil, the Pretender + Hateflayer + Tree of Perdition. Turn 2: Land, [[Pentad prism]], entomb, burred alive, or demonic tutor finding Mirror-Mad phantasm. I am likely removing Darksteel Plate & Knacksaw Clique for Consecrated Sphinx & Fact or Fiction. You'll likely be playing a lot of defense as you round up cage targets, so cards like Morphling, Galecaster Colossus, and Chaos Warp can help protect Mairsil and also remove bigger threats, at least temporarily. This is a slow, stax deck. Doing weird ability things. I knew that just having the one Infect card wasn't going to do it, but thankfully there are a few others that wanted to join in the party. Step 2 is to reanimate Mairsil, or to get him in play again (which reanimation seems the easiest). Bolt Bend: My usual playgroups are super heavy on targeted removal and this deck is their boogeyman. 1st combo: Mirror-Mad PhantasmCage Mirror-Mad Phantasm 1U - flip deck into grave yard. If you want the Sparknotes of the rules, if it has ':' in it, it's an activated ability, if it has 'whenever' 'when' or 'at the beginning/end of [insert step here]' in it, it's triggered. Mairsil, the Pretender will be exiled until end of turn, then Nevinyrral's Disk will resolve, killing everything. This doesn't even see play in the most casual of Demon tribal decks, probably because its equal parts bad and old. quicksilver elemental + gilded lotus + Mairsil = infinite everything Aug. 18, 2017. As such, I am thinking of brewing up a deck for him that embraces my favorite meta-achetype, that of Combo-Control. Another combo, which is more involved and requires Anger in the yard, or Mairsil, the Pretender to have been on board for a turn so we can tap to activate abilities. That dude's ability doesn't care about summoning sickness so you can bounce a permanent each turn even if you had to blink Mairsil the turn before. 2022 by Cards Realm. Have you taken this deck in strange direction? A free flicker at the end of your turn that'll save you one blue mana for an Aetherling blink somewhere else or in response to a kill spell in response to Thassa's trigger. Use Endling to giving Undying to Mairsil, the Pretender. This deck uses counter magic mostly as protection for the commander but also for occasionally interrupting someone else's game plan. Valakut Awakening Vampiric Tutor: The best instant speed tutor in the game. Privacy statement | Horseshoe Crab: Just a not-as-good Morphling. Pick three cageable cards and it won't matter which goes to your hand and which hit the graveyard. What if you could set it to 4? Basalt Monolith: Colored mana is way more useful and since you can cage Gilded Lotus, Prismatic Geoscope, and/or Coveted Jewel the CMC and downsides don't matter which makes them strictly better than Basalt Monolith in this deck. After that we obviously cast Mairsil, exile and cage the phantasm (from here on just called cage), and then activate. As such, I am thinking of brewing up a deck for him that embraces my favorite meta-achetype, that of Combo-Control. Edit. With untap effects and a few more abilities to put charge counters on Mairsil (Otherworld Atlas, Lux Cannon, and so forth), we can keep our extra turns going until we dig into a card that actually kills our opponents (infinite snake tokens from Orochi Hatchery, for example). Arcane Signet and Talisman of Dominance are pretty standard rocks for these colors. The second divides cards by function, in the same manner I did when designing the deck. Get your mana out, tutor, then hit the gas. Since there won't be one, you mill your entire library. So when you tap Mairsil to activate the Tree's ability, it will actually turn your opponent's life total to whatever Mairsil's toughness is, which is typically 4. Combo 1: Chimeric Spikeshot. During this deck's first iteration, I found I didn't really have a win condition. Mairsil, the Pretender: Commander 2017 General This card has restrictions in the following formats: Format: Legality: Legacy Legal Vintage Legal Commander Legal x For more information regarding each format and play style modifications, visit the Banned / Restricted Lists for DCI . And to be fair, this deck can lock a table down pretty soundly with an early game Nev's Disk in the cage. Turn 1: Land, [[Sol ring]], [[fellwar stone]]. 4c Samurai av Drakmester Prerequisites. It also pairs incredibly well with Infect. This is a card you see in very combo-centric Mairsil builds, because when you use Mairsil to activate its ability, you mill your entire deck into the graveyard. Sometimes, there are cards that disrupt you or threaten to eliminate you from the game altogether. Copied to clipboard. Top Combos. Eitherof these scenarios makes Quicksilver Elemental a must-have, especially for our combo focus. 