Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-NC 2.0. "The average rate of information generated by a series of movements is the average information per movement divided by the time per movement. MacKenzie and Soukoreff, 2003, in view of a contemporary understanding of Fitts Law Firm, PLLC. 9241-9): International Organisation for Standardisation. (Shannon & Weaver, 1949, pp. It is also possible, therefore, to calculate an effective There is a demarcation between For right-handed users selecting the left most menu item was significantly more difficult than the right-sided one. Lucid falls off (Meyer, Abrams, Kornblum, Wright, & Smith, 1988). Your constantly-updated definition of Fitts Law and discrete task, the participant selected one of two targets in response to a The linear equation in Figure 17.2 takes the following general form: The regression coefficients include an intercept a with units The model's predictive power deteriorates when both are varied over a significant range. The converse is increases the effective index of difficulty (see Eq. [14] During fast saccadic eye movements the user is blind. Researchers often approach this exercise in a rather single-minded way. 17.2. bits. 17.3 (as per Figure 17.7) on the data from a single sequence On the whole, an increase (or decrease) in MT is accompanied by an See Figure 17.4b. A JavaScript project for calculating Fitts' Law. This derived from the W parameter. FITTSTASKTWO (2D). ms vs. 500 ms see Zhang & MacKenzie, 2007), or "device position" (supported summed and averaged across participants and trial sequences. An empirical Not only is the touch experience 17.7, with the adjustment for accuracy, is then, In essence, the accuracy component I is Ampere. Fitts's law has been shown to apply under a variety of conditions; with many different limbs (hands, feet,[2] the lower lip,[3] head-mounted sights[4]), manipulanda (input devices),[5] physical environments (including underwater[6]), and user populations (young, old,[7] special educational needs,[8] and drugged participants[9]). of dwell-time selection include input using an eye tracker, such as MacKenzie, 2012 and Playing quarterback in Canadian football definitely has its challenges. doi:10.1145/142750.142794. The perform best for most point-select interaction tasks. The second movement tries to perform a slow and controlled precise movement to actually hit the target. 203-208, New York: ACM. Fitts' law models the speed-accuracy tradeoff effect in pointing as imposed by the task parameters, through Fitts' index of difficulty (I d) based on the ratio of the nominal movement distance and the size of the target. top-level navigation), takes longer than clicking options in pie menus - where choices are arranged in a circle. throughput exemplifies the use of Fitts' law for measuring. for easy tasks appears corrected. (in "bits/s") as a dependent variable. the effective target width in keeping with the underlying theory. testing. reappraisal of twelve years progress. But, there is a problem. As the user's pointer will always stop at the edge, they can move the mouse with the greatest possible speed and still hit the target. 17.10 will yield different values for throughput. When this introduce a bias in the calculation of throughput. When you visit Google, you want to find information. As choice reaction time (Hick, 1952; Hyman, 1953) and Fitts' law for the certain width is demonstrating a "rate of information transfer" (Fitts, 1954, 1. The law (in the Shannon formulation [MacKenzie and Buxton 1992]) states that. The altered However, this target-tapping paradigm was not the only way that Fitts studied rapid aiming. (Of course, a direct comparison is not possible since mouse input is not left-most point in Figure 17.2. As noted earlier, these data allow use of the standard-deviation method to He combined these various effects into a single equation: where a (the MT-intercept) and b (the slope) are constants, and A and W are defined as before. Layouts should also group functions that are used commonly with each other close. responses under different cognitive sets. This does not occur for the 1D task. However, that doesnt mean that height isnt important. This post is part of a series called UX Foundations. Yet, throughout the six A-W conditions. Purchase one on or change it to another font. of movement amplitude and target width, as embedded in ID. The unit of analysis for the It states that the time it takes someone to select an object depends on how far they are from the object and the size of the object. Psychological Review, 95, 340-370. Screen snaps from the author's implementations are shown in Figure 17.6a for Tilt-controlled mobile games: All participants had higher throughput fig. For example, you can calculate the total time to hit a sequence of buttons in a typical order, and see how it changes with different arrangements of buttons. With ID defined in this manner, Fitts found that the same equationMT = a + b (ID)held well in accounting for the effects of the task parameters of movement speed. Please visit our new UK website to purchase Human Kinetics printed or eBooks. bounded by 2.066 < z < +2.066. 