Just be sure to keep detailed records of what came in and how you used the funds so that you can explain it all later.Lynne, My mother was killed suddenly and although she requested I be her executor she neglected to sign her will properly. They will continue to do this until a beneficiary sues them. I would suggest opening an estate account. If you don't have to go through probate, then by all means, don't. Take the will, a copy of the death certificate (or funeral director's statement) and your I.D. Will I need to open an Estate Account? I've been trying to open an estate account for weeks and have been hitting roadblocks everywhere. They have verified me as executor, and I have provided all of the probate documents, and THEY setup the account. However in the last through s of her life when I could see the end was at hand I put as much available cash in this account because I knew joint accounts would avoid probate. Executor & Estate Bank Accounts. Please go ahead and post it. Do you mind if I place your article on my blog and reference your site to it?Cheers,Larosabelle, Hi Larosabelle,Thanks! Can we just deposit the cheques in our own account? All debts of the estate have been paid. I am executor and have just obtained grant of probate on my father's estate ($30K cash in bank only). He died in Quebec, and the Public Curator there has handled all the paperwork. The probate is their indemnity against the deceased's funds to the wrong person. The manager isn't available, and both of the assistant managers are unavailable. TD does not and all transactions must be processed in person. You can apply for an ID number online, at www.irs.gov. Can my sister disburse fees from my fathers estate accounting to reimburse my brother for return air fare and to me for gas mileage, when we attended his rental to remove his belongings and sell his assets? All of her finances had us listed as 50/50 beneficiaries and have been paid out to us, including her bank account of 24000. Do I still need to open up an estate account for tax reasons or other? He has suffered a stroke and is slowly recovering but very difficult to communicate with him. (I was not asking any info on the account only about their requirements for an Estate Account) but she jumped on him immediately and would not listen. Executors don't have to wait for the grant of probate. You'll have to make sure the whole story is told to the court in your application for probate. You then take the drafts and deposit them into the estate account. Earn a $300 welcome bonus with a new bank account 2. We have updated this page to reflect the transition to the 2021 version of the National Occupational Classification (NOC).This means that the occupation "estate secretary" was moved from the group Legal administrative assistants (NOC 1242) to the group Legal administrative assistants (NOC 13111). If that executor feels strongly about it, he or she can give funds from their executor's fee or from their share of the estate.Lynne. Is there any reason why my sister would not be able to transfer to me half of the shares and cash in the investment account at this time? but i have a tax refund cheque payable to the estate of xxxxx. at which point the funds will go to Estate. Also, if there are two beneficiaries, neither is a "sole" beneficiary, since "sole" means "one". Part of the probate process IS verifying the will, so you can do this all in one step. It has been a great help to our family.My question relates to your initial post at the top. The bank has no say on what or who gets paid. does this have to go through Probate? We are currently dealing with RBC. I am the sole executrix named in his will. To open any bank or investment account, you'll need a taxpayer ID number for the estate, which is itself a taxpayer. I tried depositing it in our joint account but they won't accept it. If you don't get the funds that way, bump the issue up the line through the bank channels as a complaint.Lynne. Other banks are also refusing to open estate accounts. Unfortunately, what you are trying to do is completely against all estate law, which is based on the documents that exist, not the documents that might have existed or could have existed.Your father left the RRSP beneficiary form with named beneficiaries. I'm in Alberta. There were no investments just bank accounts in both our names, (my father and mine)so the money could pass seamlessly in the event of his passing. Other things might also flow through that estate account, such as the CPP death benefit. I went through the lawyer for a probate. That is the worst thing he can do.Now he has it set up that he is freely mingling all of this money with his own and said that the situation is going to continue for at least 4 years. You may be able to open a bank account with the proper identification in Canada even if: you're not a Canadian citizen; you live in another country; You may need to go to the bank in person to open a bank account. What's the real deal here? That's very heavy-handed of them! Learn more here about here about Estate accounting and the right to receive accounts Executors must account for the estate, and beneficiaries are entitled to receive, review, and challenge the accounts including any compensation claimed by the executor. For the 1st distribution she sent it herself to my brother by courier. Are you asking why you have to get probate (aka Certificate of Appointment)?Lynne. I don;t know what is happening in this particular estate that might make the executor think that. This is certainly not the law, but must be an internal policy of the bank. She lived in a Retirement Home, there was no property or investments and just over $2,000 in her account. Probate was approved in August and our attorney asked the bank to surrender all funds to their office in my name. Unlimited debit transactions 3, Interac e-Transfer transactions, and Scotia International Money Transfers . My question is:What is the best