Why does Gods word say Ruach Elohim rather than simply Elohim? You seemingly dismiss the Hebrew word ruach (Strongs Hebrew #7307) as only meaning breath. Yes, it is translated breath about 27 times in the word of God. As far as the cult accusation, I don't know how a couple of families supporting each other in a ministry producing Bible teaching videos makes for a scary "cult." (Renewed because the Greek is kainos not neos. The same can be said about saturday worship (saturn). 10:34, and one friend of mine feels this way regarding his strained relationship saying he must follow the commands if YHWH even at his familys expense. That is an outright lie at worst and a misrepresentation at best. David asked if he should be stoned if he has taken the Lords name in vain. 119 Ministries has many teachings about the law of Moses. Well, Jesus, actually fulfilled many many many Biblical prophecies. I dont think so. I am not opposed to reading it. Second, Satan loves to ask questions which cause doubt and hopefully cause quick departure from the truth. I am a myself am Messianic though labels are create schism so lets just say Im a Believer. Could you really stand before God today and say His perfect law of liberty, as James saw it (liberty from sin) was bad or off-putting in any sense? My name is Lisa and I would not like to be called anything else but the name I was given at birth. Nobody wants to be wrong about what they think is right, but everybody is wrong but God. If we think we can do it better than Yahweh originally articulated rules for life, then we are foolish at best. Neos refers to new in timeline; which along with intent of author and specific and General context of all Scripture, will provide Hermeunitical tools to use to come to proper Biblical exegesis.. Thanks for stopping by. Trust me, I get that way. Sin, being defined as lawlessness, (literally meaning, sin is breaking Gods law/Torah) shows us that we need to be saved from breaking the Law. As previously stated, the Greco-Roman mindset is not the correct way to interpret the Scriptures Its either ancient Hebrew or nothing at all. If Christianity is the way, why are over 2/3 of believers walking away from God and why is divorce higher in Church than the world? One comment on " Who is 119 Ministries? 1 statedif you do do have these, you cannot see far off, are blind and barren. Frankly, I find Christianity totally confusing. 4 talking about this. to lie, lie prostrate Youre welcome to use any of this material to help your friend. See 2 Peter 3:16. My family is in this move I need to set them free. I simply cooperate, trust,obey and desire to keep in step with Holy Spirit! The question came to the question of capital punishment in the Law. There is no place in civil court for Gods people. Admittedly, from the start, I sensed misleading (false?) Psalm 119 Ministries - WELS Psalm 119 Ministries I have a nephew wrapped up with "Psalm 119 Ministries," which is a cult, following the Torah and observing the Sabbath on Saturday and "obeying" other practices and commands of Moses. In closing, the God of my ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, told the Prophet Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) in chapter 31, verses 31 through 34 the following: 31 Here, the days are coming, says ADONAI, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Yhudah. Who walk in the law of the L ORD! The bible explains itself if and when one is willing to test it hard enough. If we believe that the bible is infallible then we will test (our own theology) to that which is infallible. So I ask again, why oh why would he do away with the law if by following His Law you are fulfilling these two most important commands?! Now we have to ask when/where did Abraham get these commandments? Theres no denying that with over 30,000 Christian denominations. We must be careful about what we teach. But I am. Sean .I realize I am going to give an account for my every word . I was saddened, because I really liked Seinfeld. 119 Ministries is extremely active on social media and the internet, with smartphone apps and an extensive library of online teachings. YES! The whole of Scripture speaks with one voice, man is and always has been more accountable and responsible for the ladies. or, Matthew5:17-19, Major Discrepancies in 119 Ministries Teachings. This the part that blows my mind.I am parent. What is the problem with throwing around Greek and Hebrew when THOSE are the original languages of the Holy Scriptures? And just like the LGBT coalition who tries to justify their own position by misquoting the Scriptures, you are treading on dangerous territory. . yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified., I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose. Thank you for your clarification. because they teach followers to obey Gods laws, but you believe we dont have to anymore because we are under grace. Being formally married does not negate or abolish the vows. Those whose faith is in Jesus New Covenant blood for eternal redemption are in Christ. I did, and I found their teaching woefully errant. They were disciples of Christ who were taught by Barnabas and Paul. Prior to Moses, the I dont know about you, but I dont relish the idea of living in a house with no roof, especially when its raining or snowing outside. He wants traditional values over truth. If thats what they hold to be truly the Sabbath, then they break it every weak. The false teaching at 119 ministries has reached levels where they should be dis-fellowshipped. As Paul teaches, Gentiles who believe are now PART of Israel, and now no longer Gentiles. - 2 Corinthians 5:17 biblegateway.com 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. I listen to everything Tovia puts out including his weekly interviews, I follow him so I can hear his viewpoints. No doubt, many of you who read this will attack me as a Judaizer, not even know what the word actually means. 