Im not happy. what now if I cannot get the truth? Her pictures flash through my mind and it still hurts so so much. IMHO you have a responsibility for you. Sometimes we get sick along with our sick partners and its hard to see the truth. Maybe its not the cheating or the lying thats the issue. Hi Im 28weeks pregnant and my husband and I have not slept in the same bed or even same room for months. While he continues to live here. Constantly twisting the truth? Its a sickening feeling to be wondering if your own husband is involved with another woman! He always says he loves me and would never dream of cheating, and is just the sweetest guy.. but lately, he finds excuses to get away from the house, I found lube in his car, then just today, I see that he left for work without his ring on. I imagined him pleasuring himself while on the phone with her, uninterrupted in the comfort of his hotel room where he lived for that year. Every time i ask him, he is angry and he reacted so much, he is not sweet as i know him before we got married, for now he loved our 4 months son, is he really cheated on me? In fact, 88% of men say their affairs are with women who arent more beautiful than their wives. He has taught me the biggest lesson of my life! Good luck & be safe. I was in the same situation with my wife many years ago. Leave him. Why I still love him I dont know, but I am at a loss. I have been married for 18 years. We have been cuddling and he has seen how much this hurt me as not being there for me and running to another woman for at least emotional support. He refused to stop communicating with her. I have a 3 year old daughter from this relationship. Come back anytime, and let me know how youre doing! I tried calling him several times after the concert should have been over. Love advice for women and men, couples, and singles looking for love. You also need to know yourself! Okay, he finally moved out. ! i trust him but not her.. reasons i thought she was my friend but she wont respond back from calls or texts from me. Yet this is an awful way for you to treat yourself! For men, significant predictors of infidelity are personality variables, including propensity for sexual excitation (becoming easily aroused by many triggers and situations) and concern about sexual performance failure. is that really the message you want to send out? Please try to remember that in your heart you know what is right, and people who do bad things (like your father) will try to confuse you. This was happening on weekends. Im not married but I have a baby with my live in partner. You can recover honey. And Im helping him start college soon and Im totally afraid. I wnt back to by flat close the door and start crying becouse i loved the dam man, few minutes later he followed me i told him to leave me alone and sort out my problem out, he beg he is sorry he was just ashmed of himself i should forgive him. i wanted to know what someone else thinks of this situation because its driving me crazy. On my end, the phone rang multiple times, then went to voicemail. i am so confused,what happens to me and my unborn child and how do i fight this fraustration cos i love him so much. I see the way he looks at me (which is awesome), and I know I take his breath away. He says she hasnt cheated on him since. I think it comes up when they dont feel secure either physically, or emotionally with their mate. He turns me down most times by saying Im too tired, we can do it tomorrow I promise or your hands are cold. Do your trust your husband? some people even make a new email address that only their lover will have. If you happen to be in the Muncie/Indiana area, and his name happens to be Donald then Hi!! I first saw him 20 plus years, never spoken to each other. In the end, when it was over, she begged to come backbut for me, that is impossible and crazy. He still thinks iam the other woman. He ofcorse acted as if it was nothing so i could him it made me feel uncomfortable. He was married, but not happy and left his wife. I wasnt even thinking straight due to so much loss! We are in a long distance relationship since 3 years. I asked to see the text and he deleted them. Then, we broke it off for about 9 mnths, for other reasons, and in the meantime, she moved to where we live because this is where she is originally from and she and her husband divorced. Your honesty will help other wives deal with their husbands lying and cheating. Women who are dissatisfied with their relationship are more than twice as likely to cheat; those who feel they are sexually incompatible with their partners are nearly three times as likely. I want to ask him whats really going on but I have caught him lying to me in the past and I dont think he would tell me the truth. I have known my husband for 6 years and will be married for 2 on new years day. When my husband finally left for work he forgot his phone. The internal struggle , the tug of war between disgust-rage-pain-humiliation- rejection and fear- love- desire- want- need is enough to kill you. He gets upset with me if i go home at night. I just dont know how to feel about all of this. Double-check work commitments. Facing the world on my own. Is this still cheating? Look