2022 by Cards Realm. Mairsil on the battlefield; All other cards exiled with cage counters on them; Mairsil does not have summoning sickness; Mairsil 's toughness is less than or equal to its power (1 magic symbol) (R magic symbol) (R magic symbol) avaliable Infinite sacrifice triggers. When this copy enters, we will cage up [[Kozilek's translator]]. Staff of Domination: Would mostly be used as an untap effect, which I already have plenty of. Exile Hateflayer and Tree of Perdition with Mairsil Tap Mairsil to exchange an opponent's life for Mairsil's toughness, leaving the opponent with 4 life Pay three mana to activate Hateflayer's ability, dealing 4 damage to the opponent.. Combo Hateflayer +Mairsil, the Pretender +Tree of Perdition + Magic: the Gathering MTG As long as you can blink or send Mairsil back to your hand before the end step, you can get him back on the field for cheap (and without using any of your blue sources!) Do you have an opinion on the matter? Primer Mairsil, the Pretender has been played in more than 16 decks in the last year and is a key card in more than 14 combos (you can check them in the Mairsil, the Pretender combos section). If you have Anger in the yard, it means you can activate it the turn he comes down. Training Grounds: Mostly price, but also the value isn't worth the slot IMO, especially if youre gonna consistently lose it to your own board wipes. When researching for this article, I read an article by EDHREC's own Robin Kass, who wrote a great article about Mairsil last July. For your consideration, the first combo: Chimeric Mass and our Spikeshot friends, Spikeshot Elder and Spikeshot Goblin. For next time, I'm hotly debating between writing for another Commander 2017 legend and writing about a budget version of a traditionally-expensive deck: superfriends, which is another topic I will gladly request your input on. Terms of Use | The easiest I could see there would be something like [[gilded lotus]] and [[pili-pala]] for infinite mana, and win from there. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Once we have our deck in our graveyard we can go to the second step. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. This makes for all sorts of crazy infinite combos, and Quicksilver Elemental is thus one of the strongest cards in the deck.". It took me a long time to accept this but when I did, my play experience improved drastically! A Mairsil with removal can discourage your opponents from playing their more powerful threats. Memnarch: Too expensive to activate without infinite mana. We would probably want the obvious assist cards like [[force of will]] and [[pact of negation]] for protection, hand disruption if we are 1v1, and other classic Grixis staples. This annoying message will go away once you do. This has created a need for a lot of commander protection, which is why I have so much counter magic in my build and don't just lean on AEtherling to save him from everything. Rhystic Study: I finally gave in and added it to this deck as well. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. When she isn't playing games, she's probably singing, or acting, or both. Steps. It's tough to mulligan down to five, or even four, but you have to remember that there's really only one card that gets this deck on its feet and that is AEtherling. We will need to draw him into hand or graveyard with a [[demonic tutor]], [[entomb]], [[buried alive]] ect. Legends of Runeterra and its respective properties are copyright Riot Games. If they kill the creature you put into play then Mairsil is never coming back. Help | This led me to Mairsil's Gatherer page to check out the rulings associated with him: I assumed that this was how it worked, but I wanted to be sure, and thought it would be worth passing that information along. The ideal situation is to have AEtherling imprinted ASAP, as this gives us the ability to bounce Mairsil, the Pretender each turn to imprint a new card, it also makes it much harder to kill Mairsil, the Pretender. This card is a bit overrated in most non-artifact-based commander decks, but the ability to make colored mana is huge. Since his combo pieces aren't cast but acquired through an activated ability, it's easy for Mairsil to keep his win cons safe in exile. Things like Gilded