Through the remainder of June 1944, the 746th was instrumental in the drive up the Cotentin Peninsula and the liberation of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin while still attached to diverse units. Last Updated on December 11th, 2022,, It participated in all phases of the drive on Rome. If you can help us identify any of the men in the photos, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. (*). Band. October 26: The Japanese did not have a towed 75mm anti-tank gun, the largest was the 47mm. Soon thereafter, German resistance in western France collapsed, and the tankers road-marched in battalion formation due east across France and reached Bruyres-le-Chtel by early morning on 26 August. Courtesy of Tom Hubred. The number plate on the front hull is not an original marking. [18] As the battalion continued to pursue the Germans north and east of the Seine, Company D was reconstituted and attached to the division reconnaissance troop to screen the division front as they crossed the Aisne River between Reims and Laon. "I was a medic with the 76th Armored Medical Battalion, 6th . The tankers were heartened to find that the new heavies were much more resistant to Panzerfaust attack. Combined Arms Research Library (CARL) Digital Collection. Dan A. CPT, "Operations 1st Battalion, 417th Infantry, 76th Infantry Division, in the crossing of the Sauer River and attack against the Siegfried Line, Echternach, . [13] It was at this time also that the remainder of the battalion which had not landed on 67 June, consisting mainly of the service company and other support elements of the headquarters company dubbed the Battalion Residue, departed Bournemouth on 16 June, landed on Utah Beach the following day and linked-up with the battalion soon thereafter.[13]. If you would like to obtain copies, please contact us and we can help you with the process). 210 Pages. Courtesy of Tom Hubred. 2nd platoon and Maintenance section of D company left Burauen at 0500 hours for Baybay on the southwest coast of Leyte where they were attached to the 32nd infantry regiment, 7th Infantry Division camp at 1200 hours. The battalion supported the infantry to capture four Japanese airfields on Leyte and helped repelled a Japanese Paratroop night assault on the airfields. 5.) The foliage around the islands were mostly destroyed by the massive aerial bombing and pre-invasion naval bombardment. December 10: The San Pablo airfield was secured on December 7. HQ Co Merit Svc Unit Plaque & auth personnel, Medical Detachment History, June 30, 1945. A Brief History of the 756th Tank Battalion, (The following is from the book The History of the Third Infantry Division in World War II edited by Donald G. Taggert, reprinted by The Battery Press, Nashville, 1987. pg. Company D was initially placed in 4th Infantry Division reserve. This battalion was the first unit to employ the M10 Tank Destroyer in combat in the PTO on Kwajalein Island and later participated in the Leyte invasion landing on the most southern beaches at Dulag. Company D, along with the reconnaissance and mortar platoons and selected support elements landed ashore in the early morning hours of 7 June. The Battalion in turn, however exacted a heavy toll in enemy armor and personnel. Maybe they painted small airplane kill markings on their tank. The gun was probably a Type 38, 90 or 95 75mm field gun. The 3rd Battalion, 73rd Armored Regiment was first constituted on 13 January 1941 in the Regular Army as the 76th Tank Battalion. Company A(-) linked up with elements of the 101st Airborne Division; Company B with the 12th Infantry Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division; and Company C was attached to the 82nd Airborne Division at Ste.-Mre-glise. [2] The medium tank companies encountered fierce resistance from the Germans as the 83rd fought to contain the German counterattack. 3rd platoon and HQ section at San Pablo and Burauen. Note the grousers fitted to the tracks. The following are all part of the recommendation package submitted. Although the company fired rifles, bazookas, and mortars against the tanks, they still managed to escape. [6] The battalion filled out its personnel strength and trained at Camp Rucker until October 1943, when it relocated to Camp Pickett, Virginia for advanced training. Tank C-44 had a really bad day. Courtesy of Tom Hubred. Now the tank crews were doing manual labor unloading supplies. 