On the planet Tython, scholars, scientists, warriors, and religious figures met to discuss an anomalous energy field present in the galaxy that would become known as the Force. However, as this took place, the Harbinger encountered the Ebon Hawk, which was being pursued by a Sith warship commanded by Darth Sion. However, Palpatine's quiet position gained him many friends within the Senate, and he became increasingly popular. It was created by Darth Bane, a Dark Lord and member of the Brotherhood of Darkness. As Satal and Aleema panicked and fled deeper into the tunnels beneath Iziz, the King fought the Jedi, but to no avail. All the pieces were now in place; Palpatine heavily influenced both the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic; Finis Valorum; and the current monarch of Naboo; Padm Amidala, and Sidious had direct control over the timid leaders of the Trade Federation. He freed the Daragons and hid them away in his fortress on Khar Shian, while reporting Simus's death back to the Council. In a test for the young Jedi, Tremayne ignored him until his anger burst out and he turned to leave. As of 137 ABY Darth Stryfe served as Krayt's Fist. The legends surrounding this creature are more common in Scottish folklore, but a few occur in Irish. The Republic ambushed the Confederacy's ships, and Merai was killed while his fleet routed. Nadd's spirit guided the two Krath founders to safety and returned to tell Ommin that he had forsaken him, and the Jedi that their victory would be short-lived. Unfortunately for him, this move was expected by Jedi Tholme and Sora Bulq. This article covers an essential topic and is in need of major additions and/or work. They remade themselves into Darth Revan and Darth Malak, marking the first recorded use of the honorific Darth title. Sith Lords used the dark side of the Force to inflict misery, suffering, and corruption. With the help of his new droid companion, T3-M4, Revan was able to steal the bypass codes to the Sith blockade from the Sith base and could escape the planet. Sacking the Temple, they disabled the Coruscant defense mainframe, allowing their forces to land and storm the planet. Traya, Lord of Betrayal, was betrayed again. As thousands of Jedi vessels descended upon Deneba, Satal was able to sneak a Krath warship among them, hiding in orbit. Despite Dowmat's aid, the Jedi were unable to bring down the Dark Lords, Bane's orbalisk armor protecting him from their lightsaber strikes, enabling him to focus solely on offense, while Zannah's defensive technique proved adequate to hold off Xaj, whose efforts were being hindered by Othone's rusty skills. After feigning his demise, Kressh had remained within the Empire, gaining support while Sadow lead the invasion of the Republic. The two formed a symbiotic relationship, the orbalisks got to feast on Bane's energy, sustaining themselves, while they formed a set of nigh-impervious bio-organic armor for him, and they served as repositories of Dark Side energy that he could draw on at will. [26], Darth Bane and his apprentice, Darth Zannah, Darth Bane and Zannah settled on Ambia on the shores of Lake Natth, a focus of Dark Side energy on the planet. This absence was explained when Ruusan was suddenly attacked by the Jedi Army of Light, led by Lord Hoth. Thanks to the efforts of these two teachers, whom Bane kept secret from one another, he gained sufficient power and skill to challenge Sirak. Websth The Scottish Gaelic term for fairy, but also whatever is fairy-like, unearthly, not of this world. Although Darth Revan had intended for Telos to be conquered, Darth Malak ordered the former Republic admiral Saul Karath to prove his loyalty to the Sith by destroying Telos - Karath complied. In the bloody arenas of Geonosis, a gladiator who called himself the "New Mandalore" rose to prominence. As the Ketos prepared to crush the resistance on Koros Major, word of the struggle and Krath usurpation reached the Republic capital of Coruscant. Over time the Jen'jidai and the Sith interbred to make the two groups indistinguishable from one another, and the Empire continued to be lead by a succession of Dark Lords, including Tulak Hord. They attacked Coruscant. Several Sith fled to Thule, where they would remain for generations, waiting for their revenge on the Jedi and the Republic. Shortly after the two Jedi discovered it, the Talisman was taken to Jebble by invading Mandalorian forces. These Force-sensitives were chosen and honed by the Sith apprentice. Retreating to a large chamber deep in Belia Darzu's fortress, they stashed their artifacts and information in a small side room, along with Darovit, and prepared to meet the Jedi. Under the control of Darth Vader, these Inquisitors were considered the highest ranking of the Dark Side Adepts, outranking the Emperor's Hands, Prophets of the Dark Side, and lesser Dark Jedi. While Zannah sought out information on orbalisks in the Jedi archives, Bane began to rethink his decision to remove them. Dyas, anticipating the coming chaos, had contracted the cloners on Kamino to create a clone army. The war was drawing to a close, and Exar Kun was the last leader of the Sith still standing. 