SD: Tu The Grand Hailing Sign of Distress One classic Masonic pose, duplicated by or similar to that employed in many other Orders, is the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. W. M.--Brother Gabe, the second section of this degree exemplifies an instance of virtue, fortitude, and integrity seldom equalled, if ever excelled, in the history of man. MASTER MASON DEGREE (Third Degree in the Blue Lodg "TUBALCAIN" PASS GRIP OF A MASTER MASON (HANDSHAKE), "MA-HA-BONE" REAL GRIP OF A MASTER MASON (HANDSHAKE). Ruffian--That does not satisfy me. We will carry the body a westerly course from the Temple to the brow of the hill west of Mount Moriah, where I have dug a grave due east and west, six feet perpendicular. Drop the hand and handkerchief three distinct times. (Hiram Abiff) to retire to the Most Holy Place, to draw his plans and designs, and offer up his orisons, &c. But flow could this be accomplished before the Sanctum Sanctorum was built. 126.). Learn how . J. D. (makes sign.) and inculcated by Robert Morris,1 is generally accepted as the "Work" of ancient origin, and there is not much doubt but that it will be adopted by the Grand Lodges throughout the United States. King Solomon then ordered the twelve Fellow Crafts to go in search of the body, and, if found, to observe whether the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, was on or about it. shows the penalty of having the throat cut and the tongue ripped out. Brother, be ever mindful of that great change, when we shall be called from labors on earth to that everlasting refreshment in the paradise of God. [paragraph continues] Master's carpet is a large map that Lodges generally keep, which is highly embellished with Masonic emblems). I made it about a half mile, the Painkillers wore off and I could barely walk. The room is cleared by removing the altar and lights, and the two large pillars used in the Second Degree. J. W.--High twelve, Worshipful. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.". WM: Has it a name? His death was premeditated by fifteen Fellow Crafts, who, seeing the Temple about to be completed, and being desirous of obtaining the secrets of a Master Mason, whereby they might travel in foreign countries and receive Master's wages, entered into a horrid conspiracy to extort them from our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, or take his life; but, reflecting with horror on the atrocity of the crime, twelve of them recanted; the other three persisted in their murderous designs. WM: Ma This famous fabric was supported by fourteen hundred and fifty-three columns, and two thousand nine hundred and six pilasters--all hewn from the finest Parian marble. We are a volunteer organization. Thus, brother, we close our lecture on the emblems with the solemn thought of death. The answer was the roar of his murderers' muskets. 1. WM: Will you give it to me? (Pronounced by conductor--Tubal Cain.). This Degree has a reference to the Christian dispensation, when the day of salvation is more fully revealed; atonement is made for sin; and the resurrection from the dead plainly communicated and confirmed by the resurrection of Christ from the grave. And now, my brethren, let us see to it, and so regulate our lives by the plumb-line of justice, ever squaring our actions by the square of virtue, that when the Grand Warden of Heaven may call for us, we may be found ready; let us cultivate assiduously the noble tenets of our profession--brotherly love, relief, and truth--and, from the square, learn morality; from the level, equality; from the plumb, rectitude of life. A. A. Kneeling on both my naked knees, both hands resting on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses; in which due form I took the solemn oath of a Master Mason, which is as follows: (Here give the obligation; but it is never required--being only a matter of form.). SD: Worshipful Master. Suspicious characters! See real grip of a Fellow Craft, Fig. S. D.--At the left hand of the Worshipful Master in the east. time, pushing him backward, brings the candidate's heels against the edge of the canvas, trips him up, and the candidate falls upon his back, caught in the canvas clear of the floor, unharmed, but, in many instances, badly frightened. with the Senior Deacon, who is standing next to the candidate, who is still in the Craft. Behold! Sec. Q. "Further, I will not cheat, wrong, nor defraud a Master Mason's Lodge, nor a brother of this Degree, knowingly, nor supplant him in any of his laudable undertakings, but will give him due and timely notice, that he may ward off all danger. Reader, I have given you the whole of the first three Degrees in Masonry. Yet, O Lord! (HANDSHAKE). According to Masonic code, any Mason who hears another Mason utter the Grand Hailing Sign must come to his aid. who is still kneeling at the altar, after having assume the obligation J. W. (Jubela, First Ruffian.) In this state of darkness and despair she lay until the Saviour came, instituted the five points of Christian fellowship, and raised her from the dust, in which she had been indecently interred, to a more glorious inheritance."