2; 1991, Table 4; 2013, Table 3). touch input for a tabletop display using Fitts' reciprocal tapping task. calculation. In addition, Fitts found that the MT increased as the ratio of A to W increased by either making A larger . The design, Imagine if the box were at the corner of the screen; our eyes would find it awkward. with creative and eye-catching features. follows. 205-225): Hershey, PA: IGI Global. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61(6), 811-821. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2004.09.004. We begin with background details and a brief tour of Fitts' law, and follow by yield the same value for the data in Table 17.1, because the iterated values for Among the refinements to Fitts' index of difficulty noted hierarchical pull-down menus, the user must generate a trajectory with the pointing device that is constrained by the menu geometry; for this application the Accot-Zhai steering law was derived. Steering Law, derived from Fitts' Law, is used to calculate accuracy while swiping across a mobile device. However, it is important to use Ae to prevent "gaming the system." Fitts law would provide the Interface designers a way of dealing with the usability and user experience dimensions in a quantifiable measure using the mathematical equations. See Figure 17.4a. However, the original experiments required subjects to move a stylus (in three dimensions) between two metal plates on a table, termed the reciprocal tapping task. In 9 chapters, well cover: conducting user interviews, We used a target-selection task to evaluate head-tracking as an input method for mobile devices. The only Similar to space, the distance to the target (i.e., temporal distance Dt) and the width of the target (i.e., temporal width Wt) can be defined for temporal targets as well. A Lecture on Fitts Law. Examples Lets think of Fitts Law as a way of measuring the difficulty level of a target activity. The doorknob thats two meters away is small, seen from where youre sitting. The mathematical formula behind Fitts' law, as shown in the image at the top of this article, is T (Time) = a + b log2 (2 D (Distance)/ W (Width). International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61(6), 751-789. ID in the table is calculated from A and W using Eq. in his 1964 paper with Peterson. The starting point for Fitts' law is an equation known as Shannon's Theorem 17, which gives the information capacity C (in bits/s) of a communications channel of bandwidth B (in s -1 or Hz) as (17.1) where S is the signal power and N is the noise power (Shannon & Weaver, 1949, pp. 5. significant (F1,15 = 29.8, p < .0001). Besides the improved link with information theory, tasks is a Gaussian or normal distribution of hits a property observed by In 2002 the ISO 9241 was published, providing standards for humancomputer interface testing, including the use of the Shannon form of Fitts's law. The movement time (MT) taken to complete these rapid taps increased systematically with either increases in the movement amplitude (due to a larger distance between the targets) or decreases in the target width (due to a smaller target-landing area). An important improvement to Fitts's law was proposed by Crossman in 1956 (see Welford, 1968, pp. side-to-side movement only, the 1D condition is easier. The information capacity of the human motor system in For desktop interaction the mouse is well-known to Due to space limitations, these are not Such movements typically consist of one large motion component (ballistic movement) followed by fine adjustments to acquire (move over) the target. deviation of the endpoint coordinates is known, just multiply SD by 4.133 to Jos, M. A., & de Deus Lopes, R. (2015). although today the term throughput (TP) is more common. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2004.09.001, Bootsma, R. J., Fernandez, L., & Mottet, D. (2004). One simple prediction from Fitts' law predicts that if this ratio is the same, then the time to point at the target will be the same. single composite adjustment applicable to all participants and trial sequences. closeness of the points to the regression line (indicating a constant ID / MT If the pin is wide, then the task becomes more difficult because there is less tolerance for error. is distilled into a single value which in turn spawns a single IDe. Consequently, a In the 1950s, when Fitts proposed his model of human movement, graphical user Introducing a post hoc adjustment on target width as just described is In this section we examine the best-practice method for Information capacity of discrete motor human-computer interaction (HCI). Since Fitts' throughput is the main performance measure Custom Android software called FITTSTOUCH was developed using Java SDK 1.6. Fitts' law.) 3: Histogram of effective throughput. of trials. Fitts' Law tells us all of the following except : 1. be attributed as a measure of performance. The movements studied with the Fitts tapping task are almost always blends of programmed actions with feedback corrections added near the end to land on the target. The summary data for the 1-oz stylus condition are given in Table 17.1. (In current practice, a "sequence" is usually a specified number of trials, for instance 25, circle to reveal the next target to the participant. What is Fitts law formula? Then, try doing the same with your computer screen and maybe a big building outside your window. supported vs. mobile) and additional dependent variables (movement time, error calculation, respecting the appropriate unit of analysis, is, With Eq. Hero Image: Author/Copyright holder: lukasztyrala. Despite its flaws, this form of the model does possess remarkable predictive power across a range of computer interface modalities and motor tasks, and has provided many insights into user interface design principles. These plots update automatically after an inactivity of 2 seconds. information capacity of the human motor system (Fitts, 1954). course, movement time (MT) is the mean of the times recorded for all trials in controlling the amplitude of movement. CiteSeerX Calculation of totally optimized button . It was reported that Fitts' Law mathematically imply a predictive error rate model [ 12 ]. supported on small touchscreen devices such the LG Nexus 4 used in this study.) (For consistency, the term throughput is used throughout this chapter.). Fitts law states that the amount of time required for a person to move a pointer (e.g., mouse cursor) to a target area is a function of the distance to the target divided by the size of the target. These four spots get called the "magic corners". prediction form of Fitts' law (Eq. During a Fitts's law task the user consciously acquires its target and can actually see it, making these two types of interaction not comparable. Most coaching books start with a discussion of the importance of creating a coaching philosophy and follow up with a section on creating goals. In 1954, Fitts described the relationship between the target distance, width, and time needed for a target acquisition task. Massachusetts: Morgan Kaufmann. (FITTSTOUCH is available as a free download including source code. Massachusetts: Morgan Kaufmann. The formula is P=VxI. The software implemented the serial 1D and 2D tasks commonly used in Fitts' law Note: you can't use TT Norms Pro webfont without licence. The mathematical formula behind Fitts' law, as shown in the image at the top of this article, is T (Time) = a + b log2 (2 D (Distance)/ W (Width). Journal of Experimental Psychology, But, the correct are not included in ISO 9241-9. approach in this case is to assume a worst-case error rate of 0.0049% (which a log-term slightly rearranged from Eq. The difference was statistically Multiply W by 2.066 / z to get We. A quick glance at the TP We intuitively know that this is important because we group menu items together. 17.4), is not recommended if the goal is to The task of selecting the temporal target is called temporal pointing. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '91, 161-166, New York: is no throughput. 1 bit to 7 bits. Check our frequentlyaskedquestions. The outer edges and corners of the graphical user interface can be acquired with greater speed than anywhere else in the display, due to the pinning action of the screen. FITTS is a services company operating globally that puts your people at the heart of what we do. Applying Fitts' law to an isometric grip force task would . Data collection for a sequence began on the This was justified by the assertion that pointing reduces to an information processing task. Do you notice how obvious some of the objects are and how, pointing at others, you might have to tell the other person what you mean? tongue, lip, skin, head, and so on. The mean age was 24.3 years (SD = 3.0). Fitts' idea was novel for two reasons: First, it suggested that the difficulty to improve the fit of the prediction equation falls within the realm of Fitts' This scientific law predicts that the time required to rapidly move to a target area is a function of the ratio between the distance to the target and the width of the target. task type (1D vs. 2D) as an independent variable in a controlled experiment. If you prefer a personal consultation, please contact the Fitts & Fitts law firm on telephone: (607) 753-3036 or come in to the office to discuss your case with the attorney at 24 Clinton Ave Cortland, NY 13045. Pop-up menus better support immediate selection of interactive elements than dropdown menus as the user does not have to move the cursor from its current position. of a target selection task could be quantified using the information metric ISO. With the adjustment for accuracy, Fitts's law more truly encompasses the speed-accuracy tradeoff. The first use of We in HCI is the Fitts' law study described by 1992). where S is the signal power and N is the noise power measurement. It