19 So you will say, Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in. 20 True, but so what? They also have been a bit taken with HR / 119 ministries all of the feast ..making booths , etc. Yahweh is who He has always been and He loves obedience and hates when we deviate from loving and obeying Him according to His commands. Certainly, Abraham followed Gods instruction per His covenant to circumcise all males. David ..the danger from 119 and HR is the same that paul faced down in Galatia Paul saw the danger of a group placing too much emphasis on the outer spiritual pride . yes of course. No likeness = no fruit. Sowho are they and what did they miss or do wrong? We have the Law and the Prophets that tell us what is expected. So dont be arrogant; on the contrary, be terrified! to let drop, cause to fail (fig.) As the Tanakh says, For if you believe Moses you would believe Me;Luke 22:20for He wrote of Me. ( John 5:44-45) My husband came to the truth on his own the same week. Speaking of Israel, despite all the family drama, has it escaped your notice that it was God who took Israel to Egypt and then brought them out to become a nation for Himself? The enemy doesnt confront directly but subtly. (LogOut/ What Moses preached in the wilderness was the good news that God would cause Israel to be scattered and Judah would then be scattered but her would provide a way to reconcile his people, not replace them. Let me answer to what I believe about under the law that I hope answers your question. *SCRIPTURALLY BASED* end time delusions. Jan 9 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. for you all who disbelieve the ministries that are out there doing the will of the Lord and not the will of man. I know nothing of 119 ministries and I have no idea if it is necessary to observe the 7th day Sabbath today but I do know that when Christ returns he will enforce the keeping of the Jewish holy days by everyone (Zechariah 14:18). And as long as you keep studying the Scriptures with a Greco-Roman mindset, you will always miss the mark and you will always misunderstand what those of 119 Ministries are saying regarding the very biblical phrase: test everything. Think of all the people Abraham was told would be his descendants, they are not all Jews! I will keep studing my brother as you have requested and i have been doing for awhile. Read the early church fathers, read the didache. I ask because in the books of Acts, Paul was found NOT guilty of breaking or teaching against any of Gods laws SIX different times. Ps depending on the particular situation, Christ thru me expels or can take control of demons inside others either in public or private. 4 In him was life, Then other times they change their mind and say, oh we think its not like we thought it was at first; now, after searching more, we believe its like this. These are the ONLY things he showed me that day. Join 30,000 subscribers receiving Tim's new articles and updates by email. Yes Im sure it is. Gal. Whether people like or dislike their demeanor is honestly irrelevant. Jesus lives inside me and His Holy Spirit of grace talks with me everyday!!! Oh well, so much for the false doctrine of once saved, always saved and the so-called license to sin because God is much to loving to punish us for willfully continuing in sin and lawlessness. They are challenging the status quo of todays Christianity and false doctrines that are in place due to the traditions of men. 2: 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. If we are on polar opposite position one is right and one is wrong, or we both are wrong. The relationship between a parent and child is always the parents responsibility. Husbands who used to worship beside their wives and set an example for their children are now obsessed with the law so much that they are crippling their children & absolutely destroying their wives. (Hiphil) Gods laws/teachings/precepts/ordinances, are what is written on our hearts and as we diligently seek him and accept his ways, we will do them as he has shown them through his holy prophets (not for salvation, rather as our obedience to him). I have found that whenever something new comes to a Christian, they immediately tear it apart with their preconceived notions. The rules are what constitute blessing or cursing that the habitants get to reap. Thanks for helping me out. I will be their God, and they will be my people. There are several Rabbis that were Rabbinical trained in the same house as Paul (House of Hillel) that have come to the same conclusions recorded in the Talmud. I am the Lord. Jesus was the highest demonstration of Gods grace, not the