--Theo. That Tubal Cain gave first occasion to the name and worship of Vulcan been very probably conceived, both from the very great affinity of the names, and that Tubal Cain is expressly mentioned to be an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron; and as near relation as Apollo had to Vulcan, Jubal had to Tubal Cain, who was the inventor of music, or the father of all such as handle the harp and organ, which the Greeks attribute to Apollo.--Historical Landmarks, vol. SD: It has. A. "Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will not give the substitute There is not only a sign, but words that accompany it. K. S. (to the S. W.)--My worthy brother of Tyre, I shall endeavor (with your assistance) to raise the body by the strong grip, or lion's paw, of the tribe of Judah. WM: N Is there no hope for the widow's son? WM: Syllable it and begin. The Word, which was said to be lost, was pronounced upon the cross, which the Jews could not comprehend. My brother of Tyre, what shall we do? K. S.--No work laid out--no designs drawn on the trestle-board? "Solemn strikes the funeral chime, Notes of our departing time; As we journey here below, Through a pilgrimage of woe!" and signing your name to the constitution and by-laws--which will then make you a member of this Lodge. A. on the Five Points of Fellowship as the SD names them.) Candidate (prompted by conductor.) Begone! W. M. (one rap, Senior Warden rises to his feet.) (D&C 135:1), two balls pierced [Joseph] from the door, and one entered his right breast from without, and he fell outward, exclaiming, "Oh Lord, my God!" In this position he spake these memorable words: "Sun stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou moon in the valley of Ajalon", And the sun stood still and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. "A few years afterward, on his return to his brethren in Vermont, he stated to them, as I have been credibly informed and believe, that he found in the Western and Southwestern States different systems of lecturing prevailing, and that, upon presenting Gleason's Lectures to them, they were objected to by the different Grand Masters, who would not sanction his lecturing in their respective jurisdictions, unless he would adopt the lectures then in use among them; that, desiring to pursue his occupation there, he learned the different systems of lecturing existing among them, and made use of his newly acquired knowledge under the sanction of the respective Grand Masters." S. D.--By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission? Upon which they rushed in, seized, bound, and brought them before King Solomon; who, after due conviction of their guilt, ordered them to be executed according to their several imprecations upon their own heads, uttered from the clefts of the rocks. that my body had been cut in two," &c., &c. The third was the voice of Jubelum, exclaiming: Upon which they rushed in, seized, bound, and brought them before King Solomon; who, after a due conviction of their guilt, ordered them to be taken without the gates of the courts of the Temple, and executed according to the several imprecations upon their own heads. --Brother Junior Grand Warden, what means all this confusion among the workmen? xxxiv. of the same. 1. Foot to foot--that you will never hesitate to go on foot, and out of your way, to assist and serve a worthy brother. W. M.--Brother Gabe, you are kneeling, for the third time, at the altar of Masonry, to take upon yourself the solemn oath of a Master Mason; and I, as Master of this Lodge, take pleasure, as on former occasions, in informing you that there is nothing in it which will interfere with the duty you owe to your God, your neighbor, your country, or self. FIG. SD: Letter or syllable it. W. M. (looking conductor in the eye.) We were sent in haste and on urgent business; there was nothing said about giving us a pass, and we presume it was forgotten, or not deemed necessary. When the Lodge is opened, the Junior Warden's column is turned down, and the Senior Warden's turned up, at his right hand. One of the brethren then replies: "We will go a southwesterly course, and will come up with our brothers." WM: How will you dispose of it? SD: From. . W. M.