the newspaper Northern Star that was published on the 31 July 1996. However, if the panelling had been from Olympic the number would have been 400 not 401." 1st Class Steward Edward Wheelton did met Thomas Andrews on B Deck after assisting with lifeboat No. This is a classic example of a 'meme' using demonstrably false information or incorrect images to promote the 'switch' theory, as it can be very easily disproved when looking at documented photographs. However, there are several large issues with this theory. However this claim goes with the assumption that the White Star Line was suffering financially. Fenton was born to an Anglican priest and his wife, who died when Fenton was 10. The second photograph is of Titanic, while still being fitted out in 1911, which shows no similar joint in her hull plating just ahead of her port side anchor. Has Cameron in fact admitted that Titanic is actually Olympic? What they seem to miss is that this is clearly a fake, computer generated image, as it doesn't match any other footage ever shot of the wreck let alone the bow section. But this should not misconstrued as anything unusual, but common practice for a company which suddenly comes under media scrutiny and wants to maintain saw a lot of iceon the deck Claim: More than fifty first class passengers cancelled at the last minute, many of them friends and business associates of JP Morgan, and Morgan himself (who had money tied up in the White Star Line) also cancelled claiming that he was ill. Morgan was found two days later by a reporter in good health at a French resort with his mistress. Titanic researcher and wreck explorer Parks Stephenson, who most recently was involved in photographing the Titanic wreck in 2019, simply replied: "People will see what they want" (26/09/2019) and posted this image: Claim: The starboard B-deck windows on the wreck are narrow, which matches the Olympic, not the Titanic. THIS IS NOT A THEORY. The only picture in the entire production to which Mr Newton had any rights at all was one late in the film supposedly showing where the name on the wreck had been altered. 44. It is pure speculation about a 'switch' that did not happen. boilers were on. This was because Olympic's patched-up hull could not take any long periods of high speed. 1949) grew up in Lincolnshire and Staffordshire and was educated at Repton and Magdalen College, Oxford where he won the prestigious Newdigate Prize for his sonnet sequence 'Our Western Furniture'. Claim: The Californian was sent to rendezvous with Titanic and collect the passengers after the intentional sinking. If not insurance, a switch would keep the company operational, 12. the Hawke collision that would supposedly justify a 'switch' scenario. Sorry, no evidence of conspiracy here, just a touched up photograph. Difference in tonnage ", Claim: Author of two books exposing the theory, Steve Hall, has actually admitted on camera: "I would have to say the question remains open. This would seem very odd considering the fact that people were paying for Titanic's maiden voyage and not the Olympics maiden voyage. of the surviving crew. The answer to this is very simple: The name during her building and her sailing are in partly different positions because in the first construction image it was written over on the negative. Firstly Titanic was not a "steel double-hulled vessel". . Hence the White Star Line and their publicity agents logically used photographs of her older twin sister instead. 1. Seacocks opened to hasten the sinking But according to Titanic researcher Ioannis Georgiou "none of Titanic's boats were reused by the White Star Line. Survivors on B Deck saw lifeboats lowered from above of her 24 double-ended boilers connected up." On the Olympic I am speaking of? Claim: Olympic's trials in 1910 took two days, including several high-speed runs, but Titanic's trials reportedly only lasted for one day, with allegedly none over half-speed. single-ended boilers in Boiler Room No. Firstly because a collision resulting in water overflowing the top of a bulkhead was considered very unlikely. In fact, White Stars profit 45. Ice on the deck was not from an iceberg And the answer is the same. 31. ( Their reasoning is as follows: You can not add one thousand tons to a 46,000 ton ship and end up with a 46,000 ton ship. Morgan and Ismay would have to be fortune tellers as well as fraudsters! This claim seems to originate from a quote from Baker Charles Burgess printed in Walter Lord's "A Night to Remember" who stated: "Like the Olympic, yes, but so much more elaborate. In this close up of the post-disaster image of Olympic, And to finally put it to rest we have a photograph of Captain Smith on Titanic's bridge on sailing day - and the wheelhouse is clearly flat behind him. by Burgess alone, with no collaboration from other eyewitnesses. Olympic was the first to be launched, pronounced the largest and most luxuriest ship in the world. certainly not be unusual to discover a bulkhead in the stern of the wreck of Olympic, Titanic or Britannic and certainly does not prove a 'switch'. Although Fenton is absent from all the available crew lists, it doesn't immediately negate his story - the lists are not infallible, and we all saw how Leonardo Di- er, Jack Dawson blagged his . And that there were not binoculars on the Titanic? Upon graduation in 1970, Fenton embarked upon a career as a freelance journalist and was hired (1971) to report on literature and politics for the New Statesman. Note that of these 6 vessels, 3 were travelling west and 3 were travelling east. (Click image to see the full, enlarged photograph). Claim: The Californian had a cargo of a few thousand woolly jumpers and blankets, as if they were ready for a rescue mission. ', When questioned about the 'switch' theory at the Belfast Titanic museum Q&A in 2014, the man who discovered the wreck of the Titanic, Dr Robert Ballard answers: "I think it is the Titanic at the bottom of the ocean. 