method of paying and having proof that the payment was given to beneficiary? I am both executor of her "estate", as well as POA and sole beneficiary. When I do here final tax return for this year, I believe she is only entitled to Ontario tax credits and GST. I went to TD with a lawyer-certified "Certificate of appointment of estate trustee with a will" document. It's always a guessing game.The duty on the executors is to examine all options and go with what makes the most sense to them. She died in January, but now Empire Life says that they made a mistake in allowing me (as POA) to name myself as a beneficiary and want to make a cheque payable to the estate. This had to go to their Head Office and it would take about 2 weeks. This was done after receiving the Probate Certificate which was scanned into the estate dept. I just received an insurance cheque made out to " The Estate of ". That institution is causing me a lot of distress by not allowing me to deposit items or pay small liabilities on her account. The police are not judges so the evidence of theft or fraud has to be pretty clear before they will arrest someone.You are right that it costs money to enforce your rights. I think I have been reasonable, but am now also very unsatisfied by the response by the ombudsman's office and told them that when they called yesterday to 'loop back' on my complaint. I believe you are wrong about avoiding probate because of the joint account. I don't need the money but want this to be resolved. Hi Lynne.My mother passed away in September and my brother and I are co executors. Yes, you have ALL the rights. Thank you. Thanks for your help. My bank, BMO, charges nothing for an estate account. You can arrange that expenses such as funeral costs, taxes and utility bills be paid from the deceased's accounts. The banks have always agreed to this (with only one exception) because the funds aren't going to the executor or anyone else besides the court. I am the executor of my mom's estate. On to your question. Thanks for your opinions. Use any other estate funds you have been able to gather, such as the CPP death benefit or the sale of household contents. The client is now deceased and her power of attorney signed the cheque although I do not believe it was a joint account as only the deceased name is on the cheque. I thought if they were told she was dying, since I had Right of Survivorship, that they would have refused to release the money to my brother, (but they didn't even call me). It should take 10 minutes if you have the proper paperwork, and it sounds as if you do. Geography means I cannot do it in person. Neither of those situations is ideal, but you can only work with the situation you're in.Lynne. The bank has all information needed, and said that it should only take a day or two to have funds transferred. Yes, you should should go to the bank to set up an estate account, and no you shouldn't need probate to do that. That is my main concern now. And has instructed the last lawyer to not do anything even though he's the one who sent it without tracking by regular mail. CIBC had no problem setting up an estate account on provision of the will; RBC would not do that without probate. I now realize I should not have closed it as we have to do taxes next year. Until then I have to ask for a balance and any bills I need to pay out of the account will have to be by bank draft. I certainly know plenty of executors who have online access to their estate accounts. Unfortunately though, they are not the ones involved in your basic executor's account, because the executor's accounts are handled at the branch level.All I can say to executors is that if you cannot get what you need at one bank, go to another one - the competition - and see if you get a better response. In my view, you are doing exactly what is supposed to happen - even though the accounts are in joint names, you are treating the accounts as assets of the estate. Banks' legal departments don't get their hands dirty with actual customer contact; they make sure you have to go through the front-line bank personnel who have no authority and can only convey messages.Am I frustrated? Everything has been done for the estate. Hi Lynne,I have a question. An Estate account is a different kind of account - it is a new account opened after someone has passed away, into which the Executor deposits the deceased person's money, from which the Executor pays the deceased person's debts and bills, and from which the Executor ultimately distributes funds to . Asked by: Ozella Braun | Last update: February 9, 2022. How can he sign papers, cheques if he is not physically able to do so? No probate is required. Which we can't do until we pay estate tax. You may have to show some of these to justify your expenses in the future.Generally speaking, executors don't have too much trouble with the expenses as long as they really do keep them reasonable.Note that while the ability to repay yourself applies to expenses, it does not apply to your executor fee.Lynne, I also meant to add that you don't have to ask the bank to issue your repayment. In her will, all three adult children are both equal executors and beneficiaries. This risk is eliminated (for the bank) by the probate process. I have Mom's taxes done for this year. It's 2500.00. I'm frustrated just reading your note; I can just imagine how frustrated you must be. Once everything is in order - do the beneficiaries receive there funds retroactively from date of loved ones death? Keep all estate funds separate from your own. Lynne. If you're currently a joint bank account holder, we can help you decide whether a joint account is the best option for you. Paying out of pocket should be the last resort. The bank was very helpful ,CIBC, in not having me set up an estate account (funds in account under $3000) as I had a joint account due to his dementia where his money went in and his bills came out of. I hope that things