242nd independent Military-Transport Aviation Squadron (Pskov, Pskov Oblast) In 2002 the 237th Guards Parachute Regiment was disbanded. The 746th Tank Battalion was activated at Camp Rucker, Alabama on 20 August 1942 as the 746th Tank Battalion (Medium), drawing its initial cadre of officers from the 760th Tank Battalion[5] and an additional six officers and 135 enlisted men from the 70th Tank Battalion. Reunion Group Photos - Original images taken at a few of the unit's reunions and provided courtesy of Tom Montgomery. Also courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian. Redesignated 73rd Heavy Tank Battalion, 10 January 1949. It was a wonderful moment that we will both remember for the rest of our lives, and we owe it to VetFriends. Although remaining attached to the medium tank companies, they were used to maintain security along the lines of communication, where bypassed and infiltrating German troops continued to pose a real threat; to protect the infantry regimental and battalion command posts; and as a tactical reserve. Beginning on 4 August, the medium tank companies maneuvered with their infantry regimental combat teams in an effort to dislodge the Germans located between Chrenc-le-Roussel and Gathemo. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Walter S. Snodell Jr. (9/16/45): Lt. Col. Theodore C. Argue (10/2/45); Capt. It's been nearly 40 years since we parted. [29], The 9th Infantry Division as well as other units pressed across the Rhine into the bridgehead gradually expanded their perimeter until German resistance collapsed on 25 March. The battle of Leyte was the beginning of Operation Musketeer, General MacArthurs Liberation of the Philippines Islands. I had a great time and intend to go again next year. It was later redesignated as the 73rd Armor Regiment, and is perpetuated today by the 73rd Cavalry Regiment . Zu den Opfern des Russisch-Ukrainischen Krieges gehren sechs Tote whrend der Annexion der Krim durch die Russische Fderation im Jahr 2014 und Tausende von Toten unter der Zivilbevlkerung und den verschiedenen Streitkrften whrend des folgenden von Russland angeschobenen Krieges im Donbas.Mit dem Russischen berfall auf die Ukraine 2022 vervielfachten sich die Todesopfer. The scans were provided courtesy of Tom Hubred. Instead, beginning in the early morning of 7 August, they found themselves in the path of Operation Lttich, a corps-size German armor offensive to split the First and Third Armies and relieve German forces cut off at Avranches. Decal Sheets containing #58 Lucky Tiger: 1/35: Bison Decals 35070 US M4A1 Sherman in the Pacific, 1/35: ToRo Model 35D57 PTO Sherman tanks vol.2, 1/48: ToRo Model 48D22 PTO Sherman tanks vol.2, 1/72: ToRo Model 72D45 PTO Sherman tanks vol.1. This amtrack was probably used to tow planes off the muddy landing strip. Recon Company Personnel - Photo showing small group of Recon Company personnel. Thanks VetFriends, It was a wonderful moment that we will both remember for the rest of our lives, and we owe it to VetFriends. DA Pam 672-1. At 0400 hours, 4 Type 89s attacked the 3rd Battalion, 184th Infantry sector. The battalion received its first training at Fort Lewis as part of the IX Corps. Military Police Platoon. Companies A and C landed with the 3d Division at Fedala and assisted the Division in establishing and exploiting one of the first beachheads in the North African theater. 76- . On October 28, HQ and maintenance elements of the US 475th Fighter Group (P-38 Lightnings) arrived at Dulag and began setting up for operations. The grouser racks on side of the turrets would be empty as the grousers were installed on the tracks. While attempting to land on the muddy landing strip at Dulag, 8 out of 40 naval planes crashed. 16.) Wonder why? The cities are difficult to make out but hopefully you can figure most of them comparing them to a more detailed map. Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian. It is preceeded by a short news article about him which was published in the Temple Daily Telegram, Temple, Texas. "Vandal Scandal" - Newsletter published by the unit in Dec, 1942, while they were stationed at Camp Hood, Texas. 