1853). Mark's." 877-CALL NJH (877.225.5654) COVID-19 Care | About Us | Patient Portal | Careers| Professionals | 877-CALL NJH . His answer, as it was in relation to the wreck only, is because "the wreck wasn't 100% confirmed until Jim Cameron's expedition in 2010/11 i.e. It involves 3 photographs. Edith Rosenbaum, George Rhiems, Albert Dick and Vera Dick and William Sloper. Gewinner und Nominierte des Golden Globe Award in der Kategorie Beste Filmmusik (Best Original Score - Motion Picture), die die herausragendsten Leistungen von Komponisten des vergangenen Kalenderjahres prmiert.Die Kategorie wurde im Jahr 1948 ins Leben gerufen. The claim that he repeatedly referred to Titanic as Olympic seems to be without founding. Dr Robert Ballard admitted it was the, 49. The stern wreck image is in fact compiled from thousands of high-resolution images shot during a multi-million dollar, two-month expedition that took place in August and September 2010. The Poetry Archive -- James Fenton is one of the numerous poets featured on this fantastic website. 16. It must be added that in 1912 it was not usual to have inaccurate artist's impressions and wrongly captioned photographs. Secondly, to propose that the Carpathia was involved in some pre-arranged rescue mission requires evidence - for which there is zero documentation or testimony. in the Government. --Mal 21:03, 18 February 2007 . The crossing from Belfast to Southampton was a short crossing, while the North Atlantic route (Southampton to New York) was much longer. Further volumes of poetry included Out of Danger (1994), which won the Whitbread Book Award (now the Costa Book Award); Selected Poems (2006), a Penguin anthology of his work; and Yellow Tulips: Poems 19682011 (2012), an even broader survey containing previously uncollected verse. Mount Temple (50 miles) Canadian Pacific Steamship Company cargo ship, Westbound, London to St. John's, Newfoundland Able Bodied Seaman Frederick Clench who was in lifeboat No. (courtesy Steve Hall), According to Titanic researcher Ioannis Georgiou, "the two additional portholes on Olympic were added about March 1912 during her short stay in Belfast and before the maiden voyage of Titanic. Act explaining that if they told of the real reason for the sinking, or the The above images are used by conspiracy theorists alleging a difference in portholes. This was the result of a difference in the coal consumption and the emptied coal bunker aft of BR 6 and forward of BR 5The coal bunker was on the starboard side which was emptied. This is not heard in the documentary and so Steve Hall is mis-quoted as if he is summarising the entire 'switch' situation, when his comment was actually directly in relation to the wreck - not the theory in its entirety. 19345. ships the crows nest bell seldom has any writing on it.". For sure bunker "W" was emptied as this is mentioned by survivors. previous 1 2 3 next sort by previous 1 2 3 next * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. [American Inquiry, Day 7] There is no mention that he jumped in from B Deck. A statement supported by the attraction of more than 4,000 jobs and $1.4 B in Cap Ex. Linoleum flooring covered with carpets Quite simply, while the photograph of the wreck is correct, the image of the "actual Titanic" is not - it is of the Olympic. 14. This line of reasoning goes with the assumption that Olympic's keel was damaged, for which there is no evidence as discussed in the point above. PRODUCED BY AIVL, WHOI Certainly not enough to justify eyewitness reports of the quantity of ice on the deck. Most died of exposure in the freezing water of the North Atlantic because there were not enough lifeboats. 7:15 PM. Only a limited number of changes required for a switch 6. Olympic's name is on the wreck After a million men had walked out for 37 days the government intervened and ended the strike by passing a minimum wage law. The actual triangular hole in the Olympic is much further aft than the location of the so-called 'patchwork' on the wreck. 5. Fenton was also active in the theatre scene. He was the son of William Francis Butler (b. She had not all her boilers on, none of the single-ended Ice on the deck was not from an iceberg, 26. This is another one of those inaccurate claims that more importantly does not make any sense even if it was accurate. Under the circumstances it is perfectly logical. Claim: The name plate of Titanic is longer on the ship as it went on its maiden voyage compared to when it was being built. Chirnside and Halpern conclude: "There is no doubt that Titanics speed was increased steadily throughout her maiden voyage, revolutions were increased, boilers brought online, and preparations Not to mention, Titanic was part of what was intended to be an "Olympic Class" trio of ships on the transatlantic service. And that paneling" This has led some to believe that Titanic's first class dining room, unlike the Olympic, was in fact carpeted over, as later portrayed in James Cameron's film "Titanic". It is true that a list to port was observed by passengers Lawrence Beesley (in The Loss of the S.S.Titanic) and Norman Chambers (US Inquiry). By the time Titanic's maiden voyage came along Olympic had been operating for a year. If he had been sworn to secrecy then why did he tell only one or two random individuals? Though his verse often treated serious subjects such as political repression and violence, he deployed humour and whimsy with a liberal hand. The "Titanic" is a ship that sunk by hitting an iceberg in 1912, that was previously considered unsinkable ("Titanic"). He wrote most of them when. There are two keys errors in this hypothesis. Claim: The ice on the deck of the Titanic is explained by Gardiner as ice from the rigging of both the Titanic and the mystery ship she hit. Despite the overwhelming evidence and logic as presented in the previous page, 'switch' proponents will often raise a seemingly large number of questions, doubts, alleged inconsistencies and supposed evidence that has led some to believe the 'switch' is not only possible, but a reality. No, and for one very simple reason: it is a faux marble fireplace. 5. The Titanic was carefully inspected nearly every day during her construction and again after arriving in Southampton. EXCLUSIVE: To celebrate the 25th anniversary of James Cameron 's Titanic, the multiple Oscar winner and box office phenomenon has been set for a fresh theatrical release just in time for. The claim does not align with Ballard's writing on the matter. Titanic researcher Ioannis Georgiou explains this particular claim: According to the book "The Ship That Never Sank" (pages 134-135) B Deck had no cabins extending to the hull as boats were visible., The Poetry Archive - Biography of James Fenton, Poetry Foundation - Biography of James Fenton. Titanic's split as portrayed in James Cameron's 1997 "Titanic" film. Titanic's bulkheads were intentionally deficient Refer to the images below. in the Government. Or is the answer because there is nothing there anyway? Titanic had a "slight, but permanent, list to port" as observed by Lawrence Beesley and "several other surviving passengers.". The wind blows through his silver hair. - Yes. the committee, announcing that he will be in Venice on April 23 for the inauguration of the biennial International Art Exhibition, April 25, and dedicate the new Campanile of St. In Titanic's case, it was likely due to improper ballasting--too much on the port side or too little on the starboard. Claim: A large proportion of the engine crew signed off just prior to the ill fated voyage starting from Southampton, during a coal shortage which meant that many sailors were out of work due to their ships being laid up. It clearly occurred in a different part of the ship than where the Titanic split. It was longer as it had to cover up the word Olympic that occupied more space. There are other photographs of Titanic with similar liberties such as the shot of her in Cherbourg at night which has been heavily doctored to look as if it was taken at night with her lights blazing. There is nothing here on which to base a 'switch' theory. And as Titanic author Bruce Beveridge points out, the very reason it has a specific build number on it was due to the fact that the propellers were not interchangeable, due to the specific pitch of the blades designed for each ship. Olympic survived too long for a badly damaged ship the shadows of the butt lap is still discernable." (This was mentioned in Dan van der Vat and Robin Gardiners 1995 book, The Riddle of the Titanic, page 21.) and this slipped to $4,509,270 in 1911. - Oh, I beg your pardon, yes. 17. This is one of the most popular pieces of 'evidence' of a switch but also the easiest to disprove. Veined marble is a naturally occurring metamorphic crystalline limestone and, like snowflakes and finger prints, no two pieces are the same. Once it was launched then it was 'fitted out' i.e. were being made to further increase the ships speed. On Olympic the fireplace was at the outer wall between two windows. In fact footage of this is used in his 1997 blockbuster film "Titanic" and with some creative license he actually places the fictional character of Caledon Hockley in this suite. To prove this claim White paint on the wreck His quote that "the question remains openI do not have enough concrete information" is from a 2004 episode named "Titanic: The Ship That Never Sank?" Also as above, if there were such large structural differences between the ships, how is it they are not noticeable in photographs and also spotted by passengers and crew familiar with the Olympic? ", Olympic (left) and Titanic during construction at Harland & Wolff, Belfast. But there is a very simple and logical reason that does not necessitate a conspiracy. Secondly, and rather importantly, the names were not engraved on the lifeboats. What is blatantly omitted in this claim is that of course - as Titanic had only just finished being fitted out and completed her sea trials and was on her maiden voyage (which only lasted 5 days), there was obviously not enough time to produce the required artwork and photographs of her. 46. 1,496 people are believed to have died when the Titanic went down. 15. Winning the prestigious Newdigate Prize at Oxford for his poem Our Western Furniture, Fenton seemed destined for poetic fame. Goodwin Antiques 295 $361.88 345.06 Silver Enamelled Bracelet Recess Antiques 50.00 $61.34 58.49 Silver Blade Fruit Knife . There is nothing here that reveals a 'switch'. damage control, especially prior to an official inquiry.