weren't as loosely organized as your letter suggests. I am the executor or the estate and the sole beneficiary of the will. However, keep in mind that as an executor, your obligation is to wind up the estate as efficiently and quickly as possible. The RSP is not in the estate if it names beneficiaries. If I am the sole executor and beneficiary and receive a bank draft in the name of the estate of the deceased, can I simply deposit the bank draft in an estate account and then withdraw funds from the estate account since I am the sole executor and sole beneficiary. Is there anyway around this? My elderly (74) sister has made 2 partial distributions (3 siblings equal parts) and left enough for the CRA in the Estate account (says she has applied for a certificate). Giving Power of Attorney Do I have any rights to see this paperwork? My mother died a few months later, after which my brother claimed he had no money. This does seem like a genuine mistake, but certainly a preventable one. Use any other estate funds you have been able to gather, such as the CPP death benefit or the sale of household contents. A friend passed and named myself or my husband executor and also sole beneificiaries. The cheque isn't written to you or to your husband, which is why it cannot be deposited. An "estate" refers to assets you owned at the time of death. A person made a will which was never signed. That sounds wrong to me. Lynne. Contact the financial institution for more information. After it is all said and done the money will be divided between all 5 of us. All payments coming out of the estate account are the responsibility of the executor. The debts of an estate are paid only to the extent that the estate (NOT the executor) has the funds to pay them.So, yes the executor does have access to estate funds right away, but no, a beneficiary does not. Does the annual audit of accounts reflect this inaction? Hi Lynne,This is a bit of a complicated situations and I am wondering how we should proceed. Lynne. All the estate assets have since been liquidated and deposited to the CIBC estate account, and now CIBC has locked the funds and is refusing to distribute the funds until such time as each and every beneficiary appears at a branch of CIBC, identifies themselves with the previously provided ID's and signs the account application. It must be a policy that TD has established. She asked each bank was this a problem, each said it was not a problem. Hi Lynne, If the executor is also the beneficiary do they get access to the funds right away since the financial obligation will come to them regardless? I was advised around that time by the branch manager that an account estate should be opened by the first week of August.It is now August 8 and there is still no estate account. There is another 400,000.00 in GIC's and a house in my father's name. Or do you actually mean mirror wills? One bank in which the deceased has an account and who also know my mom from frequently coming to the bank as she was not an online banker are paying the bills as the moment for the house. I have 2 brothers and we were all named beneficiaries. HI Lynne,If the bank sees that there is a co-executor on the will, will they require both executors to withdraw money? At least, that's their point of view. In such a situation, the funds in a joint account would then transfer over to your child, who can then distribute the funds according to your wishes without having to go through probate. On the other hand, if you stepped down properly, who became the executor in your place? I was told in the beginning the less money in the account the easier it will be to close out I have a felling this isn't so. I agree that you should not run any estate money through your personal accounts. They are the ones trying to follow the law. You can expect to lose about 30 - 40% of it in taxes.Shouldn't you have figured all of this out BEFORE you complained for months?Lynne. Your bank is doing what any bank would do in the circumstances. TD won't cash the cheque, saying it needs to go into an estate account. This meant the assets did not go through the Will, nor to my brother, yet all three banks released, the funds to my brother (2 banks, within hours of the day he and his daughter changed the POA to remove me, and just make it the two of them) it was almost a year, before my mother found out the POA had been changed, as she never asked for it to be changed. They gave me a cheque for that amount made out to the estate of my dad. Banks do have an alternate process in place for cases like this where the cost of probate would take the whole account. I went into the bank again and asked to see her but she was in a meeting so another representative took my name and number. What purpose it serves would only be a guess on my part. Well, I posted the above,on July 16tth along with the other person who also had issues with Royal bank on July 8th. There was no will.Thank youWendy. BMO Business Builder 1 Monthly Fees: $22.50 Transactions: 35 free transactions per month | Unlimited Moneris transactions Monthly Deposits: $2,500 cash deposits How To Sign Up: Link What is my recourse as an executor? She has money due to her from the other UK source, but when I asked for the overseas sort code for her account I was told the deposit wouldn't be accepted because the account is not yet an estate account.Mylawyer tells me TD is even worse to deal with re estates, bottom line is check with a bank about their estate account policies before you have a bureaucratic nightmare on your hands. It must be a policy of the particular bank.Lynne. 