--You will repeat your name, and say after me: "I, Peter Gabe (Master gives three raps with his gavel, when all present assemble round the altar), of my own free-will and accord, in the presence of Almighty God, and this worshipful Lodge, erected to him and dedicated to the holy Sts. it, which will be on the Five Points of Fellowship, and at low breath.". At the usual report, preceded by an inquiry involving the best interests of Masonry, the brethren are again reminded what is the chief care of a Mason. W. M.--Brother Senior Warden, how should Masons meet? Let him enter, and be received in due form. A. A. Brother, your zeal for the institution of Masonry, the progress you have made in the mystery, and your conformity to our regulations, have pointed you out as a proper object for our favor and esteem. The Secretary commences to call off a lot of Bible names, to which each brother responds "Here!" The Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. ", If one of these murderers, their abettors or accessories before or after the fact, are suffered to cumber the earth, without being dealt with according to law, what is life worth, and what is the benefit of laws? --I have none, Worshipful. (At this time, the candidate is shown the Pass Grip) Q. You must pray for yourself. (They all kneel.). It was, by fifteen Fellow Crafts, who, seeing the Temple about to be completed, and being desirous of obtaining the secrets of a Master Mason, whereby they might travel in foreign countries, work, and receive Master's wages, entered into a horrid conspiracy to extort them from our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, or take his life; but, reflecting with horror on the atrocity of the crime, twelve of them recanted; the other three persisted in their murderous designs. And at the same time he steps to the Master's desk, and re-ports as follows: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, I, being one of those who pursued a westerly course, coming down near the port of Joppa, met a seafaring man, of whom I inquired if he had seen any strangers pass that way; he informed me that he had--three--who from their appearance were workmen from the Temple, seeking a passage to Ethiopia, but not having King Solomon's pass, were not able to obtain one, and returned back into the country. &c., &c.; the third was the voice of Jubelum, exclaiming, "Oh! The Worshipful Master gives three raps with his gavel, which brings the whole Lodge to their feet. Turning in his seat toward the Treasurer's desk, he says to the Treasurer: "My worthy brother of Tyre, as the Master's word is now lost, the first sign given at the grave, and the first word spoken, after the body is raised, shall be adopted for the regulation of all Masters' Lodges, until future generations shall find out the right. Behold! You will remember in whom you put your trust, with that divine assurance, that "he who endureth unto the end, the same shall be saved." SD: The pass-grip of a Master Mason. Conductor (for candidate.) They present the jewel to the Master, who, on examination of it, says: "This is the jewel of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff; there can be no longer any doubt as to the identity of the body.". A. Junior Warden, one. Explanation of the Entered Apprentice sign: Draw the right hand rapidly The "work" known among Masons as the "Webb Work,". B. divided the operatives the three classes, viz., Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, and Masters; paying the wages of the former at the pillar of J (Jachin), and the Masters in the Middle Chamber. K. S.--You twelve Fellow Crafts will now go and assist in raising the body. The sign of the Fellow Craft alludes to the penalty of the Fellow Craft obligation. It is given by raising both hands toward heaven, with each arm forming the angle of a square, or a 90 degree angle. The Senior Deacon steps to the altar, takes the compasses, repairs to the door, opens it, and says: S. D.--Let him enter, and be received in due form. 16, p. If you wish to learn A. I arose, and on my passage around the Lodge was accosted by three Fellow Crafts, who thrice demanded of me the secrets of a Master Mason; and, on being refused, the first gave me a blow with the twenty-four-inch gauge, across my throat; the second with a square, across my breast; the third with a setting-maul, on my forehead, which felled me on the spot. In the mean time, the canvas is slipped out of the Lodge, and as the Master commences to give or whisper the word in the candidate's ear, some one of the brethren slips off the hoodwink, and this is the first time he has seen light, probably, in an hour. If it was of my own free-will and accord, if I was worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared, had made suitable proficiency in the preceding Degree, and was properly vouched for; all which being answered in the affirmative, I was asked by what further right or benefit I expected to gain admission. [paragraph continues] Warden three raps, and the Worshipful Master three raps. One system says fifteen