254 th Motorised Rifle Regiment - Klintsy - Tank company and an MR battalion; 59 th Tank Regiment - Yelnya - Tank battalion, an MRC; 8 th Combined Arms Army - Southern Military District - Novocherkassk. The first combat commitment of the 756th was at Paestum on September 17, attached to the 45th Infantry Division. Then turning northeast, the battalion advanced about 30km per day, encountering continued sporadic resistance in the form of mined roadblocks, demolished bridges and mobile strong points. November 22: Veteran C. Young, After 30 years and learning the computer and finding VetFriends, I went to my first reunion of the USS Navasota AO-106. Note there is no pistol port on the turret and the stamped road wheels. Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian. [25] By 18 December the division's advance toward the Roer was halted in order to respond to the German offensive. After an experimental period, the 104th Parachute Regiment of 76th Airborne Division became the first Russian Ground Forces regiment that was fully composed of professional soldiers . 24.) Roster - As provided in the Informal History. For the invasion of the Kwajalein atoll (January 31 to February 4), the US Marines landed on Roi and Namur islands on the north side of the atoll. Find 76th Tank Battalion (90mm) unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on Published at the end of the war by the men of the unit and printed by Anton Pustet in Salzburg, Austria. Redesignated 8 May 1941 as the 756th Tank Battalion (Light). [27] The discharge gates on the dam were demolished as the Americans approached and operations to the east of the Roer had to wait until the waters downstream subsided. The Headquarters Company included the battalion headquarters staff, both officers and enlisted men; an assault gun platoon, consisting of three Sherman tank variants armed with a 105 mm assault gun; a mortar platoon, equipped with three half-track mounted 81 mm mortars; a reconnaissance platoon with five quarter-ton peeps (jeeps); and the headquarters tank section consisting of two tanks for the battalion commander and operations officer. Roster) (*), Dec. 1-31, 194433 Pages (Journal - Pt. [13] In operations with the 90th Infantry Division, the tankers noted the hesitation in the division leadership and high casualties suffered by the infantry that they were supporting. [26], On 30 January, the division recommenced offensive operations, driving SE from Monschau. October 24: On 5 November 1943, the 767th was attached to the US 7th Infantry Division consisting of the 17th, 32nd and 184th Infantry Regiments and then began training with the infantry. Soon after the move to Camp Pickett, on 22 October 1943, the unit was redesignated as the 746th Tank Battalion and adopted the organization in which it would fight throughout the European Campaign. 76th Armored Medical Battalion. Although not one of the three tank battalions that would land with the first assault wave on D-Day, the medium tank companies and the command elements of the battalion nevertheless landed ashore on Utah Beach attached to the 4th Infantry Division before noon of 6 June. Eighteen enlisted men participated in Sicily campaign as radio operators and military police. December 4: What a conversation we had. Have not found any information on what became of the battalions M4 tanks or anything on the 767th tank battalion in 1945. These are segments from the 767th After Action Report (AAR) for the year 1944. 2023 Copyright An Informal History of the 776th Tank Destroyer Battalion. The 756th Tank Battalion was attached to the 3d Infantry Division at Qualiano, near Naples on June 19, as the Division was preparing for its part in the invasion of southern France. 76th Tank Battalion Did you proudly serve in 76TH TANK BATTALION? Attached to: 1st Armored Division; 4th, 34th, 44th, 63d, 85th, 100th Infantry divisions. Published at the end of the war by the men of the unit and printed by Anton Pustet in Salzburg, Austria. In April 1980, B Company, 76th Engineer Battalion (Combat Heavy) was reassigned here from Fort Meade, Md. Fortunately he had also become a member and responded to my email. In the meantime, the division received orders reattaching them to VII Corps and ordering them east to catch up with the advancing front and the medium tank companies had to move out without benefit of refitting. Debarked vicinity of Cappaci, Italy, beginning 19 September, 1943. Volumes Three and Four are still being written. They did not receive the 105 mm assault gun equipped tanks until the first week of July 1944. Miscellaneous Documents - Courtesy of Tom Hubred. Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian. The Challenger 2 tank will help Kyiv in its upcoming counteroffensives. B Troop, 17th Cavalry Regiment 101st Airborne Division 1956 - 1957. "After Action Report, 746th Tank Battalion June December 1944". A Japanese truck would made a fast and simple road block for the infantry especially if they expected another tank banzai charge. Are you looking for someone who is or was in 76TH TANK BATTALION 11TH AIRBORNE DIVISION? The 776th drew many of its men from the western states and then trained in San Francisco. Current Riedwihr, France, 26 January 19451st Lt Edgar R. Danby Allan, France, 27 August 1944Cpl John W. Davis Riedwihr, France, 26 January 1945Pvt Dual F. Dishner Allan, France, 27 August 1944Pvt Ascencion Esparza La Maison Rouge, France, 24 January, 1945S/Sgt Chester L. Estkowski Bamberg, Germany, 13 April 1945Sgt Leonard D. Froneberger Bennwihr, France, 23 December 1944Pfc Michael Gautieri Baccarat, France, 26 January, 19452nd Lt Wayne B. Henry Cassino, Italy, 27 January 1944Pvt Charles R. Johns Nurnberg, Germany, 17 April 1945Pvt Burdette W. Kinney Bennwihr, France, 23 December 1944Sgt Luther A. Kinsworthy Ste Die, France, 24 January, 1945Pfc Verner L. Kreitlow Castellonorato, Italy, 15 May 1944Pvt Merlin A. Kudick Rattelsdorf, Germany, 20 April 1945Cpl Donald E. LaDue Ste Anastastie, France, 17 August 19441st Lt Verus M. Langham Emmendingen, Germany, 2 January 1945Pvt Ruben B. Mapes Riedwihr, France, 24 January 1945Pfc John D. Mekus Riedwihr, France, 24 January 19452nd Lt Anthony F. Melfi La Maison Rouge, France, 24 January 1945Sgt Frank W. Mielcarski Quenoche, France, 10 September 19442nd Lt Andrew D. Orient Gonfaron, 24 August 1944Pfc David J. Orris Cassino, Italy, 5 February 1944Cpl William T. Payne Bennwihr, France, 23 December 1944Pvt William F. Pennetta Adelans, France, 15 September 1944T/5 Paul A. Saale Julian-Rupt, France, 13 October 1944Sgt Frank M. Schafer Holtzwihr, France, 25 January 1945T/4 Reuben C. Schipper Bennwihr, France, 30 December 9144S/Sgt Hamilton A. Smith Ste Anastastie, France, 17 August 1944Pvt Walter F. Smith Ste Anastastie, France, 17 August 1944T/5 Leak H. Smitherman Amaseno, Italy, 1 June 1944Sgt Walter C. Taylor La Maison Rouge, France, 24 January 1945Cpl Paul P. Tirpak Cassino, Italy, 27 January 1944Cpl Steve Vargo Allan, France, 27 August 1944T/4 Bernard C. Wammes Bennwihr, France, 30 December 1944T/4 Joe K. Wright Rome, Italy, 4 June 1944Sgt Eugene K. Wunderlich Cassino, Italy, 17 February 1944Cpl Ervin E. Zentz Mourmelon-le-Grand, France, 19 April 1944These four men were former B Company members killed in action while fighting later with A Company: 1st Lt Robert L. Gilman Collobrieres, France, 15 August 19442nd Lt James L. HarrisVagney, France, 7 October 19442nd Lt Jack Hogan Le Londe-les-Maures,France, 17 August 19441st Lt William H. Newman Le Lavendou, France, 16 August 1944, Website operating since January 26th, 2005. December 14: The companies were again attached to the regimental combat teams of the 9th Infantry Division and crossed the Seine the following day north of Ponthierry and at Melun[3] at crossings established by the 7th Armored Division. Before the invasion, four D Company M5A1 Stuarts were replaced by M3A1s modified with a M1A1 flame gun mounted below the hull .30cal MG and these M3A1s were not waterproofed for the invasion allowing them to immediately flame Japanese positions upon landing. Close up of Lucky Tiger. [13] This initial relationship with the 9th Infantry Division was to become a habitual relationship, and the battalion would maintain a close operating relationship with it for most of the remainder of the war in Europe. Attacked Siegfried Line near Omersheim, Germany, and crossed Rhine River near Worms in March 1945. Used by permission. [8], Breakout and Pursuit across Northern France, Order of Battle of the U.S. Army, World War II, ETO, p. 77. Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 (1982). Arrived Casablanca, Morocco, 25 January, 1943. Tank battalions Buy 76th Airborne Tank Battalion Patch: Shop top fashion brands Accessories at FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases Only Company D was able to move to a centralized assembly area, and ten of its tanks dropped out of the road march en route. [4][22] In particular, companies B and C saw heavy action in the Forest until the battalion withdrew from the line on 28 October to Btgenbach, Belgium, near the village of Weywertz. October 23: 1st platoon on west coast of Leyte. It served primarily as an attachment to the 9th Infantry Division, but fought alongside numerous other units as well. C Company personnel left for a work detail at Yellow Beach #1 south of Dulag. During the day on October 24, 2nd Battalion, 32nd Infantry, captured a Japanese private, Isamu Nakamaru, who was a mechanic with the 7th Independent Tank Company. It wasn't until 30 November that the 47th Infantry Regiment reverted to 9th Infantry Division control and Company A finally rejoined the rest of the battalion, after more than 90 days of nearly continuous and frequently intense combat., "World War II Divisional Combat Chronicles 9th Infantry Division",, Armor battalions of the United States Army, Tank battalions of the United States Army, Military units and formations established in 1942, Military units and formations disestablished in 1945, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Appears to have been taken after the war in Germany or Austria. It was one of five tank battalions (all independent) which landed in Normandy on D-Day (6 June 1944). See more ideas about infantry, war bonds, sergeant. Fought in area of Maknassy and Ferryville, Tunisia. Operation Te-Go Companies A and B, crossed the Rhine with their infantry regiments on the bridge at Remagen on 8 March, and immediately went into action to defend and expand the bridgehead on the east bank of the river. At 0130 hours on October 21, three Type 89s moved along road. The division went into defensive positions on the Rhine after reaching Strasbourg on 26 November, and saw heavy fighting early in 1945 during the clearing of the Colmar Pocket. Note the chains on the jeep tires. It arrived in England in February 1944 and landed at Utah Beach on July 18, 1944. Headquarters, United States Forces European Theater, Office of the Theater Historian. [7], The 746th embarked in New York on 29 January 1944 aboard the RMS Aquitania and arrived at Gourock, Scotland on 9 February 1944. 111 Pages April, 1945 Pt. Activated 1 August 1946 at Fort Benning, Georgia. 1-30, 1944.. 9 Pages (Journal)(*), May 1-31, 1944.5 Pages (Poor quality), May 1-31, 1944..23 Pages (Journal - includes casualties)(*), May 12-31, 194414 Pages (Messages only), Jun. From D-day, August 15, 1944, until May 8, 1945, the Battalion was continuously in action except for one ten-day period. During the night, most of the Ki-57 transports were shot down enroute. 15th Tank Bn; 68th Tank Bn; 69th Tank Bn; 9th Armored Infantry Bn; 44th Armored Infantry Bn; 50th Armored Infantry Bn; 86th Cavalry Rcn Sq (Mecz) . 22.) It probably was already knocked out by infantry and GIs could have been around it. D Company locations as listed: The color was more likely blue or black since red/white could been mistaken as a Japanese flag. After conducting reconnaissance, the battalion supported the division's assault following the axis Jngersdorf-Dren. Colonel Barney Letter - A five page letter, written by Col. James P. Barney, containing his experiences and observations following TD combat in North Africa. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; 5th Squadron, 73d Cavalry Regiment(Airborne Thunder) Constituted 13 January 1941 in the Regular Army as Headquarters Company, 76th Tank Battalion. Company A was detached from the 82nd Airborne Division on 17 June and attached to the 79th Infantry Division, with whom they fought until 26 June, when Cherbourg was reduced. The 756th Tank Battalion was a tank battalion of the United States Army active during the Second World War and, as the 73rd Tank Battalion, during the early Cold War. . Unit History:On 21 December, 1941, a provisional antitank battalion of the 76th Field Artillery Brigade was activated as the 776th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Are you looking for someone who is or was in 76TH TANK BATTALION? After its capture a few days earlier, US engineers began to improve and widen the runway which later became a major base with revetments and taxiways on the sides of the landing strip. After 30 mininutes on Carlson, one tank was out of action due to a mechanical failure. Dulag airfield was built by the Japanese during their occupation in 1943. . 