8. Thanks again! The manager has told me that if she isn't available one of the other manager can help.Well, today is that day. Lynne. My sister had a joint bank account with mom and after she passed, took my moms name off the account. The majority of elder financial abuse is done by the elder's kids.The police can't really do much because the power of attorney gave your brother the right to access the money. Hi Lynne, great blog.My husband recently went to the TD in Guelph Ontario to open an estate account for his mom. Every time I get another unsatisfactory response causes more stress at an already difficult time. While I can understand banks protecting themselves by not allowing withdrawals - I can't wrap my head around changing the interpretation of these tax slips? I went to another bank and they also said no. FIL was not natt8ed, Julie, what does "FIL was not natt8ed" mean?Lynne. It is not unusual at all for a bank to insist on having a grant of probate before releasing funds. One lawyer told my mother, that she had a case against the three banks, but of course she was dying and had no money except for her pension, which he took, convincing her he had made a deal for my brother to return the money, and pay thousands in legal fees, to the lawyer. No, I don't think you can deposit it to your personal account or cash it. To me, this is more of a bank policy question than a legal question. She had one (nonjoint) bank account, a TFSA which had some money in it. Don't let them dictate what is appropriate for you to do, when you are the only one who bears responsibility for the funds.Lynne. Sotheby's International Realty Canada cautions that MLS market data can be useful in establishing trends over time but does not indicate actual prices in widely divergent neighborhoods or account for price differentials within local markets. If they still won't comply, you will probably have to hire a lawyer to write a letter to them for you.Lynne. Can the power of attorney for his will assume control of our mothers estate? Isn't it the point? I asked if i can close the account and open one that says Sara Smith, Administrator of the Estate of Jane Doe and they said no. The financial obligations of an estate do not "come to" an executor personally. You tell them. All the risk of the account falls on the executor, not on the bank. There is enough money in the account to pay the lump sum payments and still cover any surprises that may come up before final tax clearance is issued. Banks drive me nuts, for exactly the kind of thing you've just described.Lynne. She said I would receive an e-mail and/or a call. The trust now holds $75,000. In order for that to happen, there has to be a will that appoints you. (The cops have had the 'case' for 6 years)So be warned some banks are willing to release funds prior to the (joint) account holders death,(whether it be weeks, or years) and that the money while insured, is not insured for theft or fraud, so you won't be getting any money back from the bank if they 'made a mistake' even though according to one manager 'it happens all the time'. It clearly names me as the Estate Trustee. Once probate is completed and Certificate of trustee is issued does the Executor have absolute control over the Estate bank account, including authority to make dispersals to beneficiaries, be paid executor fees and close the account at any time? That is not the law any longer, when we are talking about inter-generational accounts. Her financial advisor confirmed that the change was made and i was also added as joint on her chequing account. They told me I would be able to get a bank card and on-line access and cheques once I had provided them with a CAET. Is my only recourse to take her to court or at this point start litigation? I am the executor of my father in laws will. Make sure the bank realizes that this is the only asset of the estate.Lynne. It'll happen. Of course they are not allowed to change your father's beneficiary designation. I dont mean to me but to the beneficiaries of the monetary gifts. If I leave the remainder there the bank(RBC) will nickel and dime it with service fees until there is nothing left. The branch manager was also called into the room. The will called for my sister and I to each receive 45% of the proceeds and the other 10% would be distributed evenly among my sisters two kids and my two kids. I somehow doubt this, but if yes, what additional documentation would be required?2.What are the ramifications of moving money from her account as it is today to myself for repayment? Will I need to go to a bank and set up an estate account and can I do this without needing probate? Will I need to open an Estate Account? Now she will not agree to allow me to withdraw the 50% of funds from the estate account that I am entitled to. I have been calling the bank, and getting no answer. He had all the necessary documents but I guess in their mind the estate was not worth their time. When he passed, he had a bit of money in the bank. Doing so is giving away money that belongs to other people. I cant help but think that the financial advisor was incompetent and forgot to file the paperwork as I have been told too many conflicting stories. None of that is true and I seriously have to wonder if banks have anyone working there who has any idea what is going on. Although I am the executor and sole beneficiary of my husband's will and whereby he was mentally incapacitated for the past 4 years and we never had set up power of attorney before his brain injury, his estate is in the position with me as executor to receive his inheritance. There are RSP's that are to be transferred into the estate account to help pay for the funeral. The only joint wills I've ever heard of are the kind where there is only one document shared between two people, and those haven't been done for about 50 years in most of Canada. So what I'm saying is that they have no reason to try to supervise what you're doing once you have provided the proof that you're the executor. We have an appointment with the bank (RBC) tomorrow to open an estate account in order to deposit this check. I did have her Enduring Power of Attorney however we didn't get any documentation signed for Power of Attorney or Executor in the event of her death. HI Lynn, My case is very