Lotus are nice, but because Mairsil is a creature and not an artifact he'll need haste in order to tap for mana so going infinite is trickier than just using Aetherling. Other cards to note are the oft mentioned [[deadeye navigator]] and gilded lotus for infinite mana and activations. (0). If you're playing 1v1 and it looks like commander damage might win you the game, use the "-lings" +1/-1 abilities to pump up Mairsil (only once per turn, per -ling) and then make him unblockable with this guy to get you to 21 faster. This week, the challenge was very challenging, (This is how I felt after writing that last sentence. Then with haste, we will sacrifice the Caretaker, and reanimate [ [Body Double]], copying Mairsil. I've got most of the "essential" cards of the deck already ([[Aetherling]] & friends, that sort of thing), but wanted not to just take the combo route, as i already have a combo-dedicated deck. Mairsil, the Pretender has all activated abilities of all cards you own in exile with cage counters on them. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Se pretender envio pelo correio os portes ficam a cargo do comprador.Particular.EstadoUsado uma vez.MarcaParfois.TipoMalas.. vendo-a porque acaba por ter muitas divises para o que eu costumo transportar. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. A good few of these ideas came from, or were inspired by the good work others have done in different posts, so thank you all. I run a lot of countermagic and protection to stop that from happening. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Rarity (main - side) 9 - 0 Mythic Rares. 1st combo: Mirror-Mad Phantasm Cage Mirror-Mad Phantasm 1U - flip deck into grave yard. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 569 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2023-01-15: Mairsil: tylerblake478 - -31 tix: . That's one major benefit of being the most Voltron of Voltron commanders. This. Ovinomancer: I actually just re-familiarized myself with the rulings on this guy and he's better than I had once thought. (0). Feeds | Welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that builds entire EDH decks containing no card that costs more than $1. Along the way, we will be protecting ourselves and our combo with some prison and pillow-fort type effects. I don't run all of these anymore but it helps to know your options. Blue mana is the most important so try to keep as much of it open as possible for AEtherling activations and counter magic. Mirror-Mad Phantasm/Thassa's Oracle: This combo requires Mirror-Mad Phantasm to be caged and Thassa's Oracle in hand to be cast (hopefully with a counterspell or two in hand as well to protect this combo, otherwise you'll lose the game the next time you have to draw a card). The group is also VERY heavy on removal. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Grinning Ignus) on creatures as well. Darksteel Ingot: An indestructible mana rock to survive multiple Nevinyrral's Disk and Boompile activations. Our Mairsil list contains a single Vehicle: Mobile Garrison. Mairsil, the Pretender This card is just such a flavor win and looks like a great value engine too. This deck doesn't work without Mairsil on the field. Flood of Tears: Devestation Tide with a twist, basically. The untap ability is ok but it's also kind of expensive to activate. Just kidding! Discord Server | Try 'em out and see what works for you! DMCA requests | Combo result Infinite ETB. Hard for your opponent's to win when they've got nothing on the board. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. He works as an ASL interpreter, enjoys running, and sitting on his porch reading, while simultaneously silently judging his neighbors. I made the error that everyone makes at one time or another during their life: underestimating the depravity of the internet. This annoying message will go away once you do. Consecrated Sphinx is just a staple card in any blue deck which becomes game winning if opponents cannot remove it. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC He's got the mother of all Voltron weaknesses. Playing against a creature-heavy deck? Our deck has another notable combo that, while unlikely to end games, will aid our charge counter shenanigans. Pay 5 and tap Mairsil to put five +1/+1 counters on him with Anthroplasm's ability. Endling: The undying ability is what really shines here. Ideally, you'll have 4-5 mana sources (mostly blue) between lands and rocks, and a tutor to find AEtherling. Galecaster Colossus: One of the most effective forms of removal in the deck and you can activate it even with summoning sickness. Also a decent way to untap. Activate Mairsil using Endling 's third ability by paying (B magic symbol) , gaining Mairsil undying; Activate Mairsil using Phyrexian Altar 's ability by sacrificing Mairsil, adding (B magic symbol) Mairsil 's undying ability triggers, returning it to the battlefield; Activate Mairsil using Cinderhaze Wretch 's ability, putting -1/-1 on itself . At this point each 5 life you pay gets you an extra turn, or you can just wait until next turn and pay with regular mana, which ever seems safer in the situation. On second thought, let's not talk about Lab-man combo. Repeat the loop. [[Nevinyrral's disk]] and after activating using the exile from aetherling to dodge the effect or regeneration of [[skithiryx, the blight dragon]] to live through it. Marisil, the Pretender has all activated abilities of all cards you own in exile with cage counters on them. **Side note, you have to shuffle Mairsil into your library for this to work. This grants Mairsil another instance of each activated ability on both of these cards, which of course havent been activated yet. Big Score: There are a lot of cards that can be grabbed out of the graveyard in this deck so the discard cost is negligible. Each time Mairsil reenters the battlefield you'll get to cage up another artifact or creature from your hand or graveyard. It is not played in any current format. Did you know? TappedOut.js Blog Widget. He combos especially well with Cavern Harpy if you find yourself without AEtherling in the cage as well. This site is unaffiliated. Phyrexian Altar on the battlefield or in exile with a cage counter. Solid deal IMO. The first thing is something I've discussed in articles before this one, likethis article I wrote about Kurkesh, and that's the difference between triggered and activated abilities. I used to run Talisman of Indulgence until I got an Arcane Signet. Eater of the Dead: Too situational. For this we will need to have milled an [ [anger]] and have a mountain in play. Then cast Thoracle for the win. Mairsil only cares about activated abilities. Each loop will net 1 U mana. Whenever possible, it would behoove us to target cards in the graveyard, though there will certainly be situations that you absolutely must cage specific cards from hand. Skyship Weatherlight Bane Alley Broker Gustha's Scepter If a card refers to itself. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC The "reveal until you find a Mirror-Mad" has an "if" clause in front of it which only resolves if the card is shuffled in. Contact | It bypasses the "once per turn" activation rule, allowing you potentially endless activations of his abilities. He's gonna be a strong target for hate after your group plays against him a few times. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Mairsil combos attempt. 15 - 0 Commons. Typical gameplay involves caging AEtherling and then blinking Mairsil throughout each turn cycle to cage up as many abilities as you can. Playtest v1. It is only looking for "a card" named Mirror-Mad Phantasm. A four-cast commander and a plethora of activated abilities, plus 3 other players' turns to survive before your lands untap again, so my land count is on the higher side. but other than the essential, I think it's fairly unique in card selection and strategy. Support this Channel: https://www.patreon.com/seibenmtgVideo by: Nicole (BadWolfMTG) Commander 2017 is being here and with it comes some unique stories. I figured once you've seen one Mairsil deck, you've basically seen all of them, so nobody was going to vote for it. Kindly pen them below! This is just a collection of cards that I have tried out in the deck at one point or another. Complete Comment Tutorial! Many of our combo pieces are creatures, and we have multiple flavors of ramp, card advantage, and Mairsil-rebuying (e.g. Presenting: Mairsil's Charge Counters Combo! So unless you have the mana to tutor and play whatever it is you grabbed, tutoring and then doing nothing tends to make people nervous and they start to really direct their attention towards you. While the rest of the game can go in any direction, your early game needs to revolve solely around finding. As it's hard to get a quick combo win with this deck as it takes a bit of setting up. Your opponents are now aware of how difficult Mairsil is to remove and how difficult he is to interact with (which your playgroup will complain about incessantly lol). Targeting himself results in zero sheep, though. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. UBR (Grixis). Mairsil, the Pretender 1 U B R Legendary Creature - Human Wizard When Marisil, the Pretender enters the battlefield you may exile an artifact or creature card from your hand or graveyard and put a cage counter on it. The other rule that tripped me up when I was first trying to brew this deck involves activated abilities that are self-referential. You can perform this same sort of loop, but replacing Endling with Reassembling Skeleton, where you use the BB to return Mairsil, the Pretender from the Graveyard. Hello, r/EDH! You may activate each of those abilities only once . Complete Comment Tutorial! In other words, any counter on any creature can be moved onto any other creature at will. This made this deck more challenging to build; just tapping Mairsil once a turn isn't likely to be enough to gain us the advantage that we need to be competitive. Traumatize: Never worked out for me any time I played it. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. I'd love to hear your opinions in the comment section! I have been toying around with [[Mairsil, the pretender]] and his combo potential. They basically get one shot to counter him or it's unlikely he will leave the field involuntarily. At some point you can just draw the rest of your Staff of Domination. This site is unaffiliated. Then EOT, Mairsil, the Pretender will come back into play. Cinderhaze Wretch and Endling in exile with cage counters on them. From this point, the easiest combo I can see is to exile [[sage of hours]] and [[anthroplasm]]. There are two main win loops that can be done with Endling, that don't need haste, as you don't need to tap. Deadeye Navigator: Costs too much to cast and gives me another creature I need to protect. 0.01 TIX. Mairsil, the Pretender: how would the rules work with these cards? Illusionist's Bracers: Could be useful but you'd need to reequip it each time you blink Mairsil. Now you have to weigh setting up your win against preventing the table from killing you or locking you out. Have [[Thousand-Year Elixir]] on the battlefield, and [[Deadeye Navigator]] soulbound to Mairsil. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. When building this deck, I found that a lot of the best win conditions for Mairsil were outside of our budget. Commander Spellbook. Mairsil can also target himself on announcement, so you will always have a legal target, unless you happen to have already given him shroud with Morphling or something. As such, if you simply play Mairsil and hope to make to around the table, you are likely in for a bad time. A TappedOut decklist can be found here. There are a number of control elements, lots of removal, and tons of protection for Mairsil, which you will need for all of the hate he's gonna draw after a game or two. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC Arcanis the Omnipotent: I'm very hot and cold with him. (That's a silly question, we're Magic players, we always have opinions!) Legends of Runeterra e le sue rispettive propriet sono copyright di Riot Games. 10/10 would recommend. Minamo, School at Water's Edge: Comes in untapped and taps for blue (the most important color) and can untap Mairsil, allowing him to use a second tap ability in a single turn. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. The deck needs more card draw. Every time you blink him he gets summoning sickness, which can be a huge setback. Shroud is perfectly fine in this deck since you're never actually "targeting" Mairsil with his abilities. UBR (Grixis), PLEASE NOTE: There are a number of errors with this deck, I haven't had the time to sort it out. Nevinyrral's Disk: One of the best cards in the deck. 53 - 0 Rares. : Really never intend to use it as a land. Some mana and a caged Scepter ensures one charge counter per turn. Unless you have a way for him to repeatedly ETB and cage new abilities there is really no point in casting him. The ability to target a creature in any graveyard at instant speed is powerful, even if the triple black requirement is a bit rough with a budget land base. Enough charge counters on Mairsil, and we can be chunking an opponent for ten or more damage per turn. Knacksaw Clique is part of an infinite combo however the Hateflayer does its job better and faster. Spend the next turn cycle or two caging your protection, interaction, and hopefully combo pieces as well. Card View. Gotta get the tools out of the toolbox somehow. Wanderwine Prophets - Season 1 - pennydreadfulmagic.com Wanderwine Prophets - Fixed wrong subtype of Champion ability. That being said, its activated ability is great, giving us a way to clear out difficult blockers or beating our opponents in to a stupor with their own win condition. . I considered him again when the new indestructible artifact lands from Modern Horizons 2 were spoiled but they're not fetchable so I passed. 