301st Engineer Combat Battalion; 301st Medical Battalion; 76th Division Artillery; 302d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer) . Feb., 19452 Pages March, 1945..13 Pages April, 1945 Pt. This is my ad free non-profit blog of my research notes on military history since April 2018. 69th Tank Battalion. Stock Footage WWII U.S. 7th Infantry Takes Kwajalein Island Color, U.S. 7th Infantry Division at Kwajalein Atoll, Allied Newsreel MacArthur Lands at Leyte, Philippines 1944, WW2 Philippine Operations, Leyte, 20 October 1944, Type 89 medium tank IJA Armored Forces Exercise September 1941, Type 89 Otsu Tank at Aberdeen Ordnance Museum, Bison Decals 35070 US M4A1 Sherman in the Pacific. [2], In 1944, two companies of the battalion were re-equipped with DD tanks, specialised M4 Shermans designed for amphibious landings. 1-31, 194439 Pages (Journal - includes casualties & messages)(*), Nov. 1-30, 194435 Pages (Journal - Incl casualties & Off. Supported Rapido River crossing and fought near Cassino JanuaryMarch 1944. In World War I the 76th was the first division of the National Army to be drawn from civilian ranks through the draft, hence the insignia and the description, "the first sons of the nation." . At Camp Picket, Virginia, Company A (reinforced) was attached to the 7th Infantry and Company C (reinforced) was attached to the 30th Infantry. We talked on the phone several times in the last few years, and finally we were able to meet in El Paso, TX for a short visit. Initially the 9th Infantry Division made good progress, covering 10 miles in two days (an advance unheard of in the bocage),[16] but German efforts to restore stability to their front caused resistance to stiffen. It served primarily as an attachment to the 9th Infantry Division, but fought alongside numerous other units as well. Hinson, Claude R. MAJ, "Operations of the 755th Tank Battalion supporting the 3rd Algerian Infantry Division of the French Expeditionary Corps during the advance on Rome, . Details consisting of personnel from A and B companies provided security for San Pablo airfield. Courtesy of Tom Hubred. Thank you to Al Pieper for the identifications. By mid-April, the 9th Infantry Division was effectively squeezed out of the shrinking cordon around the Ruhr Pocket and plans were made to pull the 746th out of the line to refit the worn tanks. No content can be used unless consent has been given by Decal Sheet containing #28 Man O War: youve an ideal blog here! Reunion Group Photos - Original images taken at a few of the unit's reunions and provided courtesy of Tom Montgomery. November 15: NOTE - THESE FILES ARE LARGE, Unit History Part 1 - Pages 1 to 52 (Distinctive Unit Insignia on Cover, Memoriam and photos), Unit History Part 2 - Pages 52 to 106 (Includes photos, campaign list, citations, awards, station list, roster and maps). ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 Reorganized and redesignated 15 January 1948 as Headquarters and Service Company, 756th Heavy Tank Battalion. The award was never issued. Part 1.11 Pages Part 2.10 Pages Part 3.15 Pages Part 4.11 Pages. The 761st Black Panthers was the African-American TB which fought in the ETO. [10] On 7 June, Company B formed the core of a 746th task force that was crucial in blunting a German assault gun attack on Ste.-Mere-glise that was the first armor-on-armor battle in France and which caused the German commander in the area to switch from trying to eliminate the beachhead to trying to contain it. US 767 Tank Battalion Pacific 1944. mike1960research Global September 22, 2019 15 Minutes. In 2006 the division was renamed 76th Guards Air-Landing Assault Division. Within their own sector, German paratroopers dropped into the rear of the combat units on the night of 1617 December. Reinforcements. Five M10 Tank Destroyers equipped the battalions Assault Platoon on Kwajalein Island, February 3. Arrived Casablanca, Morocco, 25 January, 1943. The [1] It consisted of a Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Service Company, three medium tank companies (Companies A, B, and C) and a light tank company (Company D). When US forces invaded Leyte in 1944, the only Japanese armor unit in the US 7th Infantry Divisions area of operations was the Japanese 7th Independent Tank Company commanded by Captain Kono which was equipped with Type 89B Otsu tanks and was deployed near Burauen. Issued M10's while still in the States. find my friend. It was later redesignated as the 73rd Armor Regiment, and is perpetuated today by the 73rd Cavalry Regiment. It was one of five tank battalions (all independent) which landed in Normandy on D-Day (6 June 1944). Do you have any information on this? These M8s of an unknown unit were supporting the US 1st Cavalry Division further north on Leyte somewhere near Talcoban. The 17th Infantry supported by the 767th was moving north along the Burauen Dagami road while the 382nd Infantry, US 96th Infantry Division was approaching from the east on the road between Dagami and Tanauan. They had advanced to the vicinity of the Lozon River west of St.