at your part. Please give me your advise.I think my husband has cheated on me with my signs are a strong gut feeling and i have seen him looking at her butt several times and and about 4 years ago my sis-in-law and my brother were our neighbors and my brother is a captain offshore so he was gone often.I came home one day and pulled up and my husband came out of there house and the only one that was home was my sis-in-law and my neice which was a baby about 9 months old.when i asked him why he was over there he said he went to see the baby.He has gone out of his way to help her we would have a party and she would be dancing and he would just stare at her.When i would asked him if he did anything with her he gets mad at me and has even cried.then he tells me keep it up just keep it up.So i told him i was going to ask her he got very defensive and said i would not do it because it is gonna cause problems and my relationship with her will never be tha same that i am gonna look stupid when we talk about it he always turns away from me and shakes his head.I did ask her and she said no way i would never do that but she also got caught cheating on my brother before i wonder sometime if that is why i feel this way.I told him i was gonna talk to my brother about it and he got very defensive he said because of my feelings that i am pushing him away so he turns everything around on me and makes me believe i have a problem.Do I?What can i do to stop this feeling how do i find out the truth because my gut will not let it go.They now will barely talk to eachother she still puts herself in his face but he is tryin to ignore her.But i still catch him looking at her body parts and then he tells me u can;t see through my eyes i was not looking at her body parts but my eyes do not lie to me and i know what i see.Me and him have been together since 94 and have 2 kids together so please let me know what u think about this and how i should go about finding out the truth even if i have to sneak around the truth and lie i need to know the truth or is he telling tha truth.Please let me know what u think am i crazy for feeling this way or am i just jealous or is it him that has a problem.Thank u, Well Im sure my story isnt any different, from the others. But I can't deal with it. Im sorry there are so many men out there who seem to be fooling around. My husband admitted he never stopped 4 ongoing emotional affairs during our entire marriage. Weve been married 14 years, together 16. Wise up. anyway this was a year ago, but now recent months we have had so much quarrels and argues and that has made him to be even more passive when it comes to our relationship. I know he cheated, I just cant prove it. Im just not sure what to do about any of it. I gave him a second chance after living in his car and finding his self alone he hasnt done it since. I had phone records for 2 years that showed a pattern of them talking extensively on a constant basis seven days a week 24-7. Im hurting. I thoughT i did everything slow like your supposed to in the beginning. Its a 5 minute walk from the house and its been nearly 3 hours. If you dont leave this sh**tbag now he will worm his little way right back into you heart through his disgraceful lies he has already done this once before and you were kind enough to give him another chance 2 chances is more than enough! Thoughts please. Nov 21,2013 I found out my husband was cheating on me. He keeps being aggressive verbally saying he hates me and that it is my fault that the was unappreciated at home and that is why he was with her. I finally decided to report him to cheating websites only for the fact that I truly pitty anyone that gets with him. I thought he may have cold feet seems as though we are getting more serious or he maybe just wanted some space but I am no longer certain.. Y E S! I was and still am constantly wondering why he would do such a thing. then when i was pregnant with his child i left an answerphone message on her moby saying not to send x on text i find it offensive ( bareing in mind my fiance knew my ex husband had an affair with a woman at work so i felt fragile . Whenever i ask him what is wrong, why he is showing cold shoulder to me? I use skype for videocalling mainly and with the people who really matter to me a whole world. Since I was so suspicious I messaged his friends girlfriend to see if his really going there and the girlfriend told me that her boyfriend isnt even at home and his in town with his other friends. He is so much addict of it that I am pretending that all is fine around me . I had say yes, I live, but I think I will leave until a judge or someone competent says so. But I am at a lose. Hes sorry he lied. It is more natural to plant a seed into one woman and watch her give you what only she could produce. Because lately all he seams interested in is video games, porn, and what ever he wants to do. I cant guarantee that Ill have any answers, but other readers mightand sometimes it helps alot just to tell your story and know youre not alone. But before you do these try to search how it works, you need to be careful so he wont know. I thought we were so perfect together, he was my safe place and my best friend. later we talked and he assured me that there was nothing between them. I hope it helps. Please understand. Hes very supportive of me in whatever I want to do. It was not expensive but he made sure he took money out of our bank account to purchase it behind my back. As painful as it is to hear such intimate details of an affair (see truth hurts ), full disclosure removes all doubts about what happened and is required for rebuilding trust (see recovering from infidelity ). Ive put up with a lying, alcoholic, cheating, emotionally abusive asshole of a husband for 8 years. 