first appearance of it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The prophets, in effect, taught: Lust after his wife? We arent required to keep 613 laws. And if the root is holy, so are the branches. . They claim if the Protestants were truly following their own Bibles theyd keep the seventh day Sabbath. While the Aaronic priesthood was able to mediate on behalf of Israel in terms of the earthly sanctuary, they were unable to affect an infinite and eternal redemption, since that was not their task. This is nothing short of anti semitism at its ugly form of Christianity think twice of your hate filled speech, hitler did all he could in the name of Christianity, the catholic church caused great division amongst the true brethren in the name of Christianity. Certainly, there were no Levitical priesthood laws for Abraham to follow. 3:29, We were made to belong to Christ at the point of Abraham & the promise, not at the point of Moses & the Law. How is Gods love for us any different? As always, you have your crazy people in these movements, as there are some in all sects of some sort of religion. Think about that.). By saying he changed his mind is saying he is a liar! Maybe Pauls words are being twisted like Peter warned or maybe hesa false teacher added into Scripture by Rome. God showed his love for us by dying on the cross. He was never against what was written in the Torah or the Prophets or the Writings, especially since he is the living Tanakh. Hes still obligated to keep the law, but now he has no record. We believe our Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) taught the Torah and obeyed it perfectly. The one thing I see with any ministry is to see if what they teach is in accordance with scripture and not taken out of context. to cause Gods will (as made known in the law) to be obeyed as it should be, and Gods promises (given through the prophets) to receive fulfilment. Now this whole topic revolves around Are the teaching of 119 ministers true to Gods word or not? I will start my debate by stating, I believed every teaching of 119 ministers to are accurate and meant for the purpose of bringing true followers of Jesus closer in their relationship with God. Yes Sean ..I do not know ..I believe . God made it possible for that northern kingdom to be restored to their original betrothal covenant. 23 Moreover, the others, if they do not persist in their lack of trust, will be grafted in; because God is able to graft them back in. I should hope not. Either Gods word is true or it isnt. Youre right, no one is 110% correct as humans trying to discern Gods exact meaning for everything. I remember when I was attending a protestant church many years ago and there was a revival service Each night , we looked at different cults .and what they believed ..Jehovahs Witness one night Mormons another night , etc. in your attempt to fit me into a nice box in your mind. Ive asked for a while & will continue. One must trudge through the entire teaching to see several points of deception. He outshines anything that ever was. We both challenged the church (Baptist, UPC, AoG) and we learned the false teaching that has engulfed these doctrines. I too have discerned this anger it is written all over Jim Staleys face, Well said Leah. Then you will truly receive a gift from God. Afterward we were laughing about it and commenting how we just loved it. (download the e-sword and mysword programs, free, BTW). And the new testament is Greek and a bit Aramaic. A covenant besides the Sinai Covenant. That also ties in with james ..faith with out works is dead . How else could the Vatican convince its followers to commit blatant idolatry by bowing down to and lighting candles at the altars of lifeless statues that can neither hear, nor see, nor speak, nor walk? In order for this to take place, certain rules and requirements must be met. Your problems are with your disobedience and unwillingness to listen to God. Bless you, Human beings love religion but they loathe relationship. As for ACTS 10 Peter himself clarifies what his vision was about in verse 34. First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians In this study, get those answers and the one requirement for salvation Jesus taught (that Christianity misses) so that you can make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself! synonyms: sect, denomination, group, movement, church, persuasion, body, faction You may have seen some of my comments on some articles, which some completely throw some of the rebuttals out of the water because of Scriptures clarity. If you had done your homework, you would know that I was using lexical aids such as Bauer, Mounce, Kubo, Armstrong, Busby, and BDB while you were still in middle school or even elementary school. Test Everything includingourselves, both popular and unpopular doctrine, and consequently reveal and promote His eternal truth while encouraging all others to do the same. (they admit its truly the 7th day). Like most Roman Catholic puppets, you twist Yeshuas words and you twist Rav Shauls words to suit your own agenda. Every ministry has its flaws, 119 included. Its all about context, Leah. Why not re-name them The Nine Commandments if we have such authority? Does the grace given to us by our Savior Jesus also allow for us to do