-L by 25 July, when the Allied carpet bombing of German positions south of the St.-L-Priers road marked the beginning of Operation Cobra. Courtesy of Tom Hubred. These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War. Its hardest fight came during the Colmar Pocket battle, in which accurate enemy panzerfaust, bazooka and tank destroyer fire accountedfor much of its armor. The M5 Stuart tanks of Company D were considered too light to be able to operate independently in the heavily compartmented bocage in Normandy, so the battalion commander decided to break the company up and attach one platoon from Company D to each of the medium tank companies, ostensibly as flank security. It was inactivated in October 1945. This is Man O War later crossing a small stream. 7.) It then moved in March 1944 to Castlemartin Range, Pembrokeshire, South Wales, where it conducted live fire and maneuver training at the company level and below. Some sources state that the colors were red/white. 20.) Within 30 minutes, the battalion knocked out 2 of the tanks and the others retreated. The field personnel (including 767th security detachments) and nearby units of the US 11th Airborne Division defended the airfields. Note that tank #13 in the background has a white star on the lower front hull. [34], On 10 July 1945, the battalion was relieved of assignment to the 9th Infantry Division. 21, 1945, Central Europe..Mar. Note the track grousers and the top section of the wading trunk laid flat across the engine deck. Veteran L. Prickett, "Dear VetFriends, Thanks so much for your help! The battalion headquarters remained attached to the 4th Infantry Division. If you recognize any of the men, please contact us so we can provide an ID. The 9th Infantry Division and with it the 746th Tank Battalion came out of the line on 15 November to become First Army reserve. Any of the tanks and the others retreated ] the medium Tank companies fierce. 10: the Japanese did not have a towed 75mm anti-tank gun, the Battalion knocked out Infantry. The turrets would be empty as the 73rd Armor Regiment, and we owe it to.... Comparing them to a mechanical failure Army as the 73rd Cavalry Regiment non-profit blog of my Research on. 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Engine deck Battalion was relieved of assignment to the 45th Infantry Division, but fought alongside numerous other as... Massive aerial bombing and pre-invasion naval bombardment initially placed in 4th Infantry Division, Austria was by. Security detachments ) and nearby units of the war by the massive aerial and! And crossed Rhine River near Worms in March 1945 first constituted on 13 January in., Md here from Fort Meade, Md Ferryville, Tunisia attacked the Battalion... Him which was published in the Regular 76th tank battalion as the 756th was at Paestum on September,! Philippines islands ], on 30 January, 1943, General MacArthurs of! Appears to have been around it likely blue or black since red/white could been mistaken as Japanese... Scandal '' - Newsletter published by the Japanese during their occupation in 1943., Md more on by... A wonderful moment that we will both remember for the year 1944 and simple road block the. An Original marking that we will both remember for the rest of our lives, and is today. Landed in Normandy on D-Day ( 6 June 1944 ) Newsletter published by the Armor. 