Now you know that elimination of possums from your place can become a pretty hard task if you apply no efforts, or an easy-to-do task, if you consider our tips. so does many other less annoying creatures. I live in Floridas woods and clearing leaves and wood around is an impossible task. Professional cage trap for live capture of animals and pests. You have way to much time on your hand!!! I had read they were solitary creatures, but that doesnt seem to be the case as so far Ive found 2 adults and 2 young. You apparently dont have chickens. not out in the woods. He is bold. I realized reading your comments that if I would have let him live he would have came back. Thats a pretty horrible way to get rid of them or any living creature Maybe try mothballsbut trapping is a for sure way to get rid if themjust relocate to some wild area with a water sourcecover the trap while trasporting to help their stress level. However there are many other suitable lures including pet food, other fruit and vegetables, etc. Dad uncovers them, carries them down to the river several yards from our house on the property and lets them go. They kill off snakes because they are immune to its poison!!! I had $5000 worth of damage from them getting into insulation took a year to get rid of the smell. My husband had to shoot it 3 times (and hes a good shot) to kill that damn thing! i have replaced my duct and installation @ 3XS it aint cheap either! Spent $1,000s on treatments and tests, but nothing worked. Thats not normal you need help. this site is full of malarky! After drinking water, the mice blow up. He raised her, took care of her every time she rode him, and she loved him more than anything. They kill and eat chickens traumatizing the remaining birds. My dogs kept barking at an opposum at night and I killed it with an axe and chop the opposum into pieces. They CAN TOO be aggressive!!! So, to all you lucky enchanted opossum supporters, wake the fuck up. Use: spray it on the tree where you've placed the trap. Also, had my handyman pull out a dead one under my house. Well I dont know what kind of possums you have but the one thats trying to live at my house is going under my house destroying my duct costing me from $300-$400 everytime he finds a way to get under my house. Antifreeze kills animals. I think Ive lost about $15,000 over the last 3 years. I hate them so much for ruining my home. You obviously dont monitor and repair such areas of the home before they became in such a state of disrepair and now you want to blame it on them. I dont care if they carry diseases or not just simply tired of coming or going and getting frightened by them because theyre too close for comfort for me. Suggestions will appear below the field as you type, Please sign inor create an accountto use Project Lists. Bout to go crazy! They carried diseases and that could be harmful for your pets. Lucky for me I was but a few steps from my garage side door. 150Sqm Area 40W Electric Bug Zapper Insect Mozzie Killer Fly Trap Catcher Eco Pest Control-Grey. He walks down the fence row and I have even put it at the end of the Fencerow where he comes off to get in my yard every day it hasnt worked I tried it under the bushes he goes through that hasnt worked. although they dont carry rabies they do carry many other diseases such as TB, can carry plubonic plague, and a few other nasty ones. They have to have calcium- and a LOT of it. They do have a good sense of smell so food will REALLY attract them. A .17 HMR works great on possum. EVER USE MOTH BALLS! They dont see well unless you a close but can hear u or smell u. I use 22ga number 4 shot very effective in in rural area. Even with all the windows rolled down, sunroof open, air conditioning full blast, I was gagging. Losing him has ripped a hole in her heart so big it will take a very long time to heal. I tried to throw my slipper at the possum but it walked up to my big tree in the backyard & just sat there. The smell permeates into the house making it unbearable inside. The possum under my deck is eating them from the root updozens every day, I am in tears. They do not cause destruction, raccoons and roof rats do. If your main target is possums, we w 25 Personally I live next to river and woods. because YOU are wrong, Anybody that posts a photograph of their oversized phat cat with two baby possums might be called a Phossum Whisperer. Holding the handle on the top of the trap, slowly pull up the trap allowing it to fall into place to erect the basic shape of the possum trap. In the morning, arrive with your shovel and bury him. Otherwise their defense is to play possum until the threat leaves. I was shooting them until lectures and admonishments from friends and relatives got to my conscience and I promised I wouldnt kill any more. Thank you for taking care of business like that, dont feel bad it had to be done, possums suck and yes they do bother our pets, My dog barks himself into a frenzy when he hears them get into our yard and attic. I know what you used. Attach the bait (carrot, apple, kiwifruit) to the trigger and set the trap lifting the door and then holding it open. Whyin the world were baby kittens outside in a box? Good job. When I find possums, shoot their ugly asses. Yates 1L Ready To Use Possum Repellent Spray. I have since closed up the panel access entrance. Hell carry them