2 years ago my husband of 20 years lied to me about a phone call. I have been married for 2 years. He went out of town a few days later and I studied his cell phone records. he always said that and keeps saying it but it was just curiosity. He changed jobs since he cheated with a co-worker who is also married and a chronic cheater. Men who cheat dont walk around with a sign saying Im having an affair they are often good, upstanding, respectable men who are missing something in their marriages. End of story. These are some of the signs. hes constantly texting another girl and they always flirt with each other. Pointed his finger at me while angrily telling me he was tired of this stuff! and Im done!. my boyfriend gave a girl the eating out gesture and didnt know I saw so when he looked at me he pretended to be funny and stuck his tounge out at me.. what do I do? Ive been in therapy a number of times for various issues. He is gas lighting you . It bothered me that he did not mention this to me when we were introduced and I knew nothing of this woman the whole time we have been married. He says he has told me everything after initially lieing. He said hes faithful to me. He is very much of an internal man. He seemed really nervous about it. I feel it at most times but I push myself away because my trust for him is very little. Listen Husband if I dont get the answers from you, I have a private investigator and I have been advised that nothing from your phone is deleted. Or, you could hire a private detective, ask a friend to follow your boyfriend, or follow him around yourself. Hi i been married for two years almost three.My husband is nice to me but he spends too nuch time a lone in the other room watching sports.everytime i want to talk to him he seems like hs not interesting on knowing my day.he works in an office with 4 girls i seen them and they look attracted. I hope that helps. Whatever your reason for asking us, my dear, here is my personal answer. Classy right. Had nothing to do with the fact that he spent all day Sunday with his ex wife and kids? Hi Karen, Listen carefuly, i dont want to disappoint you but you have to face the cold facts 70% out of all people who suspect their partners to be cheating turn out to be RIGHT. Anyway. I accidentally stumbled across some updates. I dont know what you should do about your marriage, but I believe we all need to connect with God in order to make the best choices in our lives. You can read more about me. She said he didnt tell her he was married and i didnt see no more contact between them.He sweairs its coz he wanted to try his sexual ability with another woman since he used to be very sexual and suddenly not. Heres an article to help you trust your instincts because I really believe thats the first and most important step to figuring out if your husband is lying about cheating. I love it. The women are also either married or in long term relationships with men whom they love; just as I love my wife. Trust your belly honey. A teacher? I know this sounds crazy after all these years but i keep thinking about it and really dont know if he is telling me the truth or not. I talked to his mom about it to and she claims i am jelouse of her. I also found a journal entry that he wrote after I confronted the cheating and he said in the journal entry he feels less of a man because he vowed to me that he would never do the things all of the other men have done to me ( exs ) and he just kept writing that he feels so much less of a man and I honestly hated reading that because I dont want the man that I love feeling that way but then again I want him to feel the pain im in. I dont know if you can trust your fiance any more that you do! i have been married for four years now, my husband cheated on me once.. things change now we worked it out.. but i notice hes always interested in online porn than me..he loves me n i love him very much i told him what is doing hurts me but he wont stop its like hes addicted to it please help!!! Some are free, some cost money. I am sorry, Remy, and I can relate to your situation except mine was my husband of 30 years. There were too many coincidental and odd things that happened in the short space of 4 months when I had cancer. The open and honest communication you and your husband are having now is awesome. My gut told me something was wrong. I dont believe this crap for a second and I prayed on it. Am I an idiot for staying with him? Or I thought I could change him, or he would change. He tells me that its not professional and theres other ways. My husband continues to lie to me and I am not sure what is real and what is fake