AIS 1) Automated Information System(s) CENL Chemical Event Notification Level 5) Reports Officer TTIC Terrorism/Terrorist Threat Integration Center TITLES and SECTION NUMBERS JOPES Joint Operations Planning and Execution System SMO Security Management Office (DHS subdivision, affiliated with MGMT) UOC USACE Operations Center POV Personal/Privately Owned Vehicle NTIS National Technical Information Service SEB Staphylococcus Enterotoxin type B PCT 1) Polk County Transit (Florida) CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission 3) Investment Review Process MCD Medical Crew Director 2) Citizens' Band EOD 1) Entered on Duty SIF Standard Interchange Format VOA Volunteers of America ISIS Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System MST 1) Management Support Team IWP Integrated Warning Program 3) Foreign Air Carrier FEMA Acronyms Abbreviations and Terms Please direct requests for additional copies to: FEMA Publications (800) 480-2520 SOSC State On-Scene Coordinator MHWL Mean High Water Line EFSP Emergency Food and Shelter Program IRP 1) Institutional Removal Program USOC United States Olympic Committee QFR Questions for the Record (affiliated with OLA) BICE Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement If shaded: Area of 500-year flood; area subject to the 100-year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with contributing drainage area less than one square mile; and areas protected by levees from the base flood 3) National Iranian American Council 2) Chemical Agent Call 866.811.3235 to contact Recovery Connection today. DPA 1) Deepwater Ports Act 3) Customer Satisfaction Unit EQUIP Earthquake Impacts Projection (Model) CPE Contingency Planning Exchange PAH Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons 2) Civil Emergency Planning (NATO) 2) Air-Purifying Respirator RAWG Rapid Assessment Work Group ANRC American National Red Cross CEOS Committee on Earth-Orbiting Satellites CBT 1) Chemical Biological Toxin RAA 1) Radiological Accident Assessment DODESB Department of Defense Explosive Safety Board TOA 1) Time of Arrival EMS 1) Emergency Management Specialist MDRO Mission Disaster Relief Officer 4) County Road 2) Emergency Action(s) 3)yCommunity Map Action (Form) 2) Chief Administrative Officer Most popular Rehab abbreviations updated in December 2022. MGMT Management Exercise emergency authority to stop and prevent unsafe acts. 2) Operation Support Team GPRA Government Performance and Results Act NDEC National Disaster Education Coalition BC 1) Base Camp EEGL Emergency Exposure Guidance Level OGC Office of General Counsel ISOC 1) Information Security Oversight Committee CAMEO Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations NIP National Immunization Program ONRA Office of National Risk Assessment NSFCC National Strike Force Coordination Center DRES Disaster Response Evaluation System CLO Congressional Liaison Officer LEM Local Emergency Management 2) Disaster Recovery NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service 3) International Port Security 2) End-of-File 3) Operational Planning System BDS Biohazard Detection System ASST Assistant DOJ Department of Justice [ESF-13] SPOD Seaport of Debarkation 2) Disaster Resistant Universities 2) Emergency Transportation Center JAWAS Joint Automated Weather Observing System CTAC Chemical Transportation Advisory Committee USPACOM United States Pacific Command Our interdisciplinary team of dedicated professionals cares for a wide-range of pediatric trauma and injuries, such as chest, bone, spinal cord, head and neck and abdominal injuries. 2) Food & Agricultural Organization (UN) CASU Centralized Administrative Services Unit NDW Naval District of Washington CTOTF Counter-Terrorism Operations Training Facility PCII Protected Critical Infrastructure Information E.O. Ambulatory emergency care: Rate it: AESR: Arm Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation: EWMDS Emergency Worker Monitoring and Decontamination Station ZONE VE Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; coastal floods with velocity hazards (wave action); base flood elevations are determined 621 ( 5197) Administrative Authority ZONE D Area in which flood hazards are undetermined HMC Hazard Mitigation Coordinator EMPTY QUIVER Theft, seizure, or loss of a nuclear weapon or component JEEP Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan 3) Emergency Coordinating Staff AWO American Waterway Operators 2) Allocation Advice BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (aka, "Mad Cow Disease") 2) Standard Form BPR Business Process Reengineering NCSLLET National Center for State & Local Law Enforcement Training, Advisory Committee to the 2) National Guard Bureau MSC 1) Marine Safety Center 3) Department of the Army 4) Public Affairs 2) Stafford Act Employee (also DAE) CBA 1) Contractors and Builders Association DARIS Disaster Automated Reporting and Information System PCERT Preliminary Computer Evidence Recovery Training CBRS 1) Coastal Barrier Resources System ERLink Emergency Response Link LMF Logistics Management Facility 2) Farm Credit Service EACG Eastern Area Coordinating Group 3) Monitoring and Analysis Coordinator EAR Emergency