Fellow Crafts went in search; another, twelve; and asserts that the three (murderers) left the sprig of acacia: others affirm that it was the recanters who placed it there as a mark. Some Lodges use a large drum, others roll a large cannon-ball across the ante-room floor, letting it strike on a cushion placed against the wall. Third Ruffian--But the rules are as strict in other ports as in this. what's this?" He has not been seen since high twelve yesterday. You should always remember it, for should you be present at the opening You have a rough and rugged road to travel, beset with thieves, robbers, and murderers; and should you lose your life in the attempt, it will not be the first instance of the kind, my brother. for the Master's Word is alluded to in the Obligation of a Master Mason: O Lord my God!! What is that? 130.). Craftsman--We will go in pursuit of them; they are the fellows we want. Q. The 1904 Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry, an Emulation text, tells us that:-, The first part of the t..e-f..d S is called the S. of F., and is given by &c., emblematically to shield the repository of your Ss. SD: You begin. The Senior Deacon then answers with one rap (), and opens the door. A. A. 7, p. 18--some Masters make this sign twice), accompanied by the following exclamation, viz. The Senior Deacon steps to the Master, and whispers in his ear, "Tubal Cain.". B.? Brother Gabe, you discover me approaching you from the east, under the duegard (some say--step, duegard, and sign) of a Master Mason; and, in token of the further continuance of my brotherly love and favor, I present. further light in Masonry, by being raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason. 1. Upon which the three Fellow Crafts rush forward over benches and chairs, and secure the ruffians in no very gentle manner, and lead them to the Worshipful Master's seat in the east, when one of them reports to the Master: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, I, being one who pursued a westerly course, and, on my return, after several days of fruit-less search, being more weary than my companions, sat down on the brow of a hill to rest and refresh myself; and, on rising, accidentally caught hold of a sprig of acacia,1 which, easily giving way, excited my suspicions. WM: Will you be off or from? Ruffian (i.e., S. W.) gives candidate a brush with his right hand across the left breast, and at the same time lets him pass, the conductor hurrying him on toward the east end of the Lodge, where the Master is stationed to perform the part of the Third Ruffian, Jubelum, who is generally provided with a buckskin bag stuffed with hair, to represent a setting-maul. "O Lord my God, I fear the Master's word is forever lost! The apron is white, lined and bordered with blue. --Give me the secrets of a Master Mason! The body of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, was found in a westerly course from the Temple, where our weary brothers sat down to rest and refresh themselves. Phil., p. 309. Be diligent, prudent, temperate, discreet. His business is to teach the subordinate Lodges the Ritual of Freemasonry, and he is paid generally by salary, or so much from each Lodge before whom he may lecture. Thus, when dissolution draws nigh, and the cold winds of death come sighing around us, and his chilly dews already glisten on our foreheads, with joy shall we obey the summons of the Grand Warden of Heaven, and go from our labors on earth to everlasting refreshments in the Paradise of God. I am decidedly of opinion that our tradition is merely allegorical; for there can be no doubt but the Chief Architect was present at the dedication of the Temple. A momentary silence then ensues, during which one of the party groans, as if nearly dying. WM: Begin you. Jubelo!! The method described is virtually identical for all workings, with certain minor variations. 15. A. Brother Junior Deacon (turning to that officer), you will inform the Tyler. (See Fig. WM: Has it a name? B. but which, he adds, "I can find only twice particularly described. ENTERED APPRENTICE DEGREE (First Degree in the Bl "BOAZ" GRIP OF AN ENTERED APPRENTICE (HANDSHAKE). Joseph's last exclamation was "O Lord my God! This action THE ceremony of opening and conducting the business of a Lodge of Master Masons is nearly the same as in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Crafts' Degrees, already explained. "The pillar of Wisdom represents Solomon, King of Israel, whose wisdom contrived the mighty fabric; the pillar of Strength, Hiram, king of Tyre, who strengthened Solomon in his grand undertaking; the pillar of Beauty, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, whose cunning craft and curious workmanship beautified and adorned the Temple. W. M.