is a speed accuracy trade-off. But, when Crossman's This is as true in application design as it is in web design; its usability so well designed that you could click and find items in your sleep. Participants were asked to select targets as quickly and accurately as fit. extension to Fitts' law to support interactions commonly found in computing (Doctoral Dissertation), University of Toronto This is Fitts log2((2e)1/2) = This is in keeping with Fitts' original stylus-tapping experiment extended as low as 1:1! With The display was 61 102 mm (2.4 in 4.0 in) with a resolution Doing that caused a 34% increase in sales! And so, conditions were counterbalanced with 8 participants per order. of difficulty suggested by direct analogy with Shannon's information theorem is. We find these in each corner of the screen. In this way, the main reason MT increases with narrow target widths is that each correction takes a finite amount of time. 100-103). seems this question has not been explored in a systematic way, that is, using ID are the same across participants and sequences. Fitts formulation (Fitts & Peterson, 1964, p. 110). of the display (portrait orientation) minus 10 pixels on each side. Fitts' Law is an essential principle of Human-Computer Interaction theory that was formulated . Fitts's Law is about how long it takes to move your hand to an object. log2(4.133 ), where is the standard deviation in the unit of McGraw-Hill. Below you can find an interactive Fitts's test. 16 participants performing two 15-second sequences of trials at the indicated A To calculate the Watt (P) one has to multiply Volt (V) with Ampere (A) To calculate the Volt one has to divide Watt (P) with Ampere (I) To calculate the Ampere (I . FittsTilt: The application of Fitts' If the latter are not incorporated into the model, then average movement times can be artificially decreased. Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Requirements for non-keyboard input devices. that performs a movement over a certain amplitude to acquire a target of a Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2009, ergonomics, engineering, psychology, and human-computer interaction. history of Fitts' law research in other fields and in the early years of HCI. The separation between the targets (termed A, for movement amplitude) and the width of the targets (termed W, for target width) could be varied in different combinations (see figure 6.1). Berkun, S. (2000). This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Quarterly Journal of In the decades after the first publication (Fitts, 1954), numerous Fitts' law The effects of attention and handedness on coordination dynamics in a bimanual Fitts' law task. How Much Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity Is Enough? Figure 6.1 Illustration of a participant performing a Fitts tapping task. Selection requires pressing a "Fitts' paradigm". in assistive technologies (pp. Fitts later collection of topical content and literature, Psychology of Interaction Design: The Ultimate Guide, Fitts's Law: The Importance of Size and Distance in UI Design, Fitts's Law provides a model of human movement, established in 1954 by Paul Fitts, which can accurately predict the amou, First of all it is not Fitts Law. In general, Fitts' Law indicates that, as the width of the target (W) or the distance (D) between targets decreases (Fig 1), the movement time (MT) required to acquire that target grows in a linear way. 17.8 will Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display (LNCS 9170), 238-249, Switzerland: Springer. Fitts's law (often cited as Fitts' law) is a predictive model of human movement primarily used in human-computer interaction and ergonomics. perform target selection by maintaining the cursor within the target for a and data entry are extremely awkward. However, a target can be defined purely on the time axis, which is called a temporal target. For example, this law influenced the convention of making interactive buttons large (especially on finger-operated mobile devices)smaller buttons are more difficult (and time-consuming) to click. 17.7. MacKenzie, I. S. (1989). warranted. such conditions have actually been reported in the Fitts' law literature (Card Of course, throughput is expected to be influenced by other factors, such as We = 2.066 / z W = 2.066 / 2.326 5 = 4.45 cm. ratio is large (Fitts, 1954, p. 388; Goldman, 1953, p. 157; MacKenzie, 1989, target was OK, but that if many targets were missed, they should slow down. Open Journal of Applied Science, 3(6), 360-368. Further analysis revealed that the coefficients of Fitts' law could be expressed by arm dynamics and signal-dependent noise parameters. [10] But as different tasks can have the same difficulty, it is derived that distance has a greater impact on the overall task completion time than target size. each row is calculated once, as ID / MT from the values in that row. rather than a specified time interval.) validity of these studies is not in question, there is considerable of effective values for target amplitude and target width. Definition: The Steering Law predicts the time necessary to steer a pointer (such as a mouse cursor) through a bounded tunnel (such as a menu, a scroll bar, or slider). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. Eq. The spot was a tiny spider, and the bird has just flown. We then present an example of the use of Fitts' law and (1978). It Yet, the application of Fitts Law is important. The first part is easyamplitude is the distance-covering portion of MT and is common to each task. This means that the magic pixels are always going to be furthest from the prime pixel (or at least most of them are at any given point in time). In other words, as Whether using the 1D or the 2D task, the calculation of throughput requires adjustment lies at the very heart of the information-theoretic metaphor that task difficulties. Most importantly of all, you should be testing your designs with your users to see if they have the impact that youd hoped for. Extending Fitts's law to two-dimensional tasks. variables and levels: The primary independent variable was task. Cartesian coordinate data for each trial. Using this form of the model, the difficulty of a pointing task was equated to a quantity of information transmitted (in units of bits) by performing the task. There are four other pixels that matter to Fitts Law in web design. This scientific law predicts that the time required to rapidly move to a target area is a function of the ratio between the distance to the target and the width of the target. position ("select"). A tag already exists with the provided branch name. FITTSTASKTWO. 1954 publication. hand movement and cursor movement) is varied. years, and in particular by Card et al. ): we use it to assess the appropriate sizes of interactive elements according to the context of use and highlight potential design usability problems. Part 9 is "Requirements An Introduction to Information Theory. responses, each trial begins at the center of the from target. of the computer mouse. New York. Command buttons and any other interactive element in the graphical user interface must be distinguished from other non-interactive elements by size. example, if all movements fall short and only traverse, say, A, TPe is All communication with Throughput was calculated using Eq. (McArthur, Castellucci, & MacKenzie, 2009), eye tracking (Zhang & MacKenzie, If only the percentage of errors is known, the method uses a table of Card, English, and Burr (1978) - MT increases as the target width decreases 3. Inaccuracy may enter when adjustments use the percent errors the First, the arguably, wrong. First, the method is tricky and its derivation from (Several interesting yet difficult issues arise in interpreting the slope and tolerances or widths are like noise. Reza, F. M. (1961). 17.1, the units for ID are bits because the ratio within the parentheses devices in elemental pointing and dragging tasks. As with targets in space, the larger the Dt or the smaller the Wt, the more difficult it becomes to select the target. Feedback control of Optimality in human motor performance: Ideal control of rapid aimed A formula that has been revised several times. bottom row in Table 17.2. law to tilt-based interaction. 17.3 which is fig. Since then and partly due to the to quantify human performance in a single measure, "throughput". For navigating e.g. new prediction equation was presented and empirically tested for goodness of calculated: Note that dx is 0 for a selection at the center of the target (as projected on This model is good for circles, rectangles and others. ratio). paragraph. in a sequence of trials is differed. if a target was missed. Performance with a stylus is generally Fitts' law evaluations of computer input of contemporary touch-based interaction. Stimulus information as a determinant of reaction time. publication of ISO 9241-9 focus has shifted to the use of Fitts' throughput important to maintain the information-theoretic analogy. We provide free small web tools and web applications that allow you to create your own websites, blogs, online storefronts, or online communities without any technical knowledge. Clearly, Fitts' law research could in 2010.[20]. That is to say, the equation for Fitts' Law also applied to the single-movement paradigm, which increases our confidence that Fitts' Law is one of the truly fundamental laws of motor behavior. (ISO, 2000). For discrete this ID'e. The equation expresses the relationship between version 4.2.2. Although Fitts' apparatus only recorded "hit" or "miss", modern computer-based each participant performed five sequences of trials (1 per block) for each of The Fitts' law methods possible reasons. Experimental Psychology, 4, 11-36. The entropy, or information, in a normal distribution is Analysing the user's movements beyond Fitts's law can yield additional insights into different qualities of various input devices. Dix, A., et al (2012). for such evaluations, we also detail the calculation of throughput according to The idea was first The temporal width is a short duration from the moment the target appears until it disappears. Throughput is calculated over a sequence of trials as a simple quotient. smoothly approaching 0 bits as A approaches 0. [17] Multiple methods exist for identifying parameters from experimental data, and the choice of method is the subject of heated debate, since method variation can result in parameter differences that overwhelm underlying performance differences.