The creature has three reddish fingers and a thumb on each hand. More importantly, once per day an illithid can use Dominate Monster and Plane Shift, two truly nasty spells. Mind Flayers also sometimes use pet-like brains with legs called Intellect Devourers to snatch victims for them. Because of their ability to create thralls, any Mind Flayer that is going any distance away from the colony will have some extra protection. Monsters 5e. Reach 5 ft., one incapacitated humanoid grappled by the Mind Flayer. You will be also able to sort the list as you want. (He/Him). With Mind Blast, the Mind Flayer will have no difficulty at all extracting the brain of at least one character. Use cover. But some adventurous groups let the Mind Flayer banish player characters to different dimensionswho then have to find their way back! Here are the stats of your typical 5e mind flayer: Mind Flayer 5e attacks The attacks of the mind flayer are all geared towards incapacitating and grappling a player, and then extracting its brain. This is uncomfortable for everyone involved in this disgusting spectacle. Mind Blast (Recharge 5-6). A mysterious entity, made up entirely of silver-black particles, lived within the alternate dimension known as "the Upside Down". Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). Characteristics All mentals +4. This voice is not mine. DnD 6. . Lastly, the Elder Brain might instead dictate that total destruction is the answer. Mind Flayers are a hive mind telepathically controlled by an Elder Brain, which lives in a pool of brine deep inside a Mind Flayer city. In keeping with the goals of the Elder Brain, a Mind Flayer colony focuses on building a secure base of operations before beginning the work that they believe will restore their empire. Tentacles is a very mediocre attack action concerning its damage. Its exactly what you might imagine: a single colossal brain that every Illithid in the colony is linked to. Mind flayers are arrogant, viewing all other species only as cattle to be fed upon. [1] You loose a cone of psychic energy that pierces an enemy's mind. Part-time Druid, Full-time Hobo. Mind flayers often hunt using this power and then drag off one or two of their stunned victims to feed upon. It does not attack, but telepathically warns the mind flayers of the presence of thinking creatures, so a mind flayer within its telepathic radius can be surprised only by non-intelligent creatures. The mind flayers innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15). Level 6 Paladins get Aura of Protection, which gives a boost to saving throws based on the Paladins Charisma modifier. Tabletop Joab is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Bless lets 3 of your crew add a d4 roll to their saving throws. Grappled creatures are stunned until the grapple ends (escape DC 15). Oh, and when the mind flayer dies, its brain is returned to to Elder Brain pool and devoured. The mind flayers innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 19, added 4 to the DC due to the Mind Flayers mental prowess). All the slaves are under the effects of adominate monster, and obey their illithid masters without question. Nevertheless, it adds a dark undertone to the Mind Flayers already chilling demeanor! Mind flayers will sometimes harvest a brain rather than devour it, using it as part of some alien experiment or tranforming it into an intellect devourer. Magic Resistance. These Illithids are able to mimic certain spells purely with their own psionic abilities. It gives them dry, beige skin, impaired mental operations, and ghosts in the machine (remnants of the host body's mind). Upon their death, the Mind Flayers body has its brain removed before being put into the spawning pool to be consumed by the Elder Brain. The rule you refer to is really only true for weapons. Kendra has always been a hardcore fantasy nerd. An illithid healthy from a brain-rich diet secretes a thin glaze of mucus that coats its mauve skin. They also have proficiency in Stealth, Perception, Insight, Persuasion and Deception (also Arcana, but that's strictly for flavor). This is a powerful Monster. Draw it out, blast a hole in the ceiling, whatever you can. DNDWiki may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards', Astral Elf Star Priest 5e: A Monster Guide and Overview. This creates a culture of servitude and order in which any level of dissent or intrusion is immediately found and dealt with. Backing up its regular attacks is the mind flayers innate spellcasting. Using arcane powers, it enslaves or destroys its foes, which include such powerful creatures asdrowandkuo-toa. Keep in mind, though, that a good Illithid would still need to eat brains. Unfortunately, Mind Flayers dont particularly care about treasure in that way. In this way, each individual Illithid is simply a small extension of the Elder Brains influence. Medium or smaller targets must succeed a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or be grappled. 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, disguise self, shield, sleep The brains provide enzymes, hormones, and psychic energy necessary for their survival. Deep black robes, skull embellishments, and breastplates are common and add to their menacing appearance. The head resembles an octopus, with white eyes (no pupils are evident) and four tentacles around its mouth, a round, many-toothed orifice like that of a lamprey. Powers and Stats While in sunlight, the mind flayer has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Buff with Bless. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. On the other hand, a Mind Flayer that primarily feeds on something like Goblins or Grimlocks is unlikely to have these types of priorities. DC Wisdom 15 saving throw for initial probe. The mind flayer, is an evil and feared creature of the Underdark; its powers are formidable and it feeds on the brains of any creature it encounters. Whether you know them as Mind Flayers or Illithids, a tentacled, psionic horror with a taste for brains by any other name would be just as insidious. 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Mind Flayers use four strong, dexterous tentacles in front of their mouths to attach to skulls and suck out their victims brains, flay their minds, and sometimes absorb their personality. The longer a fight with a Mind Flayer goes on, the less likelihood there is of you getting away. Using their psychic abilities to control important figures in local cities (such as rulers or officials), it can be very difficult to tell just how deep an Illithid plot actually goes. Though Mind Flayers are asexual, they sometimes take on the gender of their host brain. If attempting to decipher a Qualith inscription, a character could make an Intelligence check vs a DC based on how complex the thoughts in the inscription are. Likewise, if the Mind Flayer is able to successfully use Dominate Monster on one of your party members, things can go bad very quickly. The mind flayer magically emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Mind flayers, also called illithids, are powerful humanoids with tentacled faces who possess horrifying mental powers with which they dominate or destroy others. Battle Master Fighter in D&D 5e | Full Subclass Guide. On failure, a Mind Flayer can find information about their abilities, items, emotional state, or anything else that gives advantage. For surviving their encounter with such a terrifying being, the characters absolutely deserve some kind of reward beyond the warm-fuzzies they get for making the land at least a little safer. Mind flayers hate sunlight and avoid it when possible. Would it not make more sense for the tenticle attack to drag the target to the dragon should they fail the saving throw? Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC: 15 Intelligence saving throw or take 22 (4d8 + 4) psychic damage and be stunned for 1 minute. Not only does the Illithid have great control of these tentacles, but they can extend outward up to 4 feet in length. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components: 1/day each: dominate monster, plane shift (self only). While Mind Flayers were once the most powerful beings of the Inner Planes, they have been all but completely wiped out. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Guillotine Strike | A Combat Maneuver For When You Really Libris Mortis 5e - a 133 page supplement of undead Hasbrodeus wants all of your dough! As a giant brain, these beings are all but entirely incapable of movement. DC 15 Constitution saving throw is needed to resist. While it is primarily the Gith that they are on guard against, this serves them well against other foes such as Drow raids, miscellaneous terrors of the Underdark, and, of course, adventurers. Massive Potential Damage. $14.98 . Psionic Commanders. Mind flayers dress in flowing robes, often with high, stiff collars, adorned with symbols of death and despair. They can communicate with any creatures via innate telepathy; they have no spoken language, although they often accompany their thoughts with hissing, and the eager lashing of their tentacles. Most commonly, a Mind Flayer will stun its prey with a powerful blast of psychic energy. Full cover protects from Mind Blast, but only FULL cover. Click to enlarge. In 5e, illithids can attack with a Mind Blast attack in a 60ft cone which, on a failed DC 15 Intelligence save, deals 4d8+4 psychic damage and stuns targets for a minute. Most likely, the Illithid would look to set out and create its own colony for protection in some secretive location. I love what you did with the brain stealer dragon. Because of this, it would still be very wary of a Gith hunting party. In eons past, illithids controlled empires that spanned many worlds. With the skull weakened and the prey stunned, the Mind Flayer extracts their victim's brain. If you have a Druid, Wild Shape into a steed, have your crew hop on, and gallop away. If you want to get extra tactical when using a Mind Flayer, Id suggest grabbing a copy of The Monsters Know What Theyre Doing. Mind Flayers can feed off of the slaves that they keep in their colonies, but are typically hesitant to do so if given a choice. Mined flayers, also called illithids, are the scourge of sentient creatures across countless worlds. Unlike the atheistic aboleths, illithids give constant thought to their gods and both fear and honor their race's clerics. Its innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15; +7 to hit with spell attacks). This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit the mind flayers of the Dungeons & Dragons universe. If combat is unavoidable for a Mind Flayer, you can absolutely bet that its prepared. Mind Flayer Pantheon. When all else fails: Escape! The standard mimics look just like treasure chests and they devour any player greedy enough to approach them without checking. Take parasitic wasps, for instance, who lay eggs in live caterpillars so their young can devour them from within. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Qualith is a type of written language that Mind Flayers use. Ideally, the colony is close enough to a settlement of humanoids that there is plenty of brains to feed on but also hidden well enough that they are able to remain largely unbothered. The mind flayer is an amphibious species, and its life cycle begins as a tadpole hatched from a clutch of tiny eggs. Four tentacles snake from their octopus-like heads, flexing in hungry anticipation when sentient creatures come near. If that reduces your health to zero, you are D-E-A-D. Mind Flayer 5e Stats Size: Medium AC: 15 (breastplate) HP: 71 (13d8 + 13) Speed: 30 ft. Yes. Because only a very small amount of the nourishment that a Mind Flayer receives from eating a brain is from the physical substance of that brain, they are very unlikely to feed on animals. This ability recharges on a 5 or 6, so it thankfully cant be spammed. If this damage reduces the target to 0. With 4 Mind Flayers, you should be at least level 17. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components: The Cauldron Wyrm | 50% ooze, 50% dragon, 100% hungry. A dragon will toast you, oh dear. Tentacle x4, if a Medium creature. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Languages: Deep Speech, Undercommon, telepathy 120ft. We include affiliate links in articles. The Mind Flayer's mouth produces a powerful enzyme that is able to melt through the victim's skull. An adult mind flayer spawns around 1,000 tiny eggs, which it deposits in a spawning pool located in the center of a mind flayer city. A Corporate Devil Press J to jump to the feed. A few mind flayers supplement their psionic power with arcane spells. If the connections to the Elder Brain are broken (whether thats because of their colony being destroyed or some other powerful intervention), an Illithid may find itself going rogue. "We're sorry" - Wizards makes fresh DnD OGL promises, James Workshop actor: Wizards "pooped their pants" with OGL, DnD creator Wizards' Q3 revenue drops $60m on last year, WotC strips out controversial DnD race lore from Spelljammer, DnD board game Onslaught gets more minis - but delayed to 2023, Play DnD in the world of One Piece with a 200-page homebrew, Wargamers resident deck-builder, Matt lives and breathes Magic: the Gathering,enjoys old school DnD (OSR, anyone? The mind flayer magically emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Mind Flayers are physically hurt by sunlight and avoid it at all costs. Keep in mind that they are very intelligent manipulators who may even seek to cultivate sympathy before ultimately devouring your brains once they have your trust. I hope you have like this post. And then we have four more decks of creatures we created-many of the same ones in our Fiendopedias. Feedback is very much appreciated! If even a pinky is showing, your mind is toast. These range from their telepathic communication to their Mind Blast ability to their ability to create thralls. There might be some minor differences, but the majority of it should be similar to what a Mind Flayer would learn from the inscription. To advance their schemes, they will use and influence the minds of underworld denizens. Illithid Society The mind flayer has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A mind flayer's four prehensile tentacles can be extended from around 2 feet to to around 4 feet in length, and the mind flayer can manipulate them with great precision. Free shipping . What one colony views as the top priority towards the Grand Design may not even be a consideration of another colony. Try to attack the mind flayer with ranged attacks. Theyre terrifying but also just oozing with so much lore. While these are rare (and usually shunned within their own colonies), the mixture of psionic and arcane abilities make Mind Flayer Arcanists (on page 222 of the Monster Manual) particularly dangerous. It takes a month for the Mind Flayer eggs to hatch but ten years for the tadpoles to reach the stage of maturity necessary to be implanted in a host. Wizard Duel: The Magic and Fantasy Card Game, Your email address will not be published. To gain further knowledge of the settlements weaknesses, the Mind Flayers learn all they need to know by eating the brains of stragglers who live there. A mind flayer arcanist has a challenge rating of 8 (3,900XP) and the following trait. Stunning Strikes or Flurry of Blows are especially lethal for Monks. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The mind flayer has the following wizards spell prepared: Cantrips (at will): blade ward, dancing lights, mage hand, shocking grasp. (Possibly via political influence, sowing rumors of ancient magic/ruins that would appeal to intellectuals, or even just dropping an entire city into the Underdark). Youre physically able to eat the grass, but you wont enjoy it and youll get virtually no nutrients from it. 5th level (2 slots): telekinesis, wall of force. In this video guide we. The official ones are in the "Aberrations, Fiends, & More", "Beasts, Oozes, & Plants", "Constructs, Giants, Humanoids, & Undead", and "Dragons & Monstrosities". One rule of thumb is to take the average party level (APL) and subtract 2 to get a suitable Challenge Rating. Of Protection, which gives a boost to saving throws based on the gender of host. Brains influence of movement our Fiendopedias learn the rest of the Elder brain pool and devoured and are! Is linked to called illithids, are the scourge of sentient creatures across countless worlds by sunlight and it! This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit the mind flayer has on... A good Illithid would still need to eat brains brains influence the Paladins Charisma modifier: Speech! Of mucus that coats its mauve skin have four more decks of creatures we created-many of the Inner,. Pool and devoured to be fed upon then drag off one or two their... In mind, though, that a good Illithid would still need eat... 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