away with commands, change His Holy day of worship, allow for pagan days of worship, etc. the list of questions grew and grew and I knew that I was not going to be the same from this point on.. There does however remain there can be only one interpretation. When Moses gave this New Covenant Deut 29/30 he prophesied this would happen again (another New Covenant) made with Israel after they will be broken into two Houses (House of Judah and House of Israel). I believe the torah which Abraham obeyed was Gods unchanging moral instruction based on Gods unchanging character and specifically related to Gods Abrahamic covenant. However, the teaching of 119 Ministries seems to veer off course on this subject. Ill go back to ignoring you now. Id also like to use your teachings as a reference on this counter to 119 Ministries that Im working on. 6 But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: Do not say in your heart, Who will ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down), 7 or Who will descend into the abyss? (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 8 But what does it say? The transcripts have somewhat of a disclaimer above the title which state the the video teachings are to complement the written teaching. They don't observe Christmas or Easter because they are "pagan" celebrations. We believe the whole unchanging Word of God is for all in the faith, and applicable today. Peter was warning against what your perception of the new covenant is. " Jimmie Quinn on December 15, 2013 at 5:23 pm said: I would like the address of tis ministry so I can donate by check. It is not a scripture to pull out and say see, we dont have to follow the commands already given the illustration is to do both but rather works are to be coupled with faith. Search your spirit, you know they are right. Why did Yahweh do anything the way He did? In 9:1, he writes, Now even the first covenant had regulations of divine worship and the earthly sanctuary. Note well that the word covenant is not in this verse (which is why some translations put it in italics). Understanding Gods law requires understanding Gods covenant under which His law was given. The love that he had for the world when he sent his only and unique Son to Planet Earth: For God so loved the world that he gave his only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed. NO those are not our choices. It is all aboutYehova. No but just like the married couple, we do our best to fulfill our vows to God even though we may falter and guess what, God made a way in the OT for when people failed and He made a way in the NT for when we fail that would be Christ. Money he collected was not for him but the collection was for those in need! When we search the scriptures we see evidence of Gods law prior to mount Sinai for example the offering to God by Cain & Able (Able gave a lamb the Passover lamb), the sin of adultery, etc. But that doesnt mean we stop trying. After stating this I ask you a simple question if the Torah did not work (according to what you think that means) are followers of God Pre Cross saved? The LORD is patience he doest not want to loose one soul.but there will come a time the door will shut..I say to all pray ,pray,pray for the knowledge of truth.it is right there in the scriptures.you cant miss it. ( its very nice!!!) You should be more concerned about those headed towards atheism because Christianity is so confusing to them with tens of thousands of denominations all claiming correct revelation from Gods Holy Spirit yet disagreeing with each other. Sean, please check out http://www.hebrew4christians.com. 30 Just as you yourselves were disobedient to God before but have received mercy now because of Israels disobedience; 31 so also Israel has been disobedient now, so that by your showing them the same mercy that God has shown you, they too may now receive Gods mercy. The works of Abraham was not only circumcision, but in fact, the whole Torah. Its not a westernized book that you read like any other. At any rate we decided to observe the sabbath, feasts, etc because WE get to, not because we have to (IOW its not a salvation issue). This means we obey. Change). Every JW woman I ever met in my years of sale had a similar story. If I think only my Church has the truth and all others are going to hell and you think the same then obviously one or both of us are deluding ourselves. After 29 years of being a Christian, and reading the Bible with these preconceived notions taught by the Christian Church, namely, that the Law has been done away with since the resurrection, the Holy Spirit took the veil off my eyes one day during private study. That is what fulfilling it means. Yeshua, was in submission to the Father, every step of the way. They penetrate the heart to motivate righteous behavior. OMG, this discussion has blown my mind. If the weaker man in faith (the one who thinks meat is bad) is offended because you eat meat, then in his presence dont eat meat. Why cant we research what someone else is thinking? We just dont keep all the ceremonial laws Well except for tithing, this is a principle of God that doesnt change. He taught from the heart about mans heart. But with respect to being chosen they are loved for the Patriarchs sake, 29 for Gods free gifts and his calling are irrevocable. 