around for hours as they play dead, wont let my dad take them from him and when hes tired of playing with them he buries them alive in the sandbox thats back there. I will try peanut butter and cole slaw this time. I stepped out into my back yard with a flash light, which I now wish was my shotgun. Recently visited the south island in New Zealand, their possum population eats 50 acres of vegetation per day, they like to feed on native bird eggs of which, are now becoming extinct, it is an environmental catastrophy of uncontrolable proportion. Sneaky bastard. I live close to a wash that apparently is home for all the momma possums and their babies. I put out a bowl and he drank it three times on comera. Protect whats yours , if you dont the possums will put holes all in your property for breakfast lunch and dinner if you let them. I dont give a dam what the law is. Dont want to kill them thats just crueljust dont want to see them , If Opossum come out the woods can they die I dont care. They will soon avoid the area. Live capture cage trap.These are an excellent cat trap. Play thier mamas revenge for smucking with them.tearing out new bathroom floor before finished.9? When he tries to dig under the upper portion of the L, he is greeted with wire that he cant dig through. I dont want anything harsh that will hurt my dogs do Im hoping to try the mothballs/ammonia along the outside rim of the fence! Due to they like getting in the horses hay and water barrels the horses can digest this parasite that once it makes it to a horse it will no longer be passed due to it attaches to the nervous system and if not treated soon enough also depending on the health and age of horse it will attack the neurological system causing the horse to eventually be paralyzed and then have to be put down. they barely speak english and their garage window is broke.. they constantly come out the window n sit on my fence. I have possums in my yard at night and they make my dog go crazy! I did not release it as it would be up in my roof again causing damage. upsets my dog. My mamma cat needs her food and Id prefer them not to be here. There are many people who enjoy having possums around and can offer very good advice. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Possums have a right to live. Start your 30 day free trial now! Reviews. So yeah, dont try telling ME theyre harmless. Youre welcome!!! Naturally everyones backyard is filled with different pests and insects that are to be eliminated. Hmmmm? Omg this is exactly my problem. You seem to think they have feelings and personalities. Its tail is prehensile and naked on its lower underside. How heavy is the possum trap?Our possum trap weighs only 3kg. Look up EPM (Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis). Can i call animal control ? (anyone notice the irony & hypocrisy in THAT law?) These WILD animals would still have a place to live in the wild, theyre not coming on to our property, weve came onto theirs! They are too aggressive, they will aggressively chew up your stuff like the instillation in your house, they will aggressively steal your pets food too. They are part of the big picture. To a litter..year 3..the possums gonna eat the cat. All of them. ThanksI will try that! No sympathy for you! They are highly beneficial animals and if people want to get away from their house and dont want their benefits they should use a method to catch and drop off with a live trap in a different area. My circle driveway that goes around my living area is the 38th parallel of the property. So i had to go out and try and kick it off her without getting bit myself. It ran so fast and jumped the fence. Position the trap inside the roof space near the possum's access point. Since that day I have learned a lot about myself & possums. I saw the possum just walking on top of the fence. Reviews. possum droppings; scratches on trees; nibbled citrus, roses, or other shrubs I have the same issue u do/did? The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects. Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. I have no sympathy for them. Thats why Im here now. This can be done with a pair of pliers. We have to share the earth . How do I figure out how they got in? They are really near animals once you get to know them. They are nasty, angry, ugly, diseased, slow, stupid slugs with hair. $199.95, Special Price An apple cut in half is a great lure for possums. Place the lure at the end of the trap so that the possum has to walk all the way in and step of the foot plate. How easily the eggs are reactivated in your lungs or an open wound. For years I have been feeding about 7 cats that were picked up and spayed by animal service. Possums are highly territorial so you must be careful where you release the possum. Insert a trip pin far enough in order to prevent releasing the door. I totally agree. Reviews. We have possums live under our house they make noise at all the time is any one know how can I get rid of them. my dogs have their shots but what about stuff there isnt a vaccine for? Including people. $30 worth of cat and dog food eaten or ruined, so far$200 for the reinforced wood screen door hes torn apart. SO YES WE INVADED THEM not the other way around. If not those people are insane to want giant rats around. Could she be under my house having babies ? Compare. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Do you pet CockRoaches too?! Not a good alternative to use as you may kill your own or neighbouring pets. However, this should be a place where it can find resources in order to sustain itself. I stopped and watched it crawl on its front legs. Tell the owners that. A coyote could kill your cat as well as a large dog or a car. I just discovered a burrow under my front stoop in one side and out the other. They carry NO diseases, including rabies, and they are very beneficial depending on how you feel about slugs,snails,grubs,mice,rats, etc. There are various methods to help deter or repel possums from feeding, all with varying degrees of effectiveness. We are bigger but definately not half as smart as most animals because we are killing animals off like we are the only ones with a right to life. Set a 10x12x32 cage trap or a simple raccoon-sized trap in the place, where youve noticed any damage or the animal itself. Cross that line and act in an intimidating or destructive manner .. youre a goner. Rid the earth of these nasty creatures. If camouflaging / hiding the trap ensure materials do not interfere with the operation of the trap parts. So now Im spending a lot of time daily setting/checking traps for dead mice and their stinking mess, in and under my house. Hedgehogs My question is thisam I mean for wanting to protect my familys health and our investment (the homestead weve worked so hard for)? They would much, much prefer to eat a carcass bone than a live one! My poor hens are tramatized. They have horrible hearing and even worse eye sight. Just an FYI. Or had success with other methods? As for these godly remarks, should we keep still water around in the spring to help the lords mosquitoes to thrive? Google it please! Btw trailers are easy for them to get into and I dont leave food sources anywhere bc ive had mice. Must give it a try with the spring vegetables. It is built strong for regular outdoor use. Any suggestions? they multiply like like rabbits, and will overrun your property if you leave anything in your trash or have food out for pets or livestock. Make sure all garages, woodsheds and boathouses are properly closed. Studies have shown that animals released into another possums territory can die due to stress, fighting and starvation. Now we have 2 more and one of them is really big. These are opportunistic scavengers and feeders. Also they dont carry rabies. Just this morning I went out on the porch to check on my 4 two week old baby kittens and there was a opossum in their box it looked like a blood bomb had went off in the box and all four of my babies were dead and that Damned thing was just sitting there proud. they dont like to be wet, or boiled. Yes i know they hang out late at night on my porch.i need them to move, Wow. Decreasing the slope will make it firmer. They were not cornered or threatened. I tried to hit it into a tree and thought I killed it. In the summer our neighborhood is crawling with possums thanks to selfish people who donate theirs to our block. They HATE the sound of plastic bags though, so just scrunch up a bag and they run right out of the cage! Please dont tell me to just buy tomatoes at the store. by all means Dont feed them good luck. They always eat all the bait while they are trapped so at least they are well fed before they go for a little ride. Yates 1L Ready To Use Possum Repellent Spray. These creatures do not need to live in my opinion! Its ridiculous. Shoot it in the face. Those who suggest using poisons to kill animals themselves need to eat a few packages of it, and let us all know how you fare. They are now abundant because you folks have demanded all the predators be removed (foxes & coyotes in most areas) to protect FiFi, your little two pound lame poodle that has no place in nature other than as an appetizer. I understand they are harmless physically but the damage they can cause otherwise is costly. Possums are adorable when they are climbing trees and dashing across electrical wires. It finally got caught under the dishwasher & died yuck but found out that pouring amonia heavily around the premimeter of the house repells the rest of the family. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. ! I left the screen off for 5 days and nothing has come back out. Ferrets Along with raccoons they kill a lot of rabbits, etc. EPM.Google it A fatal disease from possum feces. UNLESS OF COURSE YOUD LIKE TO KNOW THEY HAVE A GOOD DIET CAUSE YOU EAT EM. Sometimes the female possums bring in the garage the babies on top of her or in her pouch. I had a tarp over a pile of wood in my backyard and saw the possum. No kill them. For more information, see each trap instruction sheet. How to construct your Possum Trap from Pestrol - Humane, catch and release. Goddamn possum liking my grill. We used them. Sorry but gtfo of my house and my 2 year old child! I dont care what the law is that possum is the walking dead. possums get along well with cats and raccoons. More likely the kittens died from neglect, starvation, or dehydration. Get a life people!! I have them around my place and dont really care as long as their outside. They will get rid of unwanted ticks fleas and even poisonous snakes as they are immune to them. While I do not fear these beasts and enjoy the occasional sightings of a mother walking across the top of my fence with a baby clinging to her. they have had litters too. We supply a range of innovative products developed right here in NZ, as well as brands sourced from around the globe, Talk to us:0800 654 320, Free delivery within NZ - on orders over $99.00 + GST, ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **. Can you tell me anything these little beasts are good for? Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. I hope you find the site useful and thank you for already sharing your knowledge and experience with others. I destroyed 40 or more just last night . Then after about two weeks it got into my chicken coop and almost had one for dinner. cats arent the problem and if it is a cat then lock your trash up and they will stop. I read that take Nestles Chocolate Quick in a bowl, and let them go and eat it. And I dont believe that arguments of he was here first or hes not aggressive so why are you afraid or I think hes cute would change your mind. Thats to date. A opossum killed my hen. So I went out and around and when I got over there she was gone but I could here her baby calling to her from under the house. Go buy a single shot pellet rifle and a shovel. But still, there are some baits that work better than others and prevent the catch of a home pet. Review. Then they need water to get it down. I also sprayed it up tree trunks to try to defer them going up into their tree nests. Just in front of those places, where youve already seen possums activity. Opossums are beneficial to your yard and eat rats (even roof rats) and mice along with snails, slugs, etc. Opossums have several dens and move around frequently. Needs suggestions dont really want to kill it, but will if this is my last resort. we understand its gods creature but at the same time they can make your home unliveable. Wow shut up. Description Possum Trap Dimensions of our possum trap: Open Size: 24cm (W) x 66cm (L) x 26cm (H) Why our possum traps are top sellers in Australia: Quick and faster to assemble: Less than 20 seconds. I had to put her down because of old age. Caught it red handed with the chickens head in is mouth. The 'Bunnings possum' has gone viral, with the original video of the brazen marsupial munching on some lettuce plants being viewed more than 634,700 times since being posted on the ABC Brisbane Facebook page on Friday. But my luck they would die under my house. Set the trap at dusk and check each morning. The point we have gotten to is to dispatch the animal quickly. Multicrop 3L Keep Off Dog And Cat Repellent. videos, make sure you use all equipment, including PPE, safely by following the manufacturers instructions. While I tend to agree that possums have their benefits, they also have their downsides. Despite my attempts to be hospitable to the ones in my own back yard, and with all due respect to the animal lovers out there Helen, you need a GUN. Opossums very rarely carry rabies because of their unusually low (for mammals) body temperatures. That is the best eating and licking up that gravy from the fat that the Possum makes is finger licking good. I think you mean mice and baby rats and yes thats good. My dogs go crazy after it. Everything will be dead. Moth balls are doing nothing with the possum that decided that under my kitchen (there is no basement under my kitchen) is the best shelter for it! They also provide excellent clean-up service. Inside the box is a spring loaded bar that strikes the possum under the chin when it sets off the trap. Well people now I fell bad for him mixed emotions I wanted to get rid of them they r huge they dont bother me in any way but my wife is so terrified because I work out of tow a lot gonna have to cut the trees so they wont Clim on my roof and keep my yard spot less clean my dog goes crazy when he sees them and wakes me up on the middle of the nite I have a gun but now I feel bad for thinking about killing them I prefer a possum over a snake. Inside the box is a spring loaded bar that strikes the possum under the chin when it sets off the trap. Consider yourself lucky. The Timms traps has been available for at least 30 years as a possum kill trap and has become a household name in New Zealand. Remove the cable ties holding the possum trap closed. Cuz I got a cat and dont want her hurt but hate the possum. Then it stood up, climbed another tree and over the wall. The cleaning techniques mentioned above is stupid. I thought two nights ago my husband fought one for about 40minutes broke my broom bit the broom and was coming for more. Ok so, im reading all of these replies and some are funny some are not, some are helpful some are not. Shown that animals released into another possums territory can die due to stress, fighting and starvation it 3 (. Possum until the threat leaves kittens died from neglect, starvation, or boiled loved... Raised her, took care of her or in her pouch ; nibbled citrus, roses, boiled! Closed up the panel access entrance my mamma cat needs her food Id... To put her down because of old age it into a tree and thought i killed it an! Into a tree and over the wall a tree and thought i killed with. Easily the eggs are reactivated in your lungs or an open wound hand!!!!!!! For more information, see each trap instruction sheet steps from my garage side door and... 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