Alert Radio NAAK Nerve Agent Antidote Kit ANZUS Australia, New Zealand and United States USAMRICD United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (DOD program, affiliated with EPR, S&T) 2) Technological Hazards 2) Applied Technology Council ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory LNO Liaison Officer CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act CNU Crisis Negotiations Unit (FBI) LSG Large Scale Game(s) AD 1) Administratively Determined 2) Disaster Response Force NCTC National Counterterrorism Center ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress International PSR 1) Personal Service Radio SAFTI Secure and Facilitated International Travel Initiative FRID Flood Risk Directory 2) Logistics Readiness Center DHP Disaster Housing Program AECM Aeromedical Evacuation Crew Members HARN High Accuracy Reference Network SMG Specialty Management Group EART Evening Advisory Risk Threat SHPO State Historic Preservation Office CAIRA Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance VMS Virtual Memory System This course provides basic information about retrofitting existing flood-prone residential buildings. FRS 1) Federal Reserve System 424 ( 5189b) Date of Eligibility; Expenses Incurred Before Date of Disaster AO 1) Action Officer DDE Dynamic Data Exchange NE 1) Northeast 2) Airlift Coordination Cell HWL High Water Line UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees CART 1) Computer Analysis and Response Team FSN 1) Federal Stock Number eMerge2 electronically Managing enterprise resources for government effectiveness and efficiency BACM Business Alliance for Customs Modernization 2) Alien Criminal Apprehension Program 3) Otherwise Protected Area IHC 1) Interagency Hotshot Crew NRS National Response System IAP Incident Action Plan PSL Private Sector Liaison 2) Government Transportation Request 2) Airline Transportation Association FTSS Federal Training Support Staff SDD Software Development Division Performance & security by Cloudflare. MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence Psychiatrist Yokosuka, Japan. 418 ( 5185) Emergency Communications SUPREPS Supplemental Reports Created by OIC TCP 1) Traffic Control Point EXPLAN Exercise Plan 3) Federal Mobilization Center This term is also used to refer to the E-Gov agenda item in the President's Management Agenda (PMA), Presidential Priority E-Gov initiatives, and the E-Gov focus areas referenced in the FY 2004 President's Budget. 4) Assistance Officer ADO Airport District Office WIFLE Women in Federal Law Enforcement 2) Cost of Living 2) State Coordinator TSC 1) Technical Support Center ACFM Advanced Certified Floodplain Manager 2) Northern Regional Coordination Center ECCV Emergency Command and Control Vehicle GDSS Global Decision Support System JPIC Joint Public Information Center 3) Red Cross (also ARC) DISUM 1) Daily Intelligence Summary SONET Synchronous Optical Network F&STD Fire and Safety Test Detachment FEMAAR Federal Emergency Management Agency Acquisition Regulation FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation AFOSC Air Force Operations Support Center BTW By the way IRF Initial Response Force NMSS Nuclear Materials Safeguards and Security LPPC Local Preparedness and Prevention Council EAL Emergency Action Level SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System 2) Initial Projections Report DUNS Data Universal Numbering System CEQ Council on Environmental Quality AGC 1) Advanced Gas Centrifuge PLA Principal Legal Advisor CIO Chief Information Office/Officer JPATS Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System TCO Territorial Coordinating Officer mb Millibar AYE Alternate Year Exercise RPO Regional Project Officer IFB Invitation for Bid WTC World Trade Center (obsolete) GHAD Geologic Hazard Abatement District SCEPC Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee (NATO) 2) Safety Communique ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (USPHS) DWR Department of Water Resources GTA 1) Government Travel Account This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. FAE Fuel Air Explosives RSI Repetitive Stress Injury NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effects Level HOH Head Of Household MNUSS Map Needs Update Support System LTD Limited NEFSMA New England Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report 3) Automated Commercial Environment (secure data portal) OIE Office of International Enforcement USA PATRIOT [Act] Uniting & Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept & Obstruct Terrorism ERL Environmental Research Laboratories ISD Infrastructure Services Division NGM Nested Grid Model NAWAS/BCC National Warning System Bridge and Conference Controller MWS Marine Weather Statement IVD Interactive Video Disk PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gauge EHP Environmental/Historic Preservation USIC United States Interdiction Coordinator VISN Veterans Integrated Services Network 3) Mobile Home 3) Infrastructure Support ERV Emergency Response Vehicle BCC Border Crossing Cards 2) Port-of-Entry REX Readiness Exercise ERW Enhanced Radiation Weapon GACC Geographic Area Coordination Center FIP Federal Information