complicated,it started with the land my mum bought 5 acres of land in Fiji and she got her first cousin Vana to handle things to sell the land which mum got many offers even for $450,000.00 but mum trusted her daughter-in-laws family the lawyer she hired and her cousin in Fiji.when our beloved mother passed away notary Sublock Sublock never even got mum to sigh her Will even though we paid $170 fee for that one home visit Mr.Sublock refused to help us and we sent mum's old Will which was Notarized and the Fiji Courts refused to accept it and my dad was next of kin now they said Vana and fiji lawyer Ulamila Tuipuku said that my dad needs to do a Probate and I sent $3,500 for court/lawyer/probate and months down the road Vana and Ulamila said that the court won't accept the Probate that they wanted her in my Dad's WIll which he "WE HAD A DEAD LINE OR LOSE THE LAND " we said that was crazy and we went through with that and so so and we went through Mr. Sablock again because he had the history regarding the land and my mum's information etc.My dad wanted to sell the land because there was squatters on the land and two churches was already built on land without permission and you wonder who was minding the place.When I made an offer to a performance on the land Vana was so upset she was yelling and I said okay you have 6 weeks and she said she already had the money and we'll we waited and waited for the paper work.When I tried from May 2012 til Feb 2013 to get the lawyer to send papers yo sell the land she was making all kinds of excuses and we sent thousands of dollars for court cases and the land .The thing is after my dad passed away the first thing Vana said is remember that I'm the excutor on the Will and no one can go above me and I was do she said none of your kids can go above my head and this just to show she knew what she was doing .We'll after all that she said that the land is in her name and the lawyer who was supposed to be working for my dad was working for her and went against both my parents. Your estate includes what you own (assets) and what you owe (liabilities). It should list there what paperwork they need. I'm assuming all 3 should be signatories?Marsha, Hi Marsha,The account you need is just a regular chequing account. Estate accounts are subject to different reporting requirements than personal or business accounts. When I sold her house after she went into a nursing home, I invested the money in an Empire Life segregated fund contract as her financial advisor suggested. As his mother I took care of his arrangements and the funeral home applied for CPP. It may seem inconvenient but there reasons for it, not the least of which is who is earning any interest on the account.Keep in mind that in law, that joint bank account belongs to your father, not to you, but that's a story for another post.Since I know nothing at all about your father, his marital situation, his assets, his debts, or anything else, I really couldn't say what you need to do. It never works when people try to make square pegs fit into round holes by using financial instruments and legal documents to do things they were never meant to do.Anyway, enough lecture. The problem with joint accounts between parents and kids is that the banks are really inconsistent in their treatment of them. I suspect you may be right that someone has made a mistake and is stringing you a line of BS to try to cover it up. It has now been a week, and funds have not been transferred. How an estate is distributed Since her will named her 3 children as equal beneficiaries, I listed all 3 children (which includes me) as the beneficiaries for the contract. You need to realize that if this goes sideways, YOU are the one who will get the blame, not them. I have survivorship of this account. I only want 50%. which the individual transactions. Lynne. By then of course, the 10 days will be long past. It's just an expense and a bother if it's not needed. As trustee, I am unable to distribute or transfer the funds of the Estate. The bank says that the 3 kids are the beneficiaries of the RSPs so why do you feel that you can legally put that money into the estate account? Is there a dollar limit for banks? That costs nothing. Hi LyneI am the executor of my mother's estate . The cheque is not payable to your mom, but to her estate. The loan would be repaid with interest before the final disbursements. You are the one with the liability and the responsibility so tell them to back off and let you do your job. I was under the impression from my mother's lawyer who handed me notarial copies of her will that that document gave me the legal right to proceed and get any bank accounts changed from her name individually to "The Estate of.." There is real estate and rental properties involved, with rent payments coming in and on-going expenses to be paid on a monthly basis. Is this a common practice? I would like to reference your site to them. These 'source documents' are the back up for the estate accounts but are not usually provided to all beneficiaries. Depending on how long you keep the funds untouched and whether you pair it with a premium chequing account, you can earn up to 4.60% on your savings (includes limited-time bonuses). The category names can change to accommodate the estate activity. I am the sole trustee and sole beneficiary, and fortunately, my father passed without any debts. Hi Lynne,My mother passed away in Aug 2018. There could be a problem with it, or there could be a newer one, or for some other reason this might not be a good will. If the assets you have mentioned in your note are the only assets in the estate, you do not have to probate the will. If Empire Life insists on issuing a cheque to the estate, are they at all obliged to reimburse me for the probate fees I will have to pay on the money (300K) because they made a mistake in allowing the account to be set up that way? 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