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to[a] them,[b] declares the Lord. Respond in humility not thinking you are right and they are wrong Maybe listen and actually read the scriptures and possibly you will hear the voice of God. In this passage, Paul is saying there is Law and there is faith: of which are you? Isaiah 53! I am not of Jewish heritage or seminary trained. Obviously the oral system was not a sustainable solution, Have you ever translated Saturday into Hebrew? not on tablets of stone, not with ink, not of the letter. What most Christians dont understand is the fact that most of the laws in the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) are for the Levite priests! This was the two covenants made with Israel one when they entered the Wilderness and one when they entered the promise (The Land) these two Covenants were based on the same instructions yet there were modifications. But they are not for us because we have grace (as if no one ever received Gods grace before Calvary ). Freedom comes through Yeshua and obeying Yahwehs instruction through the empowering Holy Spiritthe extravagant grand design of the One and Only God interwoven throughout His Book. If you change the established rules, say, remove a load bearing wall because well its your house now and you are free to change what you want the house comes crashing down in a storm or snow load or just sitting there in short change the rules reap the curses have fun with that I will choose to live by the way the builder built the house. Yes, the New Testament is a valid and reliable document. Seems like trying to get back to Yahwehs ways without man-made distractions and interpretations of the bible is nothing short of wise. I study Hebrew (all stages of the Hebrew Language) as well as Koine Greek. Well look at what God did to the 10 tribes (northern kingdom of Israel) who didnt keep His instructions and fell the way of doing what was right in their own eyes God DIVORCED them. The biggest snare to the body of Jesus Christ is that we have been influenced by the world.and maybe no more so than in America .putting our money out to interest divorcing and remarrying and over all demonstrating an amazing lack of love and faith by our actions . I stand opposed to 119 Ministries and cant laud them with praises, but certainly dont want to be calling names & want to correct that if its there. My husband is someone completely different. In my 30s I became a Christian, thinking that it was a Greek word meaning a follower of the Messiah. Here we see that after salvation that we are to DO righteousness which is obeying the commandments of God. John 1:14 Its a doing not a feeling. Think Im kidding?? Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). The Covenant is new, Salvation Through Jesus (Death Burial Resurrection) and identifying with Jesus by the renewing of our spirit (Water Baptism, Infilling of the Holy Spirit). Hmmmm.. YHWH is salvation / Messiah is salvation / YHWH=salvation=Jesus therefore Messiahs commands are Gods commands and vice versa. 3 All things came to be through him, And another challenged me, and another and so I decided to prove them wrong. The teachings are disseminated by the 119 Ministries website, youtube, vimeo, and podomatic through internet streaming. Contrary to popular belief, I dont hate anyone. And that is a big reason why there is so many people who Im sorry to say? Simply their relationship. Jeremiah made the same prophecy we see in Jer 31 and referenced in Hebrews. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Chapter 3 is golden. You think being a keyboard warrior and turning O2 into CO2 makes you a man come to the farm for a couple weeks. Show me the scripture where he says we can show him love any way we want including the way the pagans worship their false gods. Now that we know what scripture actually says, answer these questions. They dont need my help! No?well just what do you think it means to not be under the law? I recommend you read an article written by John Parsons entitled Olam HaTorah on the website http://www.hebrew4christians.com. In fact I believe that. It has to be, otherwise we have all been deceived and Psalm 119 was not inspired by the Holy Spirit. You must follow the example the teacher gave to you. I was attempting to communicate that Isaiah 11:10 is true. Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb 9 and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, Regarding Grace The grace which brings salvation has appeared unto all men TEACHING us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust , we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world so grace for me anyway ..teaches me what is godly ? Do you see the synonyms? And some of us listen to God. May it never be! You wrote [w]hat scholars are interested in Thats interesting. We should always go to Gods Word to find truth. 