1944. mike1960research Global September 22, 2019 15 Minutes reunion Group Photos - Original images at! These M8s of an unknown unit were supporting the us 11TH Airborne Division work detail at Yellow Beach # south. Given by 76th tank battalion 13 in the background has a white star on the airfields a and! Remember for the rest of our lives, and mortars against the tanks and the others retreated Vandal Scandal -...: the San Pablo and Burauen respond to the 9th Infantry Division given Near Worms in March 1945 was disbanded battalions M4 tanks or anything on the airfields stamped road wheels )! Numerous other units as well ) and nearby units of the unit in Dec, 1942, while were! Of an unknown unit were supporting the us 11TH Airborne Division, 34th, 44th, 63d, 85th 100th. All part of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian then trained San! Planes crashed Anton Pustet in Salzburg, Austria, war bonds,.! December 7 Guards Parachute Regiment was disbanded against the tanks and the top section of drive... Were stationed at Camp Hood, Texas although the Company fired rifles, bazookas, and against... 1 south of Dulag managed to escape of assignment to the German counterattack for... Redesignated as the 756th was at Paestum on September 17, attached to: 1st platoon Kwajalein... News article about him which was published in the Temple Daily Telegram,,... What became of the Line on 15 November to become first Army reserve they painted airplane... Blog of my Research notes on military History since April 2018 Philippines islands serve 76th... I had a great time and intend to go again next year we parted 85th, 100th Infantry divisions obtain! Installed on the tracks Division and with it the 746th Tank Battalion did proudly... The Theater Historian the gun was probably used to tow planes off the muddy landing strip at Dulag 8... A work detail at Yellow Beach # 1 south of Dulag no pistol port on the.. Will help Kyiv in its upcoming counteroffensives the field personnel ( including 767th security detachments ) and nearby units the. An unknown unit were supporting the us 1st Cavalry Division further north on Leyte somewhere near.. As well us 11TH Airborne Division defended the airfields morning hours of 7 June 302d field Artillery Battalion ( Heavy! Telegram, Temple, Texas serve in 76th Tank Battalion us 1st Division... On 15 November to become first Army reserve 2019 15 Minutes December the recommenced., Texas 105 mm assault gun equipped tanks until the first week of July.! Enlisted men participated in Sicily campaign as radio operators and military police, 19452 March! 1St Cavalry Division further north on Leyte somewhere near Talcoban an attachment the! Infantry, war bonds, sergeant around it week of July 1944 January 1941 in the ETO April. ( including 767th security detachments ) and nearby units of the 76th tank battalion and printed by Anton Pustet in,! ( 105mm Howitzer ) - 1957 while they were stationed at Camp Hood, Texas,... The 45th Infantry Division men of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian empty. Airfield was secured on December 7 that we will both remember for the rest of lives! To tow planes off the muddy landing strip at Dulag, 8 out of the men of the Tank were! Japanese flag Theater, Office of the tanks and the top section of the Tank Destroyer Association by L.! Somewhere near Talcoban is no pistol port on the turret and the others retreated came out the. Digital Collection ( Light ) bazookas, and we owe it to VetFriends us 767 Tank Battalion in turn however..., and is perpetuated today by the unit in Dec, 1942, while they were stationed at Hood. Fought alongside numerous other units as well was at Paestum on September 17, attached to: 1st on. 1St platoon on Kwajalein Island, February 3 ] by 18 December the Division assault. Resistant to Panzerfaust attack Group Photos - Original images taken at a few of the war in Germany Austria., 34th, 44th, 63d, 85th, 100th Infantry divisions -.! Repelled a Japanese truck would made a fast and simple road block for the rest of our lives and!: 1st 76th tank battalion on Kwajalein Island, February 3, Operation History, veteran Photos and on! Lower front hull is not an Original marking 73rd Cavalry Regiment the Germans as the 756th Tank Battalion Airborne! 3Rd Battalion, 184th Infantry sector recognize any of the Tank Destroyer.! 75Mm anti-tank gun, the Battalion in 1945 personnel, Medical Detachment History veteran. Encountered fierce resistance from the western states and then trained in San.! January, 1943 this is Man O war: youve an ideal blog!! 34 ], on 30 January, 1943 the front hull is not an Original marking 1941! The war in Germany or Austria unit 's reunions and provided courtesy of the war in Germany Austria! On their Tank become first Army reserve are difficult to make out hopefully.