1. As the Sith Empire consolidated its power and the Galactic Republic licked its wounds, the Cold War began. At the same time, Count Dooku decided to interrogate Kenobi himself. Forgotten by the rest of the galaxy and by the Jedi Order, the Lost Tribe members developed their society, growing in number and deepening their knowledge over the dark side. The Mandalorians temptation for battle eclipsed their desire to avoid Malachor, and so began a final, massive assault on the Republic fleet which was being lead by Surik. They believed that the avoidance of conflictlike the pacifist teachings of the Jediresulted in stagnation and decline. It was not until 2 BBY that an alliance of rebels and dissidents emerged to challenge the Galactic Empire, beginning the Galactic Civil War. It was during this war that the Leviathan was created, along with many other monstrosities. The beast-riders were slaughtered. Ulic only now realized what he had done and renounced his Sith ties, agreeing to help the Jedi defeat the Dark Lord Exar Kun. Dark side of the ForceSith'ari She was cornered from two sides in the Trayus Core while meditating and violently subdued. The "One" represented the Sith Order itself, a unified and cohesive group of Sith who restrained from infighting and were fanatically obedient to Dark Lord Krayt. Choose your side in the #SWTORCompanionChaos Celebration Starting March 20! Brotherhood of DarknessOrder of the Sith LordsLumiya's SithOne Sith WebThe Sith, also referred to as the Sith Order was a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force. Both Carrick and Draay survived; however, neither returned to the Jedi Order, deciding to take different paths. He then asked several systems to secede from the government, and to join his Separatist Movement. After realizing the boy's Force-sensitivity and cultivating his interest in the dark side's power, Plagueis manipulated him into murdering his own family, thereby initiating him into the fold of the Sith. Representative Jar Jar Binks then volunteered to speak his mind to the senate, and his speech to the many senators was shocking, for they had believed him to be a total buffoon. [7], However, Dessel was challenged to a fight one day by one of his now dead father's friends; Gerd; Dessel bit off the drunken miners thumb. In this new Sith cult, many of the followers sported a red and black tattooed appearance. During his training he performed various important tasks in the area around the Enclave. KorribanZiostAmbriaCoruscantDromund KaasThuleRoonMalachor VJaguadaDxunLehonUmbaraKesh [26], While they gained a massive number of Sith equipment, Bane was still unsatisfied. Originally confined to arguments and debates within the council, the disagreement exploded violently during the Funeral of Marka Ragnos. Dooku became irritated at Boba's actions, and ordered the boy to be killed. However, Sidious' clone bodies were poisoned by Carnor Jax, who hoped to proclaim himself Emperor in Sidious' place, and the dying Sith Lord desperately sought a healthy new vessel for his spirit. A survivor of the Mass Shadow Generator in the war's final battle at Malachor V, the experience of the shadows made him "hunger" for Force energy and the affliction began to ravage his body. [12], Surik took to wandering the galaxy, gradually revisiting most of the old battlegrounds where she had fought. Like the Jedi and the Old Republic, the Sith underwent a great reformation after the apocalyptic final Battle of Ruusan. During their reign, the Sith Lords fought for power, challenging one another with new and innovative weapons created through the dark side. $33.24 $ 33. Zannah, as a final act of mercy, used the Force to destroy Darovit's right hand, disarming him, but indirectly sparing his life, as Bane no longer saw him as a threat. Using alchemically altered soldiers and beasts, the Dark Jedi's war lasted a hundred years. WebThe Sith, also referred to as the Sith Order was a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force. Although the name might imply otherwise, Dark Jedi were not synonymous with Sith, although Darth Vader among others used techniques drawn from the traditions of both the Dark Jedi and the Sith. Their visit to Telos was a total debacle. The Sith are an order of Force-sensitive beings who use the dark side of the Force. As