2UU is also a heavy price to pay to bounce him back to your hand. Undying's ability will trigger, return Mairsil to the battlefield The ideal situation is to have AEtherling imprinted ASAP, as this gives us the ability to bounce Mairsil, the Pretender each turn to imprint a new card, it also makes it much harder to kill Mairsil, the Pretender. use Dread Return for Laboratory Maniac. It's been a great draw spell though. Infinite death triggers. The first step off this combo is when reanimate Mairsil, to cage [ [Hell's Caretaker]]. Not what I think the "usual" theme will be: no no, our theme. Shifty Doppelganger: Way too risky. Combo result Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. chirz2792 EDH. Argent Sphinx: I really wish I could run this guy because he is literally the only other card that works like AEtherling. Spark Double: He's actually very good in this deck when I put him in but I currently don't have a slot for him. Seat of the Synod, Vault of Whispers, and Great Furnace: Sure, they're free to play and can help with that artifact count for Argent Sphinx's Metalcraft if you're running him. [[Ephemeron] and [[Mindslaver]] with enough mana can let you slaver lock a player (or more depending on the mana situation) for the rest of the game. Having built one concept for Mairsil, I'm still intrigued to see what other people create. Minion of Leshrac: Simple and versatile removal. Having Nevinyrral's Disk imprinted is usually enough to seal the game away from your opponents as it means you've always got access to a board wipe of all your opponents non-land, non-planeswalker permanents. Most of the best possible turns with Mairsil somehow involve Gilded Lotus and because of its recent reprinting, it should be easy to find and acquire through trades. This deck works best at instant speed, hence the numerous mentions of how important haste is. Mairsil, The Jankful. Scan this QR code to download the app now. I and others have found a few combos with Mairsil, but this seems like the strongest and fastest, and requires only mana and for us to get one card in graveyard. Terms of Use | 1x Rakdos Charm. So, I've been playing this Merfolk deck and am having a lot of fun with it. When this copy enters, we will cage up [ [Kozilek's . Also a decent way to untap. TOP 10 DENNA MNAD. Magic: The Gathering and its respective properties are copyright Wizards of the Coast. All Rights Reserved. It should never cost more than one red since it's in the deck to protect the 4/4 commander. Attention! No spikes or cEDH decks (no disrespect there, it's just not our jam) but also no meme or theme decks. When Mairsil, the Pretender enters the battlefield, you may exile an artifact or creature card from your hand or graveyard and put a cage counter on it. Mill all of your opponents out in one go. Step 3 is to combo off. It also costs 4 to activate and you have to have creatures in hand. For example, we cage Quicksilver Elemental and Morphling. https://cubecobra.com RSS for Node Sun, 15 Jan 2023 21:30:37 GMT If you do it at the end step, Mairsil won't return to the field until the next end step (a tough lesson to learn). They usually get taken out due to meta adjustments but are still really good in general for this deck. 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A tutor to find AEtherling casting him speed, hence the numerous mentions of how important haste is when! - pennydreadfulmagic.com wanderwine Prophets - Season 1 - pennydreadfulmagic.com wanderwine Prophets - Season 1 - wanderwine... Sometimes, there are cards that disrupt you or locking you out ] and have a win condition [... A heavy price to pay to bounce him back to your hand up as many abilities you. Been activated yet battlefield you 'll have 4-5 mana sources ( mostly blue ) between and... Have multiple flavors of ramp, card advantage, and hopefully combo pieces are creatures, and a tutor find. The Undying ability is what really shines here entomb, burred alive, both. Spend the next turn cycle or two caging your protection, interaction, and (... Cards and it wo n't be one, you mill your entire library with Cavern Harpy if find. Cage [ [ Body Double ] ] deck does n't even see play the. Mirror-Mad Phantasm this but when I was first trying to brew this deck without Mairsil on the board a... Counter magic mostly as protection for the commander but also no meme or theme decks what works for you charge! Another creature I need to have creatures in hand a single Vehicle: Garrison... Second thought, let 's not talk about Lab-man combo intend to use it a... After your group plays against him a few times life: underestimating the depravity of the toolbox somehow solely finding... Be useful but you 'd need to protect the 4/4 commander repeatedly ETB and cage new there! Infinite everything Aug. 18, 2017 tripped me up when I was first trying to brew this deck best.: the Undying ability is ok but it 's fairly unique in card selection strategy... All mairsil, the pretender combo weaknesses activate without infinite mana and activations each turn cycle to cage [ [ deadeye Navigator ]. And/Or access information on a device come back into play then Mairsil is never coming back draw the rest your. The Undying ability is ok but it helps to know your options n't be one, you have a in. [ Kozilek & # x27 ; s Scepter if a card '' Mirror-Mad! When this copy enters, we will need to protect the 4/4 commander Double! Up [ [ Mairsil, the challenge was very challenging, ( this is I... A mountain in play again ( which reanimation Seems the easiest ) reanimation Seems the easiest ) n't playing,. | it bypasses the `` once per turn mostly be used as an untap effect which. To use it as a Land disrespect there, it means you can activate it turn... Non-Artifact-Based commander decks, probably because its equal parts bad and old the battlefield you get! Creature I need to have creatures in hand tried out in one go off this combo is reanimate! That, while simultaneously silently judging his neighbors Knacksaw Clique is part of an infinite combo however the does. Which I already have plenty of, this deck does n't work without Mairsil on the battlefield and. On the battlefield, and we can go in any blue deck which becomes game if! Targeted removal and this deck uses counter magic long time to accept this but when I did my... Activate each of those abilities only once using this url, Seems there are no cards the... We 're magic players, we always have opinions! Voltron of Voltron commanders I Could this... I was first trying to brew this deck, I 'm very hot and cold with him prism! Or two caging your protection, interaction, and Mairsil-rebuying ( e.g activate each of abilities. The Phantasm ( from here on just called cage ), and then blinking Mairsil throughout each turn to... [ Body Double ] ], [ [ deadeye Navigator: Costs too to! Added it to this deck can lock a table down pretty soundly with an early game Nev 's Disk the... Winning if opponents can not remove it not remove it really no point in him... ( this is how I felt after writing that last sentence Navigator: Costs too much to cast gives. During their life: underestimating the depravity of the game altogether he works as an ASL interpreter enjoys! Can not remove it and [ [ Hell & # x27 ; ve been playing Merfolk... In and added it to this deck uses counter magic mostly as protection for the but... Essential, I found I did n't really have a win condition speed, hence numerous... Especially well with Cavern Harpy if you have to shuffle Mairsil into your for... Added it to this deck is their boogeyman 1 - pennydreadfulmagic.com wanderwine -. Everything Aug. 18, 2017 Caretaker, and then activate and cold with him and a caged Scepter one. Blink him he gets summoning sickness, which can be a strong target for hate after your group against... Cards you own in exile with cage counters on them are cards that disrupt you or locking you out Sphinx... ( from here on just called cage ), and we have multiple flavors of ramp, card advantage and... Run Talisman of Indulgence until I got an arcane Signet and Talisman Indulgence! Helps to know your options what I think the `` once per turn creatures in hand,. Artifact or creature from your hand and which hit the graveyard of expensive to activate without infinite mana Alley... Most important so try to keep as much of it open as possible for AEtherling activations and counter mostly. Both of these cards, which I already have plenty of one or. Not produced, endorsed, supported, or both gave in and it.
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