Processing MCE Maximum Credible Event TIFF Tagged Image File Format 2) National Petroleum Council The list of 4.8k . TIPS Terrorist Information and Prevention System A/N Alert/Notification 3) Crisis Coordination Center RSVP Retired Senior Volunteer Program ANOC Association of National Olympic Committees PMA President's Management Agenda 2) Category ENR Environmental and Natural Resources ]4me[s3B -$OF@E6`Sq '2Fn9 ZFP Zone Forecast Product NDEA National Defense Emergency Authorization ACV Actual Cash Value LF 1) Linear Foot . OCR 1) Office of Collateral Responsibility For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency NARCL Nuclear Accident Response Capabilities Listing PSU Port Security Unit(s) CARD Collaborative Agencies for Responding to Disasters RCDCB Regional Civil Defense Coordinating Board Second Stage Review. 5) Interagency Security Plan DSP Disaster Support Package REMS Remote Environmental Monitoring System PROTECT Program for Response Options and Technology Enhancements for Chemical/Biological Terrorism ERCG Emergency Response Coordination Group CALM Cognitive and Affective Learning Model AECC 1) Aeromedical Evacuation Coordination (or Control) Center NFDC National Fire Data Center VRP Vessel Response Plan 2) Program of Instruction NASNA National Association of 9-1-1 Administrators mR/h milliRoentgen per hour CD 1) Civil Defense 2) NIMS Integration Center ISAC 1) Information Sharing and Analysis Center CDX Control and Direction Exercise PRIME POWER USACE Engineer Battalion MBPS Megabytes Per Second PRB Procurement Review Board 2) Regional Climate Center NIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center 2) Terrorist Screening Center (affiliated with DHS/BTS, DOS, FBI, CIA, DOJ) PPBM Positive Passenger Baggage Match CG 1) Coast Guard AR 1) Acknowledge Receipt LID Low-Impact Development ALCC 1) Airlift Control Center GFE Government-Furnished Equipment RCC 1) Reception and Congregate Care RCBAP Residential Condominium Building Association Policy GCO Grant Coordinating Officer LEWG Law Enforcement Working Group TLC-E Territory Logistics Center- East There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. NCEH National Center for Environmental Health OAA Older Americans Act IITP Internet Investigations Training Program Technology, Homeland Security, Government. 2) Office of Aircraft Services 2) Just In Time 3) Department of Corrections AEC 1) Agency Emergency Coordinator(s) 3) Security Through Advanced Research & Technology (NY State Program) DMHT Disaster Mental Health Team CBL 1) Commercial Bill of Lading Treas Department of the Treasury ADRS Automated Disaster Reporting System DLL Dynamic-Link Library(ies) BIIDB Badge Imaging Information Database OTR Office of Trade Relations ETJ Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (Limits) CTOC Containerized Tactical Operations Center EROS Earth Resources Observing Satellite NTC-MW National Teleregistration Center at Mount Weather RWA Reimbursable Work Authorization 2) National Foreign Intelligence Program TAFT Test, Analyze, Fix and Test VERA Voluntary Early Retirement Authority ZONE AH Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); base flood elevations are determined PSA 1) Patient Staging Area HHSEOC Health and Human Services Emergency Operations Center CODEL Congressional Delegation GBPS Gigabytes Per Second For example, the Physical Therapy abbreviation SBA (stand by assist) or CGA (contact guard assist) are common PT medical abbreviations. 2) Original Classification Authority COI Critical Operational Issue FGCC Federal Geodetic Coordinating Committee BTU British Thermal Unit GAAWG General Aviation Airports Working Group USBP United States. AFRB Air Force Reserve Base NAFAX National Facsimile Network 2) Middle of Month ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration 3) Human Resources 4) Operations DMA 1) Defense Mapping Agency JTWC Joint Typhoon Warning Center CPX Command Post Exercise CRT Cathode Ray Tube SC 1) Section Chief JRMP Joint Regional Medical Planner PAR 1) Performance & Accountability Report 3) Credited Structures Inventory System AGCR Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor FAC 1) Family Assistance Center LPOC Last Port of Call 2) Request for Public Assistance 2) Executive Reporting System IEVS Income Eligibility Verification System AMR Agricultural Mitigation and Restoration EIA Electronic Industries Alliance 2) Exercise Manual NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System LMR Living Marine Resource WCRP World Climate Research Program 2) Interim Message Change NCDDM National Center for Disaster Decision Making LESC Law Enforcement Support Center USAID United States Agency for International Development VEE Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis MA 1) Marshalling Area TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System 2) Chemical Materials Agenc PINS Personnel In Need of Supervision NSLRSDA National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive DAC 1) Disaster Application/Assistance Center NIIMS National Interagency Incident Management System SLG State and Local Guide LWR Light-Water Reactor ACIR Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations PAPR Powered Air Purifying Respirator 421 ( 5188) Timber Sale Contracts FLAG FEMA Logistics Advisory Group EWAC Emergency Worker and Assistance Center FMCIMS Flood Map Center Inventory Management System KDEM 1) Kansas Department of Emergency Management HHS Health and Human Services, Department of [ESF-8] 2) Alert and Notification (see also A/N) 2) Administrative Officer DASC Disaster Assistance Support Center 5) Public Assistance FDSS Federal Drug Seizure System MAAD Mobile Asset Activities Document HUD Housing and Urban Development, Department of BAA 1) Broad Agency Announcement CDO Central Dense Overcast INFO Information EMD 1) Electronic Monitoring Device FmHA Farmers Home Administration CATV Cable Television NMJIC National Military Joint Intelligence Center ESDRB Emergency Services and Disaster Relief Branch OTAR Over-The-Air Rekeying ITS 1) Information Technology Services LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee MCS Movement Coordination System NTM National Technical Means NW Neighborhood Watch INF 1) Infrastructure MAST Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic Links for the "definition" of the acronym are available for those included in our Glossary, as well as direct links to the websites of other agencies. MWA Metropolitan Washington Area PR Public Relations UGC Universal Generic Code 2) Immediate Needs Funding PWD Persons with Disabilities 2) Regional Assistance Committee ANG Air National Guard Aspire Health Partners is Florida's largest Behavioral Health Non-Profit that provides a full continuum of behavioral healthcare services across six (6) Central Florida Counties; Brevard, Hillsborough, Lake, Orange, Osceola and Seminole. RETCO Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator WITS Washington Interagency Telecommunications System MLOS Microwave Line-of-Sight LOMR Letter of Map Revision CFO 1) Chief Financial Officer IPFO Interim Principle Federal Official NMRT National Medical Response Team 2) Spatial Data Transfer System BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators IPR 1) In-Process (or In-Progress) Review CAS 1) Chemical Abstract Service YLD 1) Yield SAO 1) Security Advisory Opinions (DHS program, affiliated with BTS) EDD Explosive Detection Device CIAD Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division CFR Code of Federal Regulations 2) Not (or Non) Applicable 6) Purchase Order CARAT Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training AML ARC Macro Language MDF Medical, Dental, and Funeral DIDA Detection, Identification, and Assessment 2) House of Representatives PSTA Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (Florida) AT/FP Antiterrorism & Force Protection NLD Nunn-Lugar-Domenici 4) Multi-Agency Command Review and approve the Medical Plan. ERA Equal Rights Amendment WG 1) Wage Grade LSS 1) Laboratory Scientific Services DAMAGES Disaster Accountability Management System SME Subject-Matter Expert RCS 1) Reports Control System 2) Officer in Charge EOC 1) Emergency Operating Center/Emergency Operations Center CPD Community Planning and Development RTF-W Response Task Force - West EDIS Emergency Disaster Information System ISOO Information Security Oversight Office DEW Distant Early Warning 3) Associate Director I&P or I/P Information and Planning UASI Urban Area Security Initiative HAST 1) Hawaiian Standard Time (GMT - 10) LEL 1) Lower Explosive Limit MIS Management Information System ERPG Emergency Response Guidelines FBFM Flood Boundary and Floodway Map IDP Imagery-Derived Product CISD Critical Incident Stress Debriefing UC 1) Unemployment Compensation 2) Medical Reserve Corps STR Suspicious Transaction Report MTR Military Training Route HSUS The Humane Society of the United States 3) Rural Housing Agency 2) Procurement Funding Authority LTL Less-than Truckload LRC 1) Learning Resource Center Accelerating the delivery of care and providing superior force health readiness across the Military, Federal, and Civilian landscapes. TNC Terminal Node Controller DUS Deputy Under Secretary NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction IAEM International Association of Emergency Managers 627 ( 5197f) Relation to Atomic Energy Act of 1954 COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative HVA Hazard Vulnerability Analysis 3) Operational Systems Document ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air 2) Regional Airline Association FTS 1) Federal Telecommunications (or Telephone) System (or Service) CANDU Canadian-Deuterium Uranium (Reactor) NCIC National Crime Information Center Your IP: pulmonary rehabilitation has been shown to improve exercise capacity, reduce dyspnea, and improve quality of life in both stable copd and after an exacerbation. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. 2) Air Force WB 1) Whole Body ATDT Atlantic Daylight Time (GMT - 3) The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations agency tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development.The UNDP emphasizes developing local capacity towards long-term self-sufficiency and prosperity.. Headquartered in New York City, it is the largest UN development aid agency, with offices in 177 countries.