she traveled to Telos aboard the Republic cruiser Harbinger, she was drugged and stowed away by an HK-50 assassin droid looking to collect on the Jedi bounty posted by the Exchange crime syndicate. The Jedi Knight Aayla Secura discovered the planned attack, and warned the Republic, but when Dooku's agent Tookarti warned the Sith, Dooku said it did not matter. Also distinct for their bone spurs, facial tentacles, Bullied by his father and the other miners, Dessel became a highly aggressive though cunning individual, fighting back until they left him alone. Revan was then reprogrammed with a new identity, one loyal to the Republic, while Bastila Shan was charged with keeping Darth Revan's identity hidden and drawing out the former Dark Lord's memories. By the time of the Second Imperial Civil War, there had been three Darth Wyyrloks, while the fourth in line, Saarai underwent Sith training in Korriban. While the Dark Lords led the assault, Bane went to Kaan's tent and used his communication equipment to order the Sith fleet to attack the Jedi fleet, breaking the Sith blockade and allowing the Jedi to send reinforcements. Kun broke into the sealed tomb and encountered the spirit of Nadd, who encouraged the young man to continue his search on the ancient Sith burial world of Korriban. Count Dooku offered the senator freedom if she supported the Separatists, but she refused. Revan's followers soon adopted the name "Revanchists". Leaving behind Shan, those who had served alongside him at war's end, and all of his possessions, Revan departed known space in order to face this threat in his own way. With Lord and Lady Keto dead and the Tetan government under their control, Satal and Aleema took up residence in the Iron Citadel in Cinnagar. The Sith, also referred to as the Sith Order was a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force. Although the Council still wanted Bastila to continue to draw out Revan's memories, they were also curious to see if Revan could accomplish this mission without falling to the dark side. Other than Bane, notable Sith Masters include Darth Zannah, Darth Cognus, Darth Plagueis and his successor; Darth Sidious. Sith was also originally used in the pulp novel The Warlord of Mars in reference to a wasp-like creature the size of a bull. Bane began stirring up a variety of anti-Republic terrorist organizations, in order to distract the Jedi from investigating Sith rumors and keep the Republic united, ensuring that the Sith only had a single target to focus on, and to set the stage for the eventual Sith takeover. Sensing this, Nomi and rest of the assembled Jedi created a wall of light around Yavin 4, hoping it would have the same effect as it did against Ulic on Ossus. By doing so Revan would be able to begin his rule with a functioning army and a stable economy without his rule being questioned. Haazen was revived by the Sith and turned to the dark side, only to hide his allegiances following the end of the war. Having learned of his parentage, Luke was determined to turn his father back to the light side of the Force. She was firm at first, but after a week of endless torture, he succeeded in breaking her and turned her to the dark side. The Dark Lord converted them to his cause and recruited them. Declaring themselves sovereign warlords, they fractured the empire into a number of small, hotly-contested kingdoms. [13], Several hundred years after the fall of Darth Desolous, another charismatic and revered Jedi Master fell to the Dark side and recreated the Sith. [7], Now united under a single banner and with a common goal in mind, the Sith onslaught was vicious and inexorable. He did this believing that under Kh'aris, Ryloth would secede from the Republic when the Clone Wars began. Prepared to reveal himself once more, the frail king had the dark side slave, Warb Null, lead the Naddist cult into battle on the streets of Iziz during the Queen's funeral procession. The Jedi landed aboard the Trade Federation flagship in orbit above Naboo and waited to meet with Gunray and his aides. Before he was able to kill them or fly away, He was confronted by Yoda. However, the Sith believed strongly that the worthy could control their emotions and use them, while the weak were ruled by them. Hetton was a Serenno nobleman and self-taught Sith acolyte. It was an inversion of the Jedi Code, a set of rules for members of the Jedi Order. The Battle of Geonosis was heavily tipped to the side of the Republic, and the Separatists were in full retreat. The enraged Kressh demanded Sadow leave, however his rival instead claimed the mantle of Dark Lord. In order to gain leverage, Fenn kidnapped Nat Secura, son of Lon Secura, who was Kh'aris's enemy. Bane believed this philosophy would solve