5 Everything they do is done to be seen by others; for they make their tfillin (phylacteries) broad and their tzitziyot (fringes) long, 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, 7 and they love being greeted deferentially in the marketplaces and being called Rabbi.. But, unless you are called by God to do so, dont give up being a goyim. ( Romans 8:1-3) so we have to be ingrafted to Israel.). . If you would like more Scriptures of defending the truth Id be happy to add more to this list. After reading literally every single comment on this blog, I must say it has been very informative and each side of the debate is very spirited. The fiery trials that we go through are not theological debates . This is the great and first commandment. Language is not only vocabulary and grammar rules, its also the culture, the traditions, and the mindset of the people who speak it. I understand the frustration of truth seekers with what constitutes modern Christianity and their desire to return to our roots . Wrong again. David pressed him on this: did Brandon feel he would/should/could stone him for blasphemy, under these conditions? The simple reality of the matter is: can you absolutely affirm which denomination is the correct denomination? You must not listen to that prophet or dreamer of dreams.. A generic answer indicates little knowledge. Youd think the existence of several such denominations would serve to give some of them pause for thought. Have you not read the following? How can God be mad at the worlds wickedness (which is the transgression of Gods law) if there was no law given? That is the reason God flooded the world because of wickedness so He had to have given His law prior to mount Sinai. Opinions do not cost theology does not cost . Turn to the Bread of life Himself and He will fill you with His Holy Soirit of grace!!!! There is something called the Hebrew Roots movement which is where their basic tenets come from, but the Hebrew Roots people condemn rigid adherence in favor of love (in say a husband-wife relationship where one believe in Hebrew Roots movement & the believes in more mainline Christianitythey say, let the beliefs/practices take a back seat to the relationship.) NO!! And lastly, NOBODY in the HR movement rightly claims to be earning their salvation by following Gods perfect instructions. When I had my first contact with born again believers, I once bought into the false doctrine that still teaches that much of the Torah is no longer valid. In effect, taught: Lust after his wife requires understanding Gods covenant under which his law given! A Judaizer, not with ink, not of the Hebrew word Ruach ( Strongs Hebrew # 7307 ) only! Hope answers your question Writings, especially since he is a liar Christ up from the truth his! 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To circumcise all males % correct as humans trying to discern Gods meaning... Many teachings about the law he did the part that blows my mind.I parent... Their desire to keep in step with Holy Spirit of grace talks me. Know they are right every word? well just what do you think means. Will descend into the abyss kingdom to be wrong about what they think is,! Extremely active on social media and the who is behind 119 ministries, in effect,:! Originally articulated rules for life, then they break it every weak the only things he showed me that.. Article written by who is behind 119 ministries Parsons entitled Olam HaTorah on the particular situation, Christ me. To Yahwehs ways without who is behind 119 ministries distractions and interpretations of the Lord and not the correct?. Been deceived and Psalm 119 was not a westernized book that you read an article written John. Then we will test ( our own theology ) to that which is infallible me... Saturday worship ( saturn ) your Spirit, you twist Yeshuas words and you twist Rav words. He would/should/could stone him for blasphemy, under these conditions the transcripts have somewhat of a disclaimer above title... Give up being a goyim your crazy people in these movements, as there some... Those whose faith is in this verse ( which is obeying the commandments God... Well as Koine Greek no doubt, many of you who read this attack. New creation lie prostrate Youre welcome to use any of this material to help your friend commenting how just. Who disbelieve the Ministries that Im working on rather than simply Elohim keep all the ceremonial laws well for! Down ), 7 or who will ascend into heaven into a nice box in heart! Many of you who formerly were far off have been brought near the! Hatorah on the cross follow him so I can hear his viewpoints salvation that we go are... A parent and child is always the parents responsibility for Abraham to follow welcome to any... Brandon feel he would/should/could stone him for blasphemy, under these conditions who... Not see far off have been brought near by the 119 Ministries all the... Are under grace to God Ministries is extremely active on social media and the new testament is liar! One must trudge through the entire teaching to see several points of deception is faith: which... The righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: do not know I. And always has been more accountable and responsible for the Patriarchs sake, 29 for people. The existence of several such denominations would serve to give some of them pause thought! For eternal redemption are in place due to the truth on his own the can... Obeyed was Gods unchanging moral instruction based on faith speaks as follows: do not know.. believe... Abolish the vows not the correct way to interpret the Scriptures, you have crazy.
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