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'titanicswitch_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-titanicswitch_com-banner-1-0'); Claim: Harold Sanderson, from shipbuilder Harland and Wolff, repeatedly referred to Titanic as Olympic at the British inquiry. Secondly it was a "national coal strike" so the shortage of fuel would primarily only affect ships departing or visiting England. Olympic had a 2 degree list to port, as did Titanic Fenton, F. -Saloon steward Ferrary, Auto -Trimmer Ferris, W. -Leading fireman . Captain Smith was also, like the Captain on the Californian, they claim, also sleeping fully clothed in the chart room. Harold Sanderson repeatedly referred to, 44. Firstly it must be noted that welding was indeed invented during the 1800s, before the construction of Olympic and Titanic. Claim: An old sailor of the Titanic, Paddy the pig, revealed shortly before his death that the Titanic was switched with its sistership, the Olympic. it is difficult to examine the evidence (if there is any) but needless to say it does sound like hearsay and an attempt to offset - Yes. 'Titanic of the skies': The story of London's ill-fated luxury airship service to Melbourne. About James Fenton. Two major watertight compartments were flooded, her hull plating was gashed, the starboard propeller shafting damaged. So conclusively, with no 'expert' opinion required, the Olympic's damage does not match this so called 'proof.' Check this comparison: Comparison of where the actual damage to the Olympic was, and where the meme says it is on the Titanic wreck. 4. It is likely connected with the false claim that the name Olympic was allegedly filmed by Dr. Ballard during his 1986 dive to the wreck -proven to be false in point no.38 here. Olympic's wheelhouse was not curved Paddy said that the guilt of In fact the coal strike ended four days before Titanic sailed (April 6) so there would be an increase in opportunities for shorter crossings. The sea trials were simply to make sure everything worked as advertised. There is no evidence the insurance was increased - let alone by more than double its value, which would immediately raise suspicion. The ships that were launched were not launched in a finished state. His wartime experiences heavily influenced his ensuing volumes of verse, which included the pamphlet Dead Soldiers (1981), containing a single poem on meeting Pol Pots brother in Cambodia; The Memory of War: Poems 19681982 (1982), including some of his student work; and Children in Exile (1983). Updates? The evidence Gardiner and others use to promote the idea of the Californian being a 'rescue ship' is that firstly, it was owned by J.P. Morgan (a "major figure at White Star"), left London in a hurry (as it could only do 12 knots and had to get there first) and was mysteriously sailing during a coal strike (when coal would have been more expensive) . of the surviving crew. between eighty and ninety feet.". Claim: Titanic split at the same point where the Hawke hit, revealing that it was in fact the Olympic. Fentons adaptations of the Chinese play Zhaoshi guer (The Orphan of Zhao) and Miguel de Cervantess novel Don Quixote were produced by the Royal Shakespeare Company in 2012 and 2016, respectively. as already discussed here the Olympic's damage from HMS Hawke did not exceed $125,000, and there is independent verification of this fact. Presenter Danny Wallace says: "This is a cracking conspiracy theory and all too tempting to believe were it not for the mass of evidence against it so it seems Titanic and Olympic never were switched, there never was an insurance scam." Why only them? Since finishing touches were still being put to the ships accommodation, its hardly surprising that the public was not allowed onboard at Southampton. She had a total capacity of 47 passengers and 55 crew members. It is true that Titanic's bulkheads did not extend to the 'top' and were also not 'sealed' at the top, for a number of reasons. For many years afterward its port and starboard White Star insignia were used as prizes by a local Sea Scout group. Also, as discussed in point number 16 above, there was less interest in Titanic's maiden voyage, as her older sister had proceeded her. The Britannic, when launched, had 16 portholes, consistent with the later port side configuration of the Titanic and the Olympic. Mr Harold Arthur Sanderson, Director of the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (not from Harland and Wolff as claimed), 2. their attention to it, and they all watched it disappear, but had then at once resumed Does it reveal evidence of suspicious or unusual damage? This is one of several undocumented, unreferenced claims. Claim: To sink the "Titanic" (really "Olympic") the original plan was to actually open the seacocks to slowly flood the ship and await rescue. So Cameron confirms that the veins in the marble are exactly the same as in a period photograph, and the photograph he used is one of Olympic. The lifeboat was wrecked in a collision with the Gosport Ferry at Portsmouth and taken by the Royal Navy to Haslar for demolition. Was also, like snowflakes and finger prints, no evidence of conspiracy,! Is still discernable. by AIVL, WHOI Certainly not enough lifeboats that did not happen, 21! Of high speed not usual to have died when the Titanic split at the outer wall between two.... Butt lap is still discernable. than double its value, which would immediately raise suspicion time. Atlantic because there is a naturally occurring metamorphic crystalline limestone and, like snowflakes and finger prints no. 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