the infighting that had long been the bane of the Sith Order. [34], Ultimately, none of these events proved to be setbacks; Palpatine's ultimate goal of gaining the Chancellorship was achieved. NaddistsBrotherhood of the SithKrathMecrosa OrderSith TriumvirateDark ForceShadow CollectiveDisciples of RagnosLost Tribe of SithMalevolence The practice of one apprentice per master was retained, however there were many masters. Darth Plagueis was eventually ambushed by a Bith who claimed Sith Lordship, calling himself Darth Venamis. The Baltimore After gathering what relics he could from the Massassi Temples, Nadd left Yavin 4 behind and traveled to Onderon, an Inner Rim world. This Sith Empire was an obscure order of adherents to the dark side of the Force, who survived the He soon realized that Asajj Ventress, a Dathomirian warlord, had assassinated Dooku's guide, seeking to impress the Sith. An army of over twenty thousand Sith Lords and their followers, its destruction on Ruusan heralded the beginning of a new order. Becoming Darth Vectivus, he managed to keep control of himself, relying on his staunch ethical code to prevent becoming corrupted by the Dark Side. Darth Bane proceeded to steal Lord Qordis's ship and left Korriban. Dooku was now free to leave the planet, and retreated to his hangar, where he prepared his solar sailor. Prior to the battle, Revan had entrusted her with the Mass Shadow Generator, a new superweapon designed by the Zabrak engineer Bao-Dur. After studying the Sith holocron of Darth Revan, Bane decided that the Brotherhood needed to be destroyed and the Sith rebuilt as a secretive order consisting of two beingsa single master and a single apprentice. Abandoning the Jedi, he fled Ossus craving revenge. This caused his progress to slip, and after a disastrous failure in a sparring match, Bane was denied the right to train with the other students. Feigning shock, he claimed that the apparent Republic aggression and rescue of the Daragons required retaliation, something he had foreseen. The Hands were Darth Krayt's most able servants, trained and existing to carry out his will. In the process Sadow hoped to rid the Empire of Kressh, and so planted evidence on Ziost that would point to back to himself. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. Upon arriving, the Ebon Hawk was crashed on the unknown planet because of its disruptor field. In the midst of the New Galactic Civil War the Fel Empire joined forces with the Legacy Sith and brought the galaxy to its knees. Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. The program was mostly successful, however several beasts survived on both Korriban and Kashyyyk. They also secured diplomatic relations with the ocean planet of Manaan so that they would able to export the healing substance known as kolto. Deciding to regroup, Revan and his companions fled to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. The taint soon turned out to be a Cathar Dark Jedi named Juhani, who he redeemed and convinced to return to return to the Jedi. Also distinct for their bone spurs, facial tentacles, [29], However, when Bane gained the holocron and studied its immortal ways, it was stolen by Set Harth, who was once the apprentice of Zannah while trying to help her kill Bane. He instituted the Rule of Two. Meetra Surik, following information from Atris, arrived on Malachor and stormed the Sith academy. Returning to Korriban in defeat, Sadow's forces were met with those of Ludo Kressh. Whatever his intent or actions, the Sith Empire ultimately returned. Even after Galia took the throne and the fighting ended, there was still a noticeable dark side aura throughout Iziz. The galaxy was Imperialized and the Galactic Empire conducted numerous atrocities to solidify its rule. [26][27], Using their power, he dominated one of the Dxun beasts to serve as his steed. Realizing it had all been a test far too late, Freedon's saber cut through Tremayne, killing her. Bane dispatched Zannah to infiltrate the Jedi temple and gain access to the archives, so he might find a way to remove the orbalisks. The new Sith, however, betrayed the Empire and deposed the Emperor. [32], Darth Sidious declared his apprentice's training complete and dubbed him Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith. In truth, the Darkstaff created a massive Force storm that swept across the surface of Almas and transported Rivan through space and time to Ruusan during the final battle of the New Sith Wars several centuries later. Known by the derogatory nickname "Bane", given by his father to the "bane of his existence", Dessel eventually learned to ignore the jibes and insults directed at him by the other miners.
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