with him. Anyway, since I pretty much put an end to my husbands relationships with these vile ppl in his life, Ive been on my gaurd about his activities away from me. Things have been wierd with my husband and me. If you havent alreadydump his ass immediately. But I do think between him and me, it was an emotional connection. I hate these women working with our husbands and our husbands letting some other woman at work be the friend. When he seems to be enjoying himself the most, ask him whether or not he's cheated on you. 7 weeks later I received a call from the police wanted to (talk) to me2 questions later I was arrested for hassasment which was later dismissed. Telling her he woukd protect her always . For the first time he stayed out the whole night and lied where he were. I know I deserve this treatment because I cheated on him and I feel guilty and horrible everyday. He be littles me constantly which is very hurtful. He tells me 2 recieve his calls n do so many tins on his behave but why im i feelin dis way? Its the most painful thing ever. (Giving and Receiving), 13 Signs of a Tumultuous Relationship and How to Fix It, How to Lose Feelings for Someone You Can't Have, Should I Get Tinder? here it goes my husband of 15yrs. To focus on ME, and whats left of my life .. and Heal from this, all while knowing I am doing the most loving thing for ME. Its always going to be YOUR FAULT!!! I cant imagine going on with this marriage with my gut telling me otherwise. He didnt make me feel attractive and was just pushing me out of his life. When I found out his girlfriend, the only girl he has dated since our divorce a year and a half ago, was someone he had met at his old job, I asked, Were you having an affair. He looked down at the floor and said, No, No. I hardly knew her when I worked there. what should I do? As I write to you, hes late to come home again.Yes, we usually have sex ones every week or every two weeks, that is only if I initiate it. My husband has been working for the past month from Sunday to Sunday. To really get down to the truth, you have to ask your spouse directly. I will be praying for you and your child!!! Wow-so many women who seem torn about what to do when it comes to a cheat in their life. I forgave him for that because we were not a sure thing just yet. Trust me, in your heart, or in that spot 2 inches behind your belly button, you can feel it. I recently wrote an article called Signs of a Cheater, based on a book called The Silent Wife. do you ever apologize? Well, I text her from my husbands phone while he was asleep and acted like him and asked if she still had the text and she said she had deleted them. If hes not willing to work on your marriage, you cant save it yourself. I wanted to jump in here so youd know youre not alone! He ran off with his best friends ex wife to Virginia in 2019 and would not answer his phone. AMEN. I have never cheated and my husband swears he hasnt either. Believe me, he is feeding you a bunch of bunk. It is so important. I need help and dont know how to obtain it. And if you do, you honestly do deserve what you get afterwards. My husband cheats on me all the time; friends, friends of friends, friends wives/partners, doesnt matter anymore. And then you are surprised why I loose myself over a picture. Theres so much more. As soon as he is back at work, I decide to sniff around. Take care. Meaning the affection/love that I deserve. I go in and check his email, I found an itinerary for a hotel room in our city. Companionship = Man. He blames it almost all on his drinking and how after years it snuck up on him and he really didnt think he had a problem. He has cheated on me multiple times in the past. May you find healing and peace, especially if you know for sure that your husband is lying about cheating. So bottom line, to me it looks like Mother Nature makes us that way. If I were you, I would follow my gut instincts. He REFUSES to go to counciling with me and i told him its because hes affraid a professional will expose him and his lies! And she said she thought so to until one day she asked to borrow his phone real quick, and he walked away for a quick second. I was able to hear how far the relationship had gone. He doesn't mean it. It seems that the only way it will work out is if I never bring it up again and forget about it. If he wasnt happy, he should have suggested marriage counseling for you both rather than starting a relationship with someone else. That is stupid and fruitless. He laughed and said who ever told me that must be on crack and it was a ly. My depression is getting worse though and Im afraid that I cant keep up with his sexual desires and sometimes I really do think that I deserve all this for cheating on him that one time. About any of it that i truly pitty anyone that gets with.! You happen to be enjoying himself the most, ask him what is real and what is wrong, he... And dont know if you know for sure that your husband are having now awesome! Do such a thing my best friend past month from Sunday to Sunday soon and Im totally afraid what! A judge or someone competent says so had cancer for you to treat yourself assured that... 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