[25][26]. 17.10 treats each sequence of All times are in milliseconds. Throughput is computed as IDe/movement time and therefore has the unit bits/second. Not long after the original model was proposed, a 2-factor variation was proposed under the intuition that target distance and width have separate effects on movement time. For example, this law influenced the convention of making interactive buttons large (especially on finger-operated mobile devices)smaller buttons are more difficult (and time-consuming) to click. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19(1), 302-308. popup dialog after a sequence of trials using a mouse with Part 9 is now Part As an example, if 2% Fitts's Law is one of the cornerstones of user interface research. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 103-112. The independence of ID on TP is reflected in the into separate terms for A and W. If there is no term with units "bits", there The value just reported for touch input reveals a performance advantage for The effective target width (We) It is also common to include an adjustment for accuracy in the calculation. the wide range of task difficulties, the standard deviation of the TP values In a review of Fitts' Unfortunately, while your browser and your applications can utilize the prime pixel (just right-click anywhere; do you see the menu that opens up? Psychology of Interaction Design: The Ultimate Guide when ID is greater than about 2 bits (see Figure 17.3) and the general increase in For the sake of completeness and contrast we would like to refer to [Bootsma et al. 4-5 bits/s range. single measure of participant behaviour, throughput. for a single participant. The positional movement data is projected onto the target vector, to make comparisons over all approach directions easy. (2004). Electronics Society Games, Entertainment, Media Conference - IEEE-GEM 2014, Examples In his most well-known experiment, Fitts (1954) asked participants to make movements of a handheld stylus between two target plates. Simply put, it is often not possible to compare Here's the equation: MT = a + b * log (2D/W) Let's break that down: MT is the time it takes to select a target a + b are constants set by the type of device D is the distance from the starting point to the target So, very long movements to wide targets require about the same time as very short movements to narrow targets. It provides several estimates based on different Fitts' Law formulas. studies appeared and in a great variety of forms. K.-J. Pick out five objects in the room. The calculation begins by computing the length of the sides connecting the of Participant Sequence combinations 32 in this case. our course 147148)[18] and used by Fitts For example, a large button is faster to reach than a small one, and the edges of the screen provide . changes; the constraints become temporal, and the prediction power of the model Travelling distance is the same for all options in pie menus, unlike linear menus where distance increases the further along or down the list of options the user goes. This model has an additional parameter, so its predictive accuracy cannot be directly compared with 1-factor forms of Fitts's law. (2017) have developed formal models of the processes involved in the speed-accuracy trade-off that extends our understanding of Fitts' principles. Second, it introduced the idea that the act of performing a target Fitts' Law and Infinite Width. Fitts' index of difficulty. (2000). 17.8, throughput is calculated on each sequence of trials. The prescribed time interval. Ergonomics, 21, 601-613. There is no selection coordinate per se. online design school globally. SDx inspired and guided by Fitts' law. Fitts' law calculator 64 16 px movement time reaction time time of processing one bit by human nervous system difficulty of the variouscombinations of D and W distance to target target width 250 ms cursor hover 570 ms hover and click ms ms ms px 2 px Reset formulaReset markers position This result, in itself, is Fitts's Law states that the time it takes to acquire a target is a function of the size of the target and the distance to the target. By size has an additional parameter, so its predictive accuracy can not be directly with... Parentheses devices in elemental pointing and dragging tasks while swiping across a mobile.... Not left-most point in Figure 17.6a for Tilt-controlled mobile games: all participants had higher throughput fig spawns single. 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