--Brother Senior Warden, it is my orders that this Lodge be now closed, and stand closed until our next regular communication (barring emergency), when all, or a suitable number, shall have due and timely notice. Take a handkerchief by the corner with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and raise the hand and handkerchief up on a level with the right shoulder. Let me admonish you, in the most serious manner, in reference to the close of life, that, when the cold winter of death shall have passed, and the bright summer morn of the resurrection appears, the Sun of Righteousness shall descend and send forth His angels to collect our ransomed dead; then, if we are found worthy, by the benefit of his "pass" we shall gain a ready admission into that celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides, where we shall see the King In the beauty of holiness, and with him enter into an endless eternity. 7, p. 18), which would be three times, then, turning to the Senior Warden, says: "My worthy brother of Tyre, what shall we do?". The traditional account of the death, several burials, and resurrections of one of the craft, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, as developed in conferring this Degree, is very interesting. But we are assured, that not only were the plans drawn and the specifications approved, but every other preparation was made for completing the work before the foundations were laid; even the stone and timber were carved, marked, and numbered before they were removed from the quarry and the forest; and, hence nothing was required, when the materials were conveyed to Jerusalem, but skilled labor to make it perfect and complete from foundation to cope-stone. But man dieth and wasteth away; yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? When the candidate is fully dressed, the door is unceremoniously thrown open, and he, in company with others, is permitted to enter the Lodge. (nothing being said, Worshipful Master continues): We will then proceed to close; but, before doing so, I would say to Brother Gabe (the candidate)--Is he present? SD: The real grip of a Master Mason, or lion's paw. Where is our good Master Joseph and Hyrum? The Setting-Maul, Spade, Coffin, Grave, and Sprig of Acacia; and are thus explained. After the obligation, what were you asked? K. S.--O Lord my God! The three (blows) were given with the three (tools, i.e., gauge, square, and gavel). SD: C You will remember you promised us, that when the Temple was completed, we should receive the secrets of a Master Mason, whereby we might travel in foreign countries, work, and receive Master's wages. 17. WM: Will you give it to me? The above is the "Emulation" form but another reading is this:- This is said to have been the S. used by Joshua when fighting the battles of the Lord "in the going down to Beth-Horon". The Master either reads or repeats the following from a Monitor, which by many is committed to memory; but when he has the "work" (i.e., that part which is not monitorial), it is not necessary that he should commit to memory what is called the Master's carpet of emblems, but as it is a part of the initiation of the Third Degree, the author proposes to give it in its regular order of Lodge business. The Third Degree is said to be the height of Ancient Free-masonry, and the most sublime of all the Degrees in Masonry (Royal Arch not even excepted); and when it is conferred, the Lodge is generally well filled with the members of the Lodge and visiting brethren. All these were, classed and arranged in such a manner, by the wisdom of Solomon, that neither envy, discord, nor confusion was suffered to interrupt that universal peace and tranquillity which pervaded the world at that important period." Takes the candidate by the "real grip" of a Fellow Craft, and says. It is neither a proper time nor place; but be true to your engagement, and I will be true to mine. The particular duties of the leaders of the respective bands of craftsmen are rehearsed. This canvas is usually held behind the candidate, in an inclined position, by some of the brethren, and is for the purpose of catching him when he is tripped up by the assumed ruffian, Jubelum. This sign twice ), accompanied by the following exclamation, viz,. Due form the east assist in raising the body raps, and keep steadfast! I.E., gauge, square, and whispers in his ear, Tubal! Given grand hailing sign of distress the solemn thought of death fear the Master 's carpet is large... One rap, Senior Warden rises to his aid or lion 's paw about a half,! Party groans, as if nearly dying could not comprehend w. M. ( conductor. Will inform the